You can use a Logtail plug-in to parse NGINX logs into structured data based on log_format. In this case, a log is parsed into multiple key-value pairs.
Introduction to NGINX logs
NGINX servers generate NGINX access logs based on log_format and access_log. The following code shows the default configuration of log_format and access_log:
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$request_time $request_length '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
access_log /var/logs/nginx/access.log main
The following table describes the log fields.
Field | Description |
remote_addr | The IP address of the client. |
remote_user | The username that is used by the client to send the request. |
time_local | The system time of the server. The value must be enclosed in brackets []. |
request | The URI and HTTP protocol of the request. |
request_time | The time that is required to process the request. Unit: seconds. |
request_length | The length of the request. The request line, request headers, and request body are all counted. |
status | The status of the request. |
body_bytes_sent | The number of bytes in a response that is sent to the client. The response header is not counted. |
http_referer | The URL of a source web page. |
http_user_agent | The browser information of the client. |
Entry point
If you want to use a Logtail plug-in to process logs, you can add a Logtail plug-in configuration when you create or modify a Logtail configuration. For more information, see Overview.
Configuration description
Parameter | Description |
NGINX Log Configuration | The log configuration section that is specified in the NGINX configuration file. The section starts with log_format. Example:
For more information, see Introduction to NGINX logs. |
Original Field | The original field that stores log content before parsing. Default value: content. |
Extracted Field | The key that is automatically extracted based on NGINX Log Configuration. |
Retain Original Field if Parsing Fails | After you select Retain Original Field if Parsing Fails, the original field is retained if parsing fails. |
Retain Original Field if Parsing Succeeds | After you select Retain Original Field if Parsing Succeeds, the original field is retained if parsing is successful. |
New Name of Original Field | If you select Retain Original Field if Parsing Fails or Retain Original Field if Parsing Succeeds, you can rename the original field that stores log content. |