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Tablestore:Term query

Last Updated:Aug 02, 2024

You can use term query to query data that exactly matches the specified value of a field. Term query is similar to queries based on string match conditions. If the type of the column is TEXT, Tablestore tokenizes the string and uses the tokens to match the keyword. A row meets the query conditions when at least one of the tokens in the row exactly matches the keyword. The keyword that is used to match the value of the column is not tokenized.






The type of the query. Set this parameter to TermQuery.


The name of the column that you want to query.


The keyword that is used to match the value of the column when you perform a term query. This word is not tokenized. Instead, the entire word is used to match the column value.

If the type of the column is TEXT, Tablestore tokenizes the string and uses the tokens to match the keyword. A row meets the query conditions when at least one of the tokens in the row exactly matches the keyword. For example, if the value of a column of the TEXT type in a row is "tablestore is cool", the value can be tokenized into "tablestore", "is", and "cool". The row meets the query conditions if you specify "tablestore", "is", or "cool" as the keyword to match the value of the column.


Specifies whether to return the total number of rows that meet the query conditions. The default value of this parameter is false, which specifies that the total number of rows that meet the query conditions is not returned.

If you set this parameter to true, the query performance is compromised.


The weight that you want to assign to the column that you want to query to calculate the BM25-based keyword relevance score. This parameter is used in full-text search scenarios. If you specify a higher weight for the column that you want to query, the BM25-based keyword relevance score is higher for the row. The value of this parameter is a positive floating point number.

This parameter does not affect the number of rows that are returned. However, this parameter affects the BM25-based keyword relevance scores of the query results.


The name of the data table.


The name of the search index.


Specifies whether to return all columns of each row that meets the query conditions. You can specify the returnAll and columns fields for this parameter.

The default value of the returnAll field is false, which indicates that not all columns are returned. In this case, you can use the columns field to specify the columns that you want to return. If you do not specify the columns that you want to return, only the primary key columns are returned.

If you set the returnAll field to true, all columns are returned.

Sample code

The following sample code provides an example on how to query the rows in which the value of the Col_Keyword column exactly matches "hangzhou" in a table:

 * Query the rows in which the value of the Col_Keyword column exactly matches "hangzhou" in a table: 
 * @param client
private static void termQuery(SyncClient client) {
    SearchQuery searchQuery = new SearchQuery();
    TermQuery termQuery = new TermQuery(); // Set the query type to TermQuery. 
    termQuery.setFieldName("Col_Keyword"); // Set the name of the field that you want to match. 
    termQuery.setTerm(ColumnValue.fromString("hangzhou")); // Set the value that you want to match. 
    //searchQuery.setGetTotalCount(true); //Set the GetTotalCount parameter to true to return the total number of rows that meet the query conditions. 

    SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest("<TABLE_NAME>", "<SEARCH_INDEX_NAME>", searchQuery);
    // You can configure the columnsToGet parameter to specify the columns to return or specify that all columns are returned. If you do not configure this parameter, only the primary key columns are returned. 
    //SearchRequest.ColumnsToGet columnsToGet = new SearchRequest.ColumnsToGet();
    //columnsToGet.setReturnAll(true); // Specify that all columns are returned. 
    //columnsToGet.setColumns(Arrays.asList("ColName1","ColName2")); // Specify the columns that you want to return. 

    SearchResponse resp =;
    //System.out.println("TotalCount: " + resp.getTotalCount()); // Specify that the total number of matched rows instead of the number of returned rows is displayed. 
    System.out.println("Row: " + resp.getRows());



  • When you use a search index to query data, you can use the following query methods: term query, terms query, match all query, match query, match phrase query, prefix query, range query, wildcard query, geo query, Boolean query, KNN vector query, nested query, and exists query. You can use the query methods provided by the search index to query data from multiple dimensions based on your business requirements.

    You can sort or paginate rows that meet the query conditions by using the sorting and paging features. For more information, see Perform sorting and paging.

    You can use the collapse (distinct) feature to collapse the result set based on a specific column. This way, data of the specified type appears only once in the query results. For more information, see Collapse (distinct).

  • If you want to analyze data in a data table, you can use the aggregation feature of the Search operation or execute SQL statements. For example, you can obtain the minimum and maximum values, sum, and total number of rows. For more information, see Aggregation and SQL query.

  • If you want to obtain all rows that meet the query conditions without the need to sort the rows, you can call the ParallelScan and ComputeSplits operations to use the parallel scan feature. For more information, see Parallel scan.