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Tablestore:Perform a match query

Last Updated:Aug 19, 2024

A match query can be used to query data in a table based on approximate matches. Tablestore tokenizes the values of the columns that are of the TEXT type and the keywords that you use to perform match queries based on the analyzer that you specify. Therefore, Tablestore can perform match queries based on the tokens. We recommend that you call the MatchPhraseQuery operation to perform match phrase queries on columns for which fuzzy tokenization is used to ensure high-performance fuzzy queries.






The name of the data table.


The name of the search index.


The position from which the current query starts.


The maximum number of rows that you want the current query to return.

To query only the number of rows that meet the query conditions without querying specific data of the rows, set the limit parameter to 0.


Specifies whether to return the total number of rows that meet the query conditions. Default value: false, which specifies that the total number of rows that meet the query conditions is not returned.

If you set this parameter to true, the query performance is compromised.


The type of the query. Set this parameter to QueryTypeConst::MATCH_QUERY.


The name of the column that you want to query.

The column can be of the TEXT type.


The keyword that is used to match the value of the column when you perform a match query.

If the column that you want to query is of the TEXT type, the keyword is tokenized into multiple tokens based on the analyzer type that you specify when you create the search index. By default, single-word tokenization is performed if you do not specify the analyzer type when you create the search index.

For example, if the column that you want to query is of the TEXT type and the analyzer type is single-word tokenization, when you perform a match query by using the phrase "this is", query results such as "..., this is tablestore", "is this tablestore", "tablestore is cool", "this", and "is" are returned.


The logical operator. By default, OR is used as the logical operator, which specifies that a row meets the query conditions when the value of the column contains at least the minimum number of tokens.

If you set the operator to AND, the row meets the query conditions only when the value of the column contains all tokens.


The minimum number of matched tokens contained in the value of the column.

A row is returned only when the value of the queried column in the row contains at least the minimum number of matched tokens.


The minimum_should_match parameter must be used together with the OR logical operator.


Specifies whether to return all columns in the rows that meet the query conditions. You can specify the return_type and return_names parameters.

  • If you set the return_type parameter to ColumnReturnTypeConst::RETURN_SPECIFIED, you can use return_names to specify the columns that you want to return.
  • If you set the return_type parameter to ColumnReturnTypeConst::RETURN_ALL, all columns are returned.
  • If you set the return_type parameter to ColumnReturnTypeConst::RETURN_ALL_FROM_INDEX, all columns in the search index are returned.
  • If you set the return_type parameter to ColumnReturnTypeConst::RETURN_NONE, only the primary key columns are returned.


The following sample code shows how to query the rows in which the value of the text column matches "ots text php keyword" in the data table.

$request = array(
    'table_name' => 'php_sdk_test',
    'index_name' => 'php_sdk_test_search_index',
    'search_query' => array(
        'offset' => 0,
        'limit' => 2,
        'get_total_count' => true,
        'query' => array(
            'query_type' => QueryTypeConst::MATCH_QUERY,
            'query' => array(
                'field_name' => 'text',
                'text' => 'ots text php keyword',
//              'operator' => QueryOperatorConst::PBAND,
                'operator' => QueryOperatorConst::PBOR,// Use the minimum_should_match parameter together with the OR logical operator. 
                'minimum_should_match' => 3
        'sort' => array(
                'field_sort' => array(
                    'field_name' => 'keyword',
                    'order' => SortOrderConst::SORT_ORDER_ASC
    'columns_to_get' => array(
        'return_type' => ColumnReturnTypeConst::RETURN_SPECIFIED,
        'return_names' => array('text')
$response = $otsClient->search($request);



  • When you use a search index to query data, you can use the following query methods: term query, terms query, match all query, match query, match phrase query, prefix query, range query, wildcard query, Boolean query, geo query, nested query, and exists query. You can use different query methods to query data from multiple dimensions based on your business requirements.

    If you want to sort or paginate the rows that meet the query conditions, you can use the sorting and paging feature. For more information, see Sorting and paging.

    If you want to collapse the result set based on a specific column, you can use the collapse (distinct) feature. This way, data of the specified type appears only once in the query results. For more information, see Collapse (distinct).

  • If you want to analyze data in a data table, such as obtaining the extreme values, sum, and total number of rows, you can perform aggregation operations or execute SQL statements. For more information, see Aggregation and SQL query.

  • If you want to quickly obtain all rows that meet the query conditions without the need to sort the rows, you can call the ParallelScan and ComputeSplits operations to use the parallel scan feature. For more information, see Parallel scan.