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Simple Log Service:Parsing in IIS mode

Last Updated:Dec 20, 2023

You can use a Logtail plug-in to parse Internet Information Services (IIS) logs into structured data based on the log format that you specify. In this case, a log is parsed into multiple key-value pairs.

Introduction to IIS logs

Windows servers generate IIS logs based on the log format that you specify, such as IIS, NCSA, and W3C.

  • Log format

    #Fields: date time s-sitename s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken
    • Field prefixes




      Indicates a server action.


      Indicates a client action.


      Indicates a client-to-server action.


      Indicates a server-to-client action.

    • Fields




      The date on which the client sends the request.


      The point in time at which the client sends the request.


      The Internet service name and instance ID of the site that is visited by the client.


      The name of the server on which the log is generated.


      The IP address of the server on which the log is generated.


      The request method that is used by the client, such as GET or POST.


      The URI in the request.


      The query string that follows the question mark (?) in the HTTP request.


      The port number of the server.


      The authenticated domain name or username that is used by the client to access the server.

      • If the user is an authenticated user, the value of this field is displayed in the Domain\Username format.

      • If the user is an anonymous user, a hyphen (-) is displayed.


      The originating IP address of the client that sends the request.


      The protocol version that is used by the client, such as HTTP 1.0 or HTTP 1.1.


      The browser that is used by the client.


      The content of the cookie that is sent or received. If no cookies are sent or received, a hyphen (-) is displayed.


      The site from which the client is directed.


      The host information.


      The HTTP status code that is returned by the server.


      The HTTP substatus code that is returned by the server.


      The Windows status code that is returned by the server.


      The number of bytes that are sent by the server.


      The number of bytes that are received by the server.


      The time that is required to process the request. Unit: milliseconds.

Entry point

If you want to use a Logtail plug-in to process logs, you can add a Logtail plug-in configuration when you create or modify a Logtail configuration. For more information, see Overview.

Configuration description



Log Format

The format of logs that are generated on the IIS server. Valid values:

  • IIS: Microsoft IIS log file format

  • NCSA: NCSA Common log file format

  • W3C: W3C Extended log file format

IIS Configuration Fields

The IIS configuration fields.

  • If you set Log Format to IIS or NCSA, the system automatically specifies the IIS configuration fields.

  • If you set Log Format to W3C, enter the content that is specified in logExtFileFlags of the IIS configuration file.

    logExtFileFlags="Date, Time, ClientIP, UserName, SiteName, ComputerName, ServerIP, Method, UriStem, UriQuery, HttpStatus, Win32Status, BytesSent, BytesRecv, TimeTaken, ServerPort, UserAgent, Cookie, Referer, ProtocolVersion, Host, HttpSubStatus"
    • Default path of the IIS5 configuration file: C:\WINNT\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.bin

    • Default path of the IIS6 configuration file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml

    • Default path of the IIS7 configuration file: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config

Original Field

The original field that stores log content before parsing. Default value: content.

Regular Expression

The regular expression that is used to extract IIS logs. Simple Log Service automatically generates a regular expression based on IIS Configuration Fields.

Extracted Field

The key that is automatically extracted based on IIS Configuration Fields.

Retain Original Field if Parsing Fails

After you select Retain Original Field if Parsing Fails, the original field is retained if parsing fails.

Retain Original Field if Parsing Succeeds

After you select Retain Original Field if Parsing Succeeds, the original field is retained if parsing is successful.

New Name of Original Field

If you select Retain Original Field if Parsing Fails or Retain Original Field if Parsing Succeeds, you can rename the original field that stores log content.