This topic describes the trace data formats that are supported by Simple Log Service.
Simple Log Service is compatible with the trace data formats that are defined in OpenTelemetry Trace 1.0. If trace data is written by using protocols such as OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, Zipkin, OpenCensus, and SkyWalking, Simple Log Service automatically maps the trace data to a data format defined in OpenTelemetry. For other trace data, you can use the data transformation feature to map the data to a data format supported by Simple Log Service.
Raw trace data
Raw trace data is collected to a Logstore named {instance}-traces. The following table describes the fields that are defined when the data is collected.
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
host | String | No | The hostname of the host where the resource resides. The value is extracted from of the resource field. | test-host |
service | String | Yes | The service name of the resource. The value is extracted from of the resource field. | test-service |
resource | JSON Object | No | Other resource-related fields. The host and service fields are also resource-related fields. Examples: process ID, process name, and pod name. For more information, see Resource Semantic Conventions. | {"":"xxxx", "k8s.pod.namespace":"kube-system"} | | String | No | The name of Trace SDK. | go-sdk |
otlp.version | String | No | The version of Trace SDK. | v1.0.0 |
name | String | Yes | The name of the span. | /get/314159 |
kind | String | No | The type of the span. Examples: CLIENT and SERVER. For more information, see SpanKind. | SERVER |
traceID | String | Yes | The ID of the trace. The value is a hexadecimal string. | 0123456789abcde0123456789abcde |
spanID | String | Yes | The ID of the span. The value is a hexadecimal string. | 0123456789abcde |
parentSpanID | String | Yes | The ID of the parent span. The value is a hexadecimal string. | 0123456789abcde |
links | JSON Array | No | The other spans that are associated with the trace data. For more information, see Specifying links. | [{"TraceID" : "abc", "SpanId" : "abc", "TraceState" : "", "Attributes" : { "k" : "v" } }] |
logs | JSON Array | No | The log and event information that is associated with the trace data. For more information, see Add Events. | None |
traceState | String | No | The trace state, which is defined in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specification. For more information, see W3C Trace Context Specification. | None |
start | INT | Yes | The start time. The value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: nanoseconds. | 1686294916826000000 |
end | INT | No | The end time. The value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: nanoseconds. | 1686294924827000000 |
duration | INT | Yes | The latency. The value is the difference between the start and end fields. Unit: nanoseconds. | 8001000 |
attribute | JSON Object | Yes | The attribute information about the span, such as the URL and status code of the HTTP request. For more information, see Attribute Naming. | {"custom":"custom","host.hostname":"myhost","my-label":"myapp-type","null-value":"","":"myapp"} |
statusCode | String | Yes | The status code of the HTTP request. Valid values: OK, ERROR, and UNSET. The value UNSET is equivalent to the value OK. | ERROR |
statusMessage | String | No | The status message of the HTTP request. | stack overflow |
Data of call relationships among dimensions
Trace data includes the data of call relationships among dimensions. The data of call relationships is generated after calculation and is stored in a Logstore named {instance}-traces-deps. The following table describes the fields for the data.
Field | Type | Description |
version | String | The call relationship among different dimensions. Valid values:
child_host | String | The host information of the callee. This field is available only if version is service_name_host or service_name_host_resource. |
child_name | String | The method of the callee. This field is available only if version is service_name, service_name_host, or service_name_host_resource. |
child_resource | JSON Object | The resource information of the callee. This field is available only if version is service_name_host_resource. |
child_service | String | The service name of the callee. |
child_type | JSON Object | The supplementary information of the callee. |
inner_percentile | String | The percentile. Simple Log Service uses the inner_percentile function to parse data to obtain the percentile. |
max_latency | Double | The maximum latency for calling the method of the service. |
min_latency | Double | The minimum latency for calling the method of the service. |
n_status_fail | Double | The number of times that the method of the service fails to be called. |
n_status_succ | Double | The number of times that the method of the service is successfully called. |
parent_host | JSON Array | The host information of the caller. This field is available only if version is service_name_host or service_name_host_resource. |
parent_name | JSON Array | The method of the caller. This field is available only if version is service_name, service_name_host, or service_name_host_resource. |
parent_resource | JSON Object | The resource information of the caller. This field is available only if version is service_name_host_resource. |
parent_service | INT | The service name of the caller. This field is available only if version is service, service_name, or service_name_host_resource. |
parent_type | INT | The supplementary information of the caller. |
sum_latency | INT | The cumulative latency for calling the method of the service. |
Intermediate result data of aggregated metrics
Trace data includes the intermediate result data of aggregated metrics. The intermediate result data of aggregated metrics is generated after calculation and is stored in a Logstore named {instance}-traces-metrics. The following table describes the fields for the data.
Field | Type | Description |
host | STRING | The host value of the span. |
inner_percentile | STRING | The percentile. Simple Log Service uses the inner_percentile function to parse data to obtain the percentile. |
max_latency | Double | The maximum latency for calling the method of the service. |
min_latency | Double | The minimum latency for calling the method of the service. |
n_status_fail | INT | The number of times that the method of the service fails to be called. |
name | STRING | The name of the span. |
resource | JSON Object | The resource information of the span. |
service | STRING | The service name of the span. |
sum_latency | Double | The cumulative latency for calling the method of the service. In most cases, this field is used together with the total field to calculate the average latency. |
total | INT | The total number of times that the method of the service is called. |
type | JSON Object | The supplementary information of the span. In most cases, the following items are included:
version | String | The type of the metric. The value is fixed as metric_info. |