This topic describes how to use the help option to view all supported options.
Command syntax
You can also use the CommandKeyword help
command to view all options of a command. For example, you can run the alter help
command to view all options of the alter command.
Sample result
alter Alter table
clear Clear the screen
config Setup the configuration to access Tablestore
consume_tunnel Consume tunnel and print stream data
create Create a new table
create_index Create a new secondary index
create_instance Create a new instance
create_search_index Create a new search index
create_tunnel Create tunnel.
del Delete the specific row of table
desc Describe table
describe_instance Describe the instance, to get the detail info
describe_search_index Describe the search index to get detail info
describe_tunnel Get the tunnel's detail info
drop Drop the table
drop_index Drop the secondary index
drop_search_index Drop search index
drop_tunnel Drop the tunnel
enable_service Enable ots service before you start to use Tablestore, it is totally free
exit Exit the program
export Export the whole data of table to file
get Get row by primary key from table
get_splits Logically divide the data of the full table into several splits close to the specified size
getts Get data from timeseries table
help Display help
import Load the data into table, only WideColumn table is supported
import_timeseries Load the data into time series table, only TimeSeries table is supported.
list List all tables
list_instance List all the instances.
list_search_index List all the search indexes of the table.
list_tunnel List all the tunnels of the table.
press_check Check data for press
press_input Input data for press
put Insert a row into table.
putts put data to a timeseries table
query_ts_meta Query timeseries meta information.
quit Quit the program
scan Scan table.
search Execute search query on search index.
sql Run in SQL mode, then you can use SQL to select data.
update Update the row in table, it will insert a new row if it is not exist.
update_ts_meta Update attributes for timeseries
use Choose table to use.