OTSClient is a client for Tablestore. OTSClient provides various methods that you can use to manage tables and perform read and write operations on a single row or multiple rows. To use Tablestore SDK for .NET to initiate a request, you must initialize an OTSClient instance and modify the default configurations in OTSClientConfig based on your business requirements.
Usage notes
Tablestore SDK for .NET supports multithreading. We recommend that you use the same OTSClient object to run multiple threads of a task.
Before you initialize an OTSClient instance, you must obtain an endpoint of a Tablestore instance, install Tablestore SDK for .NET, and then configure access credentials.
Obtain an endpoint of a Tablestore instance
Install Tablestore SDK for .NET
Configure access credentials
Initialize an OTSClient instance
To use Tablestore SDK for .NET, you must first create an OTSClient instance. Then, you can call the operations of the OTSClient instance to access Tablestore.
API operations
/// <summary>
/// The function used to create an OTSClient instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="endPoint">The endpoint of the Tablestore instance, which must start with https://. Example: https://instance.cn-hangzhou.ots.aliyun.com:80 </param>
/// <param name="accessKeyID"> The AccessKey ID that is used to access the Tablestore instance. You can obtain an AccessKey ID on the Alibaba Cloud official website. </param>
/// <param name="accessKeySecret"> The AccessKey secret that is used to access the Tablestore instance. You can obtain an AccessKey secret on the Alibaba Cloud official website. </param>
/// <param name="instanceName"> The name of the Tablestore instance. You can obtain the instance name in the Tablestore console. </param>
public OTSClient(string endPoint, string accessKeyID, string accessKeySecret, string instanceName);
/// <summary>
/// Create an OTSClient instance by configuring the instance of the OTSClientConfig class on the client.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="config">The client configurations for the instance.</param>
public OTSClient(OTSClientConfig config);
The AccessKey pair of an Alibaba Cloud account has permissions on all API operations. We recommend that you use a RAM user to call API operations or perform routine O&M. We recommend that you do not hard-code the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret into your project code. Otherwise, the AccessKey pair may be leaked and the security of all resources within your account is compromised. In the examples, the security token and AccessKey pair are saved in environment variables.
Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OTS_AK_ENV
environment variables are configured. For more information, see Configure access credentials.
// Create an OTSClientConfig object.
public static string Endpoint = "yourEndpoint";
public static string InstanceName = "yourInstance";
public static string AccessKeyId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OTS_AK_ENV");
public static string AccessKeySecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OTS_SK_ENV");
var config = new OTSClientConfig(Endpoint, AccessKeyId, AccessKeySecret, InstanceName);
// Disable logging. By default, logging is enabled.
config.OTSDebugLogHandler = null;
config.OTSErrorLogHandler = null;
// Create an OtsClient object by using OTSClientConfig.
var otsClient = new OTSClient(config);
The following table describes the parameters.
Parameter | Example | Description |
Endpoint | https://myinstance.cn-hangzhou.ots.aliyuncs.com | The endpoint that is used to access the Tablestore instance. For more information, see Obtain an endpoint of a Tablestore instance. |
AccessKeyId | Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OTS_AK_ENV") | The AccessKey pair that is obtained from environment variables. Make sure that the environment variables are configured. |
AccessKeySecret | Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OTS_SK_ENV") | |
InstanceName | myinstance | The name of the instance. For more information, see Instances. |
APIVersion | 2015-12-31 | The version of the Tablestore protocol. Default value: 2015-12-31. |
ConnectionLimit | 300 | The maximum number of connections to Tablestore. Default value: 300. |
RetryPolicy | DefaultRetryPolicy | The retry policy. Default value: DefaultRetryPolicy. You can also specify a custom retry policy. To disable the retry policy, set this parameter to null. |
OTSDebugLogHandler | null | The function to process debug logs, which is used to display the logs of normal requests and responses. Default value: defaultOTSDebugLogHandler. To disable the function, set this parameter to null. |
OTSErrorLogHandler | null | The function to process error logs, which is used to display the logs of errors returned from the Tablestore server. Default value: defaultOTSErrorLogHandler. To disable the function, set this parameter to null. |
What do I do if the Signature mismatch error is reported when I use Tablestore SDKs?