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ApsaraVideo VOD:RefreshUploadVideo

Last Updated:Jul 19, 2024

Obtains a new upload credential after a file failed to be uploaded.

Operation description

You can also call this operation to overwrite the source file of an audio or video file. After you call this operation, the system obtains the upload URL and uploads a new source file without changing the ID of the audio or video file. If you have configured transcoding or snapshot capture for the upload, the transcoding or snapshot capture job is automatically triggered. For more information, see Upload URLs and credentials.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The ID of the audio or video file. You can use one of the following methods to obtain the ID:

  • Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console and choose Media Files > Audio/Video in the left-side navigation pane to view the ID.
  • View the value of the VideoId parameter returned by the CreateUploadVideo operation that you called to upload the audio or video file.
  • After an audio or video file is uploaded, obtain the value of VideoId from the response to the SearchMedia operation that you call to query the audio or video ID.

Response parameters


The returned results.


The ID of the request.


The upload URL.

Note The returned upload URL is a Base64-encoded URL. You must decode the Base64-encoded upload URL before you use an SDK or call an API operation to upload media files. You need to parse UploadAddress only if you use the OSS SDK or call an OSS API operation to upload media files.

The ID of the audio or video file.


The upload credential.

Note The returned upload credential is a Base64-encoded value. You must decode the Base64-encoded upload URL before you use an SDK or call an API operation to upload media files. You need to parse UploadAuth only if you use the OSS SDK or call an OSS API operation to upload media files.


Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "25818875-5F78-4A43-7DF6-D7393642****",
  "UploadAddress": "eyJTZWN1cml0eVRiQ0FJU3p3TjFxNkZ0NUIyeW****",
  "VideoId": "c6a23a870c8c4ffcd40cbd381333****",
  "UploadAuth": "FJU3p3TZ0NUIyeW****"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
No change history

Common errors

The following table describes the common errors that this operation can return.

Error codeError messageHTTP status codeDescription
InvalidVideo.DamagedThe video has been Damaged.400The error message returned because an error occurred during the video creation or the video was damaged.
InvalidVideo.NotFoundThe video not exist.404The error message returned because the video does not exist.