400 | OperationUnsupported.ServiceManaged | Operation of %s is forbidden because this instance belongs to Service manager. | - | diagnosis |
400 | INSTANCE_HAS_INACTIVE_CHANGE | Instance configuration is processing, and will be active in the next day. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Duplicated.ClientToken | ClientToken is duplicated. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.PAY_ORDER_FAILED | The Account failed to pay order. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.INVALID_CREDIT_CARD | The Account Credit card is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | The Account Balance is insufficient. | The Account Balance is insufficient. | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.REFUND_FAILED | The Account failed to Refund. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.WITHHOLDING_AGREEMENT_ILLEGAL | The Account withholding agreement is illegal. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST | The Account coupon doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST | The Account stored card doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_EXIST | The Account Book doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.TAX_CALC_FAILED | The Account Tax failed to calculate. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.COUPON_NOT_MEET_CONSUMPTION_RULE | The Account coupon doesn't meet consumption rule. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.USER_DECLINED | The Account declined to pay. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.INVALID_AMOUNT | The Account amount is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | The Account amount limit exceeded. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED | The Account Currency doesn't support. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.CURRENCY_INCONSISTENCY | The Account Currency is inconsistency. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.NO_CREDIT_CARD | The Account doesn't have Credit Card. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.GET_PAY_URL_ERROR | The Account failed to get Pay Url. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.PAYMENT_PARAMETER_INVALID | The Account payment parameters are invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.QUERY_QUOTA_BOOK_FAILED | The Account failed to query quota book. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PRODUCT.INSTANCE_RELEASED | The Instance is released. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PRODUCT.INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_EXIST | The Instance type doesn't exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PRODUCT.INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | The Instance type doesn't support. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PRODUCT.NOT_AVAILABLE_IZ | The Instance zone id doesn't support. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PRODUCT.INSUFFICIENT_STOCK | The product stock is insufficient. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PURCHASE.NO_VAILD_PURCHASE | The purchase is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PURCHASE.PURCHASE_QUERY_FAILED | The purchase failed to query. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.ORDER_AMOUNT_ILLEGAL | The order amount is illegal. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.NOT_ENOUGH_ACTIVITY_STOCK | The order activity stock is not enough. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.SYS_CONSTRAINT_INVALID | The order system constraint is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.QUANTITY_INVALID | The order quantity is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.PERIOD_INVALID | The order period is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.BID_USER_ORDER_FORBIDDEN | The order of bid user is forbidden. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.ACCOUNT_STATUS_ILLEGAL | The order account status is illegal. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.QUOTA_EXCEEDED | The order quota exceeded. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.OPEND | The account order is open to buy instance. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.NO_REAL_NAME_AUTHENTICATION | The account is not real name authentication. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.ARREARAGE | The account is arrearage. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.INSTANCE_HAS_INACTIVE_CHANGE | The instance has inactive change. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.INST_HAS_UNSETTLED_BILLS | The instance has unsettled bills. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.INST_HAS_UNPAID_ORDER | The instance has unpaid order. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PRICE.PRICING_PLAN_NOT_FOUND | The instance pricing plan is not found. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.QueryPrice | Query price failed when create order. | Failed to query the price when creating the order. | diagnosis |
400 | PRICE.TAXING_ERROR | The instance pricing tax is error. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PRICE.INVALID_INQUIRY_PARAMETER | The instance pricing inquiry parameter is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PRICE.INQUIRY_FAILED | The instance pricing inquiry is failed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | COMMODITY.INVALID_COMPONENT | The instance component is invalid. | The instance component is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | AUTH.RAM_AUTH_FAILED | The ram authentication of sub-user is failed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | RISK.RISK_CONTROL_REJECTION | The Account is rejected by risk control system. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CreateOrderFailed | The Account failed to create order. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OrderFailed | The Account failed to create order. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ARREARAGE | The Account has some ARREARAGE. | - | diagnosis |
400 | INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | The Account Balance is insufficient. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NO_REAL_NAME_AUTHENTICATION | The Account should be Real Name Authenticated. | - | diagnosis |
400 | QUANTITY_INVALID | Instance num exceeded Quota. | - | diagnosis |
400 | INVALID_COMPONENT | This Account can't buy such type instance. | - | diagnosis |
400 | NOCARD | User Profile doesn't have card. | - | diagnosis |
403 | MissingParameter | The input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | - | diagnosis |
403 | Forbbiden.SubUser | The specified action is not available for you. | You are not authorized to perform the operation. | diagnosis |
400 | UnsupportedParameter | | A parameter is set to an invalid value. | diagnosis |
404 | Forbidden.InstanceNotFound | The specified Instance is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM. | - | diagnosis |
