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SuperApp:Perform operations on miniapps

Last Updated:Oct 25, 2024

After you integrate the WindVane or uni-app miniapp container into a native app, you can search for miniapps, obtain a list of miniapps, or start a miniapp.

Obtain a list of miniapps

The miniapp container SDK provides an interface for obtaining a list of miniapps. If you only want to obtain the miniapp list, you can directly use this interface.

id<EMASMiniAppService> miniAppService = [[EMASServiceManager sharedInstance] serviceForProtocol:@"EMASMiniAppService"];

if (miniAppService) {
   // The default value of the anchor parameter is 0.
  [miniAppService getMiniAppList:anchor completionBlock:^(int resultCode, NSArray * _Nonnull miniApps, NSString *anchor) {
  	 // If the value of resultCode is 200, all miniapps are obtained.
     // Return a list of miniapps. By default, a maximum of 10 miniapps can be obtained. The anchor parameter is used to obtain more miniapps.

Search for miniapps

The miniapp container SDK provides an interface for searching for miniapps. If you only want to search for miniapps, you can directly use this interface.

id<EMASMiniAppService> miniAppService = [[EMASServiceManager sharedInstance] serviceForProtocol:@"EMASMiniAppService"];

if (miniAppService) {
   // The keyword parameter specifies the search keyword. The default value of the anchor parameter is 0.
  [miniAppService queryMiniApps:keyword anchor:anchor completionBlock:^(int resultCode, NSArray * _Nonnull miniApps, NSString *anchor) {
 		// If the value of resultCode is 200, the search is successful.	
    // Return the search results. By default, a maximum of 10 miniapps can be obtained. The anchor parameter is used to obtain more miniapps.

Start a miniapp

You can start a miniapp by using its ID. WindVane miniapps and uni-app miniapps can be started in the same manner. Loading a miniapp requires a specific period of time. We recommend that you add code to associated callback methods to initialize or update UI elements.

id<EMASMiniAppService> miniAppService = [[EMASServiceManager sharedInstance] serviceForProtocol:@"EMASMiniAppService"];

if (miniAppService) {
   [miniAppService openMiniApp:appId openConfiguration:nil completionBlock:^(int resultCode, NSDictionary * _Nonnull resultDict) {

Open a specific page within a miniapp

When you start a miniapp, you can configure the path parameter to open a specific page within the miniapp and use extraData to pass arguments to the page.

  • For a uni-app miniapp, the path parameter specifies the absolute URL of the miniapp page and extraData is a JSON object used to pass startup arguments to the miniapp. After the miniapp is started, you can retrieve values from extraData by using the plus.runtime.arguments method.

  • To open a page within a WindVane miniapp, you can access a URL in the following format: https://{appId}{path}?key=value&key2=123. When you develop miniapps, you must use hash routing to handle the logic of page navigation.

id<EMASMiniAppService> miniAppService = [[EMASServiceManager sharedInstance] serviceForProtocol:@"EMASMiniAppService"];
if (miniAppService) {
    EMASMiniAppOpenConfiguration *config = [[EMASMiniAppOpenConfiguration alloc] init];
    if (path.length > 0) {
        // The deeplink path.
        config.path = path;
    if (params){
        // The extended parameters.
        config.extraData = params;
    [miniAppService openMiniApp:self.appId openConfiguration:config completionBlock:^(int resultCode, NSDictionary * _Nonnull resultDict) {
        NSLog(@"resultCode = %d, resultDict = %@",resultCode,resultDict);
        if (resultCode == 200) {
            // If the miniapp is started, you are redirected to the homepage of the miniapp.

Obtain categoty list

The miniapp container SDK provides an interface for obtaining a category list of miniapps. If you only want to obtain the miniapp category list, you can directly use this interface.

id<EMASMiniAppService> miniAppService = [[EMASServiceManager sharedInstance] serviceForProtocol:@"EMASMiniAppService"];
    if (miniAppService) {
        [miniAppService queryMiniAppCategories:^(int resultCode, NSArray *resultArray) {
            if (resultCode == 200) {
               //If the value of resultCode is 200, category list are obtained.
            } else {

Obtain miniapp list of the category

The miniapp container SDK provides an interface for obtaining a miniapp list of the category id. If you only want to obtain the miniapp list, you can directly use this interface.

id<EMASMiniAppService> miniAppService = [[EMASServiceManager sharedInstance] serviceForProtocol:@"EMASMiniAppService"];
   if (miniAppService) {
        [miniAppService queryMiniAppsByCategory:categoryId completionBlock:^(int resultCode, NSArray * _Nonnull resultArray) {
            if (resultCode == 200) {
                //If the value of resultCode is 200, miniapp list of the catgory id are obtained.
            } else {