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Simple Log Service:Markdown chart

Last Updated:Jan 09, 2025

This topic describes the common syntax of Markdown charts and how to add a Markdown chart to a Simple Log Service dashboard.



Simple Log Service allows you to add Markdown charts to a dashboard. If you want to modify charts, you must use the Markdown syntax. You can insert text, such as background information, chart descriptions, notes, and extension information, into Markdown charts to optimize information presentation. You can insert saved searches or the dashboard links of other projects to navigate to other query pages. You can also insert custom images and videos to supplement your dashboard information.

Configuration effect

Markdown chart type

Sample Markdown chart


Basic Markdown chart


Configure a basic Markdown chart

Query and analysis result-based Markdown chart


Configure a Markdown chart based on query and analysis results

Configure a basic Markdown chart

  1. Log on to the Simple Log Service console. In the Projects section, click the project you want.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Dashboard > Dashboards. In the dashboard list, click the dashboard you want. In the upper-right corner of the dashboard page, click Edit. In edit mode, click Add > Add Chart.


  3. On the right side of the Edit Chart page, select Markdown Pro in the Chart Types section and configure the Title parameter in the Basic Configurations section based on the following figure. On the left side of the Edit Chart page, specify the content in the Markdown Content Editor section and view the configuration effect of the Markdown chart in the Display Chart section.


Configuration on the General Configurations tab

You can configure global settings for a Markdown chart on the General Configurations tab.

  • Basic Configurations




    The title of the chart.

    Display Title

    If you turn on Display Title, the title of the chart is displayed.

    Display Border

    If you turn on Display Border, the borders of the chart are displayed.

    Display Background

    If you turn on Display Background, the background color of the chart is displayed.

    Display Time

    If you turn on Display Time, the query time range of the chart is displayed.

    Fixed Time

    If you turn on Fixed Time, the query time range of the chart is independent of the global time range of the dashboard.

  • Parameters in the Markdown Configurations section



    Center Method

    The alignment mode of the Markdown chart. Valid values:

    • Horizontally Center

    • Vertically Center

Common Markdown syntax

  • Title

    • Markdown syntax

      # Level-1 heading
      ## Level-2 heading
      ### Level-3 heading
    • Preview标题

  • Link

    • Markdown syntax

      ### Table of contents
      [Chart description](
    • Preview链接

  • Image

    • Markdown syntax

      <div align=center>
      ![Alt txt][id]
      With a reference later in the document defining the URL location
      [id]:  "The Dojocat"
    • Preview图片

  • Special tag

    • Markdown syntax

      __Advertisement :)__
      ==some mark==   `some code`
      > Classic markup: :wink: :crush: :cry: :tear: :laughing: :yum:
      >> Shortcuts (emoticons): :-)  8-) ;)
      __This is bold text__
      *This is italic text*
    • Preview特殊标记