404 | Forbidden.DiskNotFound | The specified Disk is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM. | - | diagnosis |
404 | Forbidden.SecurityGroupNotFound | The specified SecurityGroup is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM. | - | diagnosis |
404 | Forbidden.SnapshotNotFound | The specified Snapshot is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM. | - | diagnosis |
404 | Forbidden.ImageNotFound | The specified Image is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM. | - | diagnosis |
403 | Forbidden.RAM | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM. | - | diagnosis |
403 | Forbedden.NotSupportRAM | This action does not support accessed by RAM mode. | You cannot call this operation as a RAM user. | diagnosis |
403 | Forbidden.RiskControl | This operation is forbidden by Aliyun RiskControl system. | The operation is forbidden by the risk control system. | diagnosis |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | The request failed due to a temporary server error. | diagnosis |
400 | InsufficientBalance | Your account does not have enough balance. | Your account balance is insufficient. Top up your account and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | IdempotentParameterMismatch | Request uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request. | The client token used in the request is invalid. | diagnosis |
403 | RealNameAuthenticationError | Your account has not passed the real-name authentication yet. | Your account has not completed real-name verification. Complete real-name verification and try again. | diagnosis |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. | An internal error occurred. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter | | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter | | Required parameters are not specified. Check whether you have specified all required parameters before you call this operation. | diagnosis |
404 | InvalidRegionId.NotFound | The RegionId provided does not exist in our records. | The RegionId parameter is set to an invalid value. Specify a valid value and try again. | diagnosis |
404 | Throttling | Request was denied due to request throttling. | The traffic volume exceeds the quota. To increase the quota, submit a ticket. | diagnosis |
409 | OperationConflict | Request was denied due to conflict with a previous request. | The request conflicts with another one. Try again later. | diagnosis |
403 | InvalidIdempotenceParameter.Mismatch | The specified parameters are different from before. | This client token is different from the previous one. | diagnosis |
403 | LastTokenProcessing | The last token request is processing. | A token request is being processed. Try again later. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter is not valid | The parameter is set to an invalid value. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter | Miss mandatory parameter. | Some required parameters are not specified. Specify all required parameters and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidAliuid | User Id is not valid. | - | diagnosis |
409 | OperationConflict | The operation against this instance is too frequent, please try again later. | Operations are too frequently performed on the instance. Try again later. | diagnosis |
401 | CrossBorderError | The specified routerInterface connection is crossBorder. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.LastTokenProcessing | The last token request is processing. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.Throttling | The operation is too frequent, please try again later | - | diagnosis |
400 | DryRunOperation | Request validation has been passed with DryRun flag set. | The request passed the dry run. | diagnosis |
500 | CreateOrderFailed.UseCoupon | The Account failed to create order with coupon. | - | diagnosis |
500 | CreateOrderFailed.UseStoreCard | The Account failed to create order with store card. | - | diagnosis |
503 | SOCKET_TIMEOUT_ERROR | java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out | - | diagnosis |
403 | Forbidden.OperateShareResource | Operate share resource is forbidden. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CreateOrderFailed | The Account Balance is insufficient. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationUnsupported.AdvancedFeature | Advanced features of the vpc is unsupported. | This advanced feature is not supported. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.Throttling | The operation is too frequent, please try again later. | - | diagnosis |
400 | IllegalParam.NextToken | The specified param nextToken is illegal. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.PreEnv | This user is forbidden to operate in pre environment. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.Endpoint | The specified RegionId is unavailable for this endpoint. | - | diagnosis |
400 | SystemBusy | System is busy, please try again later. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ExclusiveParam | The param of %s and %s are mutually exclusive. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResourceAlreadyExist | The specified resource of %s is already exist. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidOperation.DomainName | The specified domain name can't operate this region. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.TokenInvalid | Create order failed, because the token is invalid | The system failed to generate the order because the token is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.QuotaNotEnough | Your quota is insufficient. Please contact your channel partner to increase your quota. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.AliGroupUserCanNotBuyInnerCommodity | This product has no group cloud product label, and users within the group are not allowed to purchase. | - | diagnosis |
400 | IllegalParam.ResourceGroupId | The param of ResourceGroupId is illegal. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.BasicInfoUncompleted | Your information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation. | The error message returned because your basic information is incomplete. Complete your basic information and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | OrderFailed.ConcurrentOperate | Failed to create the order due to concurrent operations. | Failed to create the order because concurrent operations are performed. | diagnosis |
400 | Price.SystemError | Price query failed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CashBookInsufficient | No payment method is specified for your account or prepayment balance is insufficient. | The error message returned because your account does not have a payment method configured or does not have sufficient balance. | diagnosis |
400 | OrderError | The Account failed to create order. | - | diagnosis |
