Logstore contains a wealth of time-series data. Simple Log Service facilitates the processing of this data through time-series SPL instructions and functions.
What is series
A Series is a two-dimensional data structure with time and metric dimensions, ideal for representing collections of time-varying observations. It corresponds to table data.
Comparison with table model
Comparison dimension | Table model | Series model |
Comparison dimension | Table model | Series model |
Data organization | Discrete time point records (row storage) | Continuous time series (column storage) |
Query mode | Aggregation calculation based on discrete points | Supports time series operations such as sliding window |
Storage efficiency | Suitable for low-frequency discrete events | Optimized for high-frequency continuous metric storage |
For instance, in analyzing Nginx access logs, calculate the average response time per minute by URI dimension.
Table model
| extend ts = to_unixtime(date_trunc('hour',date_parse(time_local, '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%i:%s')))
| stats avg_latency = avg(cast(upstream_response_time as double)) by ts,request_uri
Example of discrete time point aggregation result:
Series model implementation
| stats avg_latency=avg(cast(upstream_response_time as double)) by time_local, request_uri
| make-series avg_latency default = 'last'
on time_local
from 'sls_begin_time' to 'sls_end_time'
step '1m'
by request_uri
Example of continuous time series visualization:
Spl instructions
SPL instructions are utilized to transform Table data into Series data.
Instruction name | Description |
Instruction name | Description |
stats | Used to calculate statistics information of a dataset, supports aggregation by grouping fields. |
make-series | Builds Table data into Series data. |
render | Renders SPL query results as charts for visualization. |
Spl functions
Once data is processed into a series using make-series, SPL functions can be called for visualization purposes.
Function name | Description |
Function name | Description |
second_to_nano function | Time conversion function: converts second-level timestamps to nanosecond-level, suitable for high-precision scenarios. |
series_forecast function | Time series prediction function: predicts future trends based on historical data, suitable for monitoring, analysis, and planning. |
series_pattern_anomalies function | Anomaly detection function: based on machine learning algorithms, identifies anomalous points or patterns in time series, suitable for monitoring, alerting, and data analysis scenarios. |
series_decompose_anomalies function | Time series decomposition and anomaly detection function: based on time series decomposition algorithms, splits raw data into trend, seasonal, and residual components, and analyzes the residual component through statistical methods to identify anomalous points, suitable for real-time monitoring, root cause analysis, and data quality detection scenarios. |