If playback errors such as playback failures or stuttering occur on videos stored in ApsaraVideo VOD, you can use the check tool for playback URLs to diagnose abnormal configurations and handle the errors based on the suggestions. The check tool checks items such as the domain name, SSL certificate, and authentication information of videos.
The playback URL is obtained by using the ApsaraVideo console, API, or SDK. For more information, see Obtain playback URLs to play videos.
Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
On the Troubleshooting page, enter the playback URL of the video that you want to check, select the domain type from the drop-down list, and then click Check.
Handle the detected exceptions based on the provided suggestions.
NoteIf the playback URL of the video is not changed after you handle the exceptions, click Check Again on the Check Result page. If the playback URL is changed, return to the Troubleshooting page and enter the new playback URL to recheck the URL.
The following table describes the check items for a playback URL that includes an accelerated domain name.
Check item
Domain name
Domain name status
Checks the configuration status of the domain name.
CNAME status
Checks whether a CNAME record is configured for the domain name.
SSL certificate
Certificate status
Checks the configuration status of the SSL certificate.
Playback authentication
URL signing
Checks whether URL signing is enabled.
Authentication status
Checks whether URL signing is successful. If URL signing fails, the reason for the failure is provided.
User-Agent blacklist or whitelist
Checks the configuration status and type of the User-Agent blacklist or whitelist.
Hotlink protection
Checks whether hotlink protection is enabled.
Checks whether cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is configured.
Overdue payment
ApsaraVideo VOD status
Checks whether ApsaraVideo VOD is available.
Payment status
Checks whether overdue payments exist in your Alibaba Cloud account.
Overdue payment status
Checks whether the grace period for your overdue payments has elapsed.
The following table describes the check items for a playback URL that includes an OSS domain name.
Check item
OSS bucket
Checks the ACL of the Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket.
Storage status
Checks the storage configurations of the OSS bucket.
Signature status
NoteThis parameter is displayed only when the ACL of the OSS bucket is private.
Checks the signature status of the OSS bucket.
If errors occur when you use ApsaraVideo Player SDK to play videos, troubleshoot the error by following the instructions provided in Troubleshoot playback errors.
If you pass the traceId parameter when you create the player and errors occur when you use ApsaraVideo Player SDK to play videos, use the single-point tracing feature to trace playback exceptions in all links at the session and user levels. This helps you quickly locate the error cause. For more information, see Single-point tracing.