400 | UnsupportedRegion | The feature is not supported in the region. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.RiskControl | Risk control check failed. | The error message returned because your payment method has security risks. Click the link for verification in your email or console message and submit your order after verification. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidTagKey | The tag keys are not valid. | The tag index is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidTagValue | The tag values are not valid. | The tag value is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.TagNum | Custom Tags quota exceeded | The upper limit is reached. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.TagKeys | The request does not allow operate this tagkeys | The error message returned because you cannot manage the tag key by calling the operation. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.TagKey.Duplicated | The specified tag key already exists. | The tag resources are duplicate. | diagnosis |
400 | SizeLimitExceeded.TagNum | The maximum number of tags is exceeded. | The number of tags has reached the upper limit. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.TagKey | The input parameter TagKey that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | The TagKey parameter is not set. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.TagValue | The input parameter TagValue that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | The TagValue parameter is not set. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidStatus.NatGateway | nat gateway status is incorrect. | the nat gateway status is incorrect. | diagnosis |
400 | IncorrectStatus.EipAddress | The status of the EIP is incorrect. | The status of the EIP is incorrect. | diagnosis |
400 | PAY.QueryParentRelationshipFailed | Lx failed to query the current user hosting relationship. | Failed to query the current user hosting relationship. | diagnosis |
400 | Mismatch.IpAndBandwidthPackage | The IP does not match the bandwidth package and is not in the specified bandwidth package. | The IP does not match the bandwidth package and is not in the specified bandwidth package. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound | Specified access key is not found. | The AccessKey pair is not found. | diagnosis |
400 | IllegalParam.Name | The param of Name [%s] is illegal. | The error message returned because the Name parameter is set to an invalid value. Specify a valid value and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.QueryOrderError | Failed to query order, error calling trade application. | Failed to query order, error calling trade application. | diagnosis |
400 | IllegalParam.Zones | The values of Zones [%s] are invalid. | Zones is set to an invalid value. | diagnosis |
400 | IpInstanceId.AlreadyOutsideBandwidthPackage | The eip instance is already outside bandwidth package. | The eip instance is already outside bandwidth package. | diagnosis |
400 | UnsupportedFeature.NatBandWidthPackage | The feature of NatBandWidthPackage is not supported. | The feature of NatBandWidthPackage is not supported. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.MultiDirectEip | No permission to bind multi direct eip. | No permission to bind multi direct eip. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationUnsupported.NATGWBONDINGENI | Operation is unsupported because the specified network interface is created with enhanced NAT gateway. | Operation is unsupported because the specified network interface is created with enhanced NAT gateway. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationDenied.CloudBoxResourceExist | The operation is not allowed because there are resources related to the cloud box in VPC. | The operation is not allowed because CloudBox-related resources exist in the VPC. | diagnosis |
400 | IllegalParam.Bandwidth | Illegal Param of Bandwidth. | The Bandwidth parameter is set to an invalid value. | diagnosis |
400 | ORDER.QUANTITY_INVALID | User quota has exceeded the limit. | The maximum number of EIPs you maintain is exceeded. You can go to quota management to increase the upper limit of EIPs. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.NoPaymentMethod | No payment method is specified for your account. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.ContainForbiddenLabel | There is a label that prohibits ordering, please contact your distributor for processing. | There is a label that prohibits ordering, please contact your distributor for processing. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.ResourceUidNotExist | The operation is failed because of the resource uid does not exist. | The operation is failed because of the resource uid does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.RegionDissolved | The operation failed because the region is dissolved. | Hello, Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region. Cloud services in this region will stop operating. In order to ensure your business continuity and smooth transition of data migration, you cannot operate new orders. Thank you for your understanding and support. | diagnosis |
404 | InvalidInstance.NotFound | The specified Instance does not exist in the specified region. | The specified instance does not exist in the current region. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.ExceedPurchaseLimit | You have reached the limit of purchase quantity. | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.SaleValidate | Validate sale condition with subArticle failed. | Failed to validate the sales condition with a subproject. | diagnosis |
400 | Mismatch.IpAndIsp | The specified IP address does not match the ISP. | The system failed to allocate the specified EIP because the ISP and IP address do not match. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationFailed.IpIsLocked | The operation is failed because of ip is locked. | Your application failed because the IP address is locked. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParam.Name | You must specify Name. | You must specify Name. | diagnosis |
400 | IllegalParam.IpAddress | The specified IpAddress is illegal. | The specified IpAddress is illegal | diagnosis |
400 | Order.NoRealNameAuthentication | Real-name verification has not been completed for the account. | You have not performed real-name authentication. Please go to the account center to complete real-name authentication. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationDenied.AccountTypeRestricted | The operation is denied because your account type is not supported. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParam.Description | You must specify Description. | You must specify Description. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceed.MultiBindedEip | The number of multi binded eip is over limit. | the number of multi-passthrough mode eips that can be bound exceeds the limit. | diagnosis |