This topic describes the ProduceMediaComplete event as well as its notification content and sample callbacks.

Event type


Event description

This event is generated after media editing is complete.

  • Media editing can be initiated on the Video Editor page in the ApsaraVideo VOD console or through calls to the ProduceEditingProjectVideo operation.
  • Media files produced from media editing are used as the mezzanine files of media resources.

Event notification content

Field Type Required Description
EventTime String Yes The time when the event is generated. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format and in UTC.
EventType String Yes The event type. The value is ProduceMediaComplete.
Status String Yes The status of media editing. Valid values:
  • success: Media editing succeeds.
  • fail: Media editing fails.
Note If the value of Status is fail, mezzanine files of produced resources are not generated.
MediaId String Yes The ID of the produced media resource.
ProjectId String Yes The ID of the online editing project.
ErrorCode String No The error code. This parameter is available when an error occurs during media editing.
ErrorMessage String No The error message. This parameter is available when an error occurs during media editing.

Sample callbacks


  • For an HTTP callback, the following examples are the bodies of the HTTP POST requests.
  • For an MNS callback, the following examples are the message bodies.

Sample success callback message:

    "MediaId": "1234343b689*****a5422dfe1e472a41",
    "ProjectId": "987624bab6*****d9fcdeefdd974c7aa",
    "Status": "success",
    "EventType": "ProduceMediaComplete",
    "EventTime": "2018-12-26T14:34:09Z"

Sample error callback message:

    "MediaId": "1234343b689*****a5422dfe1e472a41",
    "ProjectId": "987624bab6*****d9fcdeefdd974c7aa",
    "Status": "fail",
    "EventType": "ProduceMediaComplete",
    "EventTime": "2018-12-26T14:34:09Z",
    "ErrorCode": "InvalidParameter.ResourceContentBad",
    "ErrorMessage": "The resource operated InputFile is bad"