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Tablestore:List search indexes

Last Updated:Aug 19, 2024

After you create search indexes for a data table, you can call the ListSearchIndex operation to list the search indexes that are created for the data table.


API operation

 * Query the names of all search indexes that are created for a data table. 
 * @api
 * @param [] $request
 *            The request parameter, which is the name of the data table. 
 * @return [] The response. 
 * @throws OTSClientException The exception that is thrown when a parameter error occurs or the Tablestore server returns a verification error. 
 * @throws OTSServerException The exception that is thrown when the Tablestore server returns an error. 
 * @example "src/examples/ListSearchIndex.php"
public function listSearchIndex(array $request)     





The name of the data table. This parameter cannot be left empty.


The following sample code provides an example on how to list search indexes that are created for a table:

$request = array(
    'table_name' => 'php_sdk_test',
$response = $otsClient->listSearchIndex($request);


  • If you want to query details about a search index, such as the fields and schema of the search index, you can query the description of the search index. For more information, see Query the description of a search index.

  • If you no longer use a search index, you can delete the search index. For more information, see Delete search indexes.