This topic describes the fields in the Layer 7 access logs of Classic Load Balancer (CLB), Cloud Config logs, and CloudMonitor events.

Access logs

__topic__The topic of the log. The value is fixed as slb_layer7_access_log.
body_bytes_sentThe number of bytes in the body of the HTTP response that is sent to the client.
client_ipThe IP address of a client.
hostThe host. By default, the value is obtained from request parameters. If no value is obtained from request parameters, the value is obtained from the Host header. If no value is obtained from request parameters or the Host header, the IP address of the backend server that processes the request is used as the value.
http_hostThe Host header of the HTTP request.
http_refererThe Referer header of the HTTP request that is received by the proxy.
http_user_agentThe User-Agent header of the HTTP request that is received by the proxy.
http_x_forwarded_forThe X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header of the HTTP request that is received by the proxy.
http_x_real_ipThe originating IP address of the client.
read_request_timeThe time that is taken by the proxy to read the request. Unit: milliseconds.
request_lengthThe length of the request. The request line, request headers, and request body are all counted.
request_methodThe request method.
request_timeThe interval between the time when the proxy receives the first request and the time when the proxy returns a response. Unit: seconds.
request_uriThe URI of the request that is received by the proxy.
schemeThe schema of the request. Valid values: HTTP and HTTPS.
server_protocolThe HTTP version of the request that is received by the proxy. Examples: HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.
slb_vportThe listening port of the CLB instance.
slbidThe ID of the CLB instance.
ssl_cipherThe cipher suite that is used to establish an SSL connection. Example: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256.
ssl_protocolThe protocol that is used to establish an SSL connection. Example: TLSv1.2.
statusThe HTTP status code that is sent by the proxy.
tcpinfo_rttThe round-trip time (RTT) of the TCP connection that is established by the client. Unit: microseconds.
timeThe time when the log is generated.
upstream_addrThe IP address and port number of the backend server.
upstream_response_timeThe interval between the time when the CLB instance connects to the backend server and the time when the CLB instance disconnects from the backend server after the required data is received. Unit: seconds.
upstream_statusThe HTTP status code that is received by the proxy from the backend server.
vip_addrThe virtual IP address.
write_response_timeThe time that is taken by the CLB proxy to send the request to the client after the CLB proxy receives the request from the backend server. Unit: milliseconds.

Cloud Config logs

  • Configuration change records
    accountIdThe ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the resource belongs.
    arnThe Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the RAM role.
    availabilityZoneThe ID of the zone where the resource resides.
    captureTimeThe timestamp when the resource compliance evaluation is recorded. Unit: milliseconds.
    configurationThe rules that are associated with the resource and the compliance details of the rules.
    configurationDiffThe details of the resource changes that trigger the compliance evaluation.
    dataTypeThe type of the event. The value is fixed as ConfigurationItemChangeNotification.
    regionIdThe ID of the region.
    relationshipThe details of the resource whose changes trigger the compliance evaluation. The details include the region ID, resource relationship, resource ID, and resource type.
    relationshipDiffThe details of the resource changes that trigger the compliance evaluation.
    requestIdThe ID of the request.
    resourceCreateTimeThe timestamp when the resource is created. Unit: milliseconds.
    resourceEventTypeThe resource event.
    resourceGroupIdThe ID of the resource group.
    resourceIdThe ID of the resource.
    realResourceIdThe ID of the level-1 resource.
    resourceNameThe name of the resource.
    resourceStatusThe status of the resource.
    resourceTypeThe type of the resource.
    serviceNameThe name of the service.
    tagsThe tags of the resource.
    versionThe version number.
  • Resource non-compliance events
    accountIdThe ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the resource belongs.
    annotationThe description of the resource non-compliance event.
    riskLevelThe risk level of the event. Valid values: 1: high 2: medium 3: low.
    dataTypeThe type of the data. The value is fixed as NonCompliantNotification, which indicates the data of a non-compliance event.
    evaluationResultIdentifierThe identifier of the resource evaluation result.
    eventTypeThe type of the event.
    invokingEventMessageTypeThe trigger type of the rule.
    complianceTypeThe compliance evaluation result of the rule. Valid values: COMPLIANT: The resource is compliant. NON_COMPLIANT: The resource is non-compliant. NOT_APPLICABLE: The rule does not apply to your resource. INSUFFICIENT_DATA: No resource data is available.
    requestIdThe ID of the request.
    eventNameThe name of the event.
    notificationCreationTimeThe timestamp when the notification is created.
    regionIdThe ID of the region.
    resourceIdThe ID of the resource.
    resourceTypeThe type of the resource.
    serviceNameThe name of the service.

CloudMonitor events

event_idThe ID of the CloudMonitor event.
sourceThe source of the event. The value includes information such as the type of the event source, the publishing mechanism of the event, or the process of producing the event.
versionThe version of the CloudEvents specification.
publish_timeThe time at which the event is pushed.
typeThe type of the event, which is related to the event source.
dataThe content of the event. The value is a JSON object. The content of the object varies based on the event source that produces the event.
data_typeThe value is fixed and indicates a CloudMonitor event.
regionThe region where the event occurs.
account_idThe ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the event belongs.