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Certificate Management Service:Overview

Last Updated:Jun 20, 2024

You can use the certificate application repository feature to classify certificates from different data sources, including Alibaba Cloud certificates and local certificates. This way, you can manage certificates in a convenient and efficient manner. You can also use certificate application repository-related API operations to encrypt, decrypt, or sign sensitive data files such as electronic contracts and electronic invoices, or verify signatures. This helps ensure the authenticity, integrity, and security of the data files.

The following table describes the common scenarios of the certificate application repository feature to help you quickly get started with the feature.




Classify and manage Alibaba Cloud certificates or local certificates

Alibaba Cloud allows you to classify and manage certificates from the following sources:

  • Uploaded certificates (local user certificates)

  • Uploaded CA certificates (local root certificates and intermediate certificates)

  • Alibaba Cloud private certificates

  • Alibaba Cloud compliant certificates

After you create a certificate application repository of a specific source, you can manage certificates in the certificate application repository by using the Certificate Management Service console or calling API operations.

Manage certificates in a certificate application repository

Generate and verify signatures

You can use certificates in a certificate application repository to sign electronic contracts, electronic invoices, and office automation (OA) approvals and verify signatures by calling certificate application repository-related API operations.


Encrypt and decrypt data

You can use certificates in a certificate application repository to encrypt or decrypt data by calling certificate application repository-related API operations.


The Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) and SM2 encryption algorithms are supported.



The first time you create a certificate application repository, Alibaba Cloud provides a quota of 100 for you to call certificate application repository-related API operations free of charge. The quota is consumed when you call certificate application repository-related API operations for signature generation, signature verification, data encryption, and data decryption. If the quota is exhausted, you can purchase an additional API call quota. For more information, see Purchase an API call quota for certificate application repository.