This topic describes the data pull errors that occur during data transformation and provides methods that you can use to troubleshoot these errors.
Error handling
For more information about how to troubleshoot data pull errors, see res_log_logstore_pull, res_rds_mysql, and res_oss_file.
Troubleshoot common errors
If you use only one resource function, data pull errors occur.
Sample transformation rules
res_log_logstore_pull(endpoint="",ak_id="xxx", ak_secret="xxx",project="etl-test-shenzhen", fields=["__source__"]),field="processid",output_fields=["xx"]
res_oss_file(endpoint='xx',ak_id="xx",ak_key="xx",bucket='xx', file='xx',format='xx',change_detect_interval=0)
Error log
aliyun.log.logexception.LogException: {"errorCode": "InvalidEtlConfig", "errorMessage": "ETL config doesn't pass security check, detail: invalid type detected: <class '_ast.Expr'>", "requestId": ""}
Troubleshooting method
The preceding error log indicates that the syntax of the specified function is invalid. This error log is returned because you use only the res_log_logstore_pull, res_rds_mysql, or res_oss_file function. You cannot use only one resource function.
You must use the e_table_map function together with another function. For more information, see Resource functions.
For information about how to fix errors that occur when you pull data from another Logstore, see How can I fix errors that occur when I pull Logstore data (dimension table).
For information about how to fix errors that occur when you pull data from Object Storage Service (OSS), see How can I fix errors that occur during data pulls from OSS.
For information about how to fix errors that occur when you pull data from ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL, see How can I fix errors of the syntax used to pull data from ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL.