This topic describes how to install and upgrade Logtail components in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
Background information
To collect container logs from a Kubernetes cluster, you must install Logtail components.
When you install Logtail components, Simple Log Service automatically completes the following operations:
Create a ConfigMap named alibaba-log-configuration. The ConfigMap contains the configuration information of Simple Log Service, such as projects.
Optional. Create a custom resource definition (CRD) named AliyunLogConfig.
Optional. Create a Deployment named alibaba-log-controller. The Deployment is used to monitor the changes in the AliyunLogConfig CRD and the creation of Logtail configurations.
Create a DaemonSet named logtail-ds to collect logs from nodes.
Install Logtail
Install Logtail components in an existing ACK cluster
Install Logtail components when you create an ACK cluster
Log on to the ACK console.
On the Clusters page, find the cluster in which you want to install Logtail components and choose in the Actions column.
On the Logs and Monitoring tab, find logtail-ds and click Install.
After logtail-ds is installed, Simple Log Service automatically creates a project named k8s-log-${your_k8s_cluster_id}
, a machine group named k8s-group-${your_k8s_cluster_id}
, and a logstore named config-operation-log
in the project.
Do not delete the config-operation-log
Log on to the ACK console.
On the Clusters page, click Create Kubernetes Cluster.
In the Component Configurations step, select Enable Log Service.
In this example, only the steps that are required to enable Simple Log Service are provided. For more information about how to create an ACK cluster, see Create an ACK managed cluster.
If you select Enable Log Service, the system prompts you to create a Simple Log Service project. For more information about how logs are managed in Simple Log Service, see Project. You can use one of the following methods to create a project:
Select Project
You can select an existing project to manage the container logs that are collected.

Create Project
Simple Log Service automatically creates a project named k8s-log-{ClusterID} to manage the container logs that are collected. ClusterID
specifies the unique ID of the ACK cluster that you create.

After the Logtail components are installed, a machine group named k8s-group-${your_k8s_cluster_id}
and a logstore named config-operation-log
are automatically created in your project.
Do not delete the config-operation-log
View the status, version number, and IP address of Logtail
View the status of Logtail
Run the following command to view the status of Logtail:
kubectl get po -n kube-system | grep logtail
The following output is returned:
logtail-ds-gb92k 1/1 Running 0 2h
logtail-ds-wm7lw 1/1 Running 0 4d
View the version number and IP address of Logtail
Run the following command to view the version number and IP address of Logtail:
kubectl exec logtail-ds-gb92k -n kube-system cat /usr/local/ilogtail/app_info.json
The following output is returned:
"UUID" : "",
"hostname" : "logtail-ds-gb92k",
"instance_id" : "0EBB2B0E-0A3B-11E8-B0CE-0A58AC140402_172.20.4.2_1517810940",
"ip" : "",
"logtail_version" : "0.16.2",
"os" : "Linux; 3.10.0-693.2.2.el7.x86_64; #1 SMP Tue Sep 12 22:26:13 UTC 2017; x86_64",
"update_time" : "2021-02-05 06:09:01"
Upgrade Logtail
Back up files
An upgrade requires a few seconds to complete. During an upgrade, the Logtail container is restarted, which may cause a small amount of data to be collected again or lost during collection.
Before you upgrade the Logtail components, we recommend that you back up the description files that are related to the Logtail components.
kubectl get ds -n kube-system logtail-ds -o yaml > logtail-ds.yaml
kubectl get deployment -n kube-system alibaba-log-controller -o yaml > alibaba-log-controller.yaml
kubectl get crd -o yaml > aliyunlogconfigs-crd.yaml
kubectl get cm -n kube-system alibaba-log-configuration -o yaml > alibaba-log-configuration.yaml
kubectl get aliyunlogconfigs --all-namespaces -o yaml > aliyunlogconfigs-cr.yaml
Upgrade components
We recommend that you use the automatic upgrade method in common scenarios. If you have modified parameters such as environment variables in the logtail-ds DaemonSet or alibaba-log-controller Deployment, we recommend that you use the manual upgrade method to retain your modifications.
Automatic upgrade
Manual upgrade
Upgrade the latest version of Logtail
If you use the automatic upgrade method, your modifications to the parameters in the logtail-ds DaemonSet and alibaba-log-controller Deployment are not retained.
Log on to the ACK console.
On the Clusters page, find the cluster in which you want to install Logtail components and choose in the Actions column.
On the Logs and Monitoring tab, find logtail-ds and click Upgrade.
In the Update dialog box, click OK.
If the component cannot be upgraded to the most up-to-date Logtail version, the Kubernetes version of your cluster is outdated. In this case, you must upgrade the Kubernetes version of your cluster first or use the manual upgrade method.
After the upgrade is performed, you can view the status of each logtail-ds pod in the ACK console. If each logtail-ds pod is in the running state, the upgrade is successful.
If you use the manual upgrade method, your existing configurations are not updated, and some features may not be supported.
A manual upgrade covers both logtail-ds and alibaba-log-controller. In most cases, you need to only upgrade logtail-ds to obtain the collection capabilities provided in the most up-to-date version of Logtail. If you want to obtain the CRD-based collection capabilities provided in the most up-to-date version of Logtail, you must also upgrade alibaba-log-controller. The following procedure shows how to upgrade logtail-ds.
Log on to the ACK console.
On the Clusters page, find the cluster in which you want to install Logtail components and choose in the Actions column.
Choose .
If you want to upgrade alibaba-log-controller, choose . Then, set Namespace to kube-system and find alibaba-log-controller.
Set Namespace to kube-system. Then, find logtail-ds and click Edit in the Actions column.
Check whether the required environment variables exist.
If the ALIYUN_LOGTAIL_CONFIG, ALIYUN_LOGTAIL_USER_ID, or ALIYUN_LOGTAIL_USER_DEFINED_ID environment variable does not exist, your Logtail version is outdated. You can submit a ticket for technical support.
Click Select Image Version to the right of Image Version.
In the Image Version dialog box, click the most up-to-date version and click OK.
In the right-side pane of the page that appears, click Update.
After the upgrade is performed, you can view the status of each logtail-ds pod in the ACK console. If each logtail-ds pod is in the running state, the upgrade is successful.
The YAML file used in the Logtail version named latest is outdated. If you use this version, issues may occur during an upgrade or when new features are used. We recommend that you upgrade the latest version to the most up-to-date version. Perform the following steps:
Store the existing AliyunLogConfig CRD.
Replace log-crds.yaml based on your business scenario.
kubectl get AliyunLogConfig -A -o yaml > log-crds.yaml
Uninstall logtail-ds.
On the Logs and Monitoring tab in the ACK console, find logtail-ds and click Uninstall. For more information, see Uninstall Logtail.
Install logtail-ds.
On the Logs and Monitoring tab in the ACK console, find logtail-ds and click Install. For more information, see Install Logtail.
Deploy the stored AliyunLogConfig CRD.
Replace log-crds.yaml based on your business scenario.
kubectl apply -f log-crds.yaml
Roll back an upgrade
The following procedure shows how to roll back to a specific version.
The YAML files that are backed up before an upgrade contain redundant information. Before you can restore the configurations of Logtail, you must manually delete the redundant information. You can use the kubectl-neat tool to delete the redundant information. You must delete the following fields: metadata.creationTimestamp, metadata.generation, metadata.resourceVersion, metadata.uid, and status.
Check whether to retain the new configurations of Logtail after the upgrade.
If you do not need to retain the new configurations of Logtail after the upgrade, delete the configurations.
Delete redundant information from the backup files.
cat logtail-ds.yaml | kubectl-neat > neat-logtail-ds.yaml
cat alibaba-log-controller.yaml | kubectl-neat > neat-alibaba-log-controller.yaml
cat aliyunlogconfigs-crd.yaml | kubectl-neat > neat-aliyunlogconfigs-crd.yaml
cat alibaba-log-configuration.yaml | kubectl-neat > neat-alibaba-log-configuration.yaml
cat aliyunlogconfigs-cr.yaml | kubectl-neat > neat-aliyunlogconfigs-cr.yaml
Use the backup files after you delete redundant information to restore the configurations of Logtail.
kubectl apply -f neat-logtail-ds.yaml
kubectl apply -f neat-alibaba-log-controller.yaml
kubectl apply -f neat-aliyunlogconfigs-crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f neat-alibaba-log-configuration.yaml
kubectl apply -f neat-aliyunlogconfigs-cr.yaml
Uninstall Logtail
Log on to the ACK console.
On the Clusters page, find the cluster in which you want to install Logtail components and choose in the Actions column.
On the Logs and Monitoring tab, find logtail-ds and click Uninstall.
Click OK as prompted.
What to do next
Create Logtail configurations to collect container logs.
DaemonSet mode
Sidecar mode
How do I view the version of a container image?
You can visit one of the following image repositories to view the version of a container image:
How do I collect container logs from multiple Kubernetes clusters to the same Simple Log Service project?
You can collect container logs from multiple Kubernetes clusters to the same Simple Log Service project only if the Kubernetes clusters reside in the same region.
If you want to collect container logs from multiple ACK clusters to the same Simple Log Service project, you must select the same project when you create the ACK clusters.
How do I view the logs of Logtail?
The logs of Logtail are stored in the ilogtail.LOG and logtail_plugin.LOG files in the /usr/local/ilogtail/ directory of a Logtail container.
The stdout and stderr of the container do not apply to the sample scenario. Ignore the following stdout and stderr:
start umount useless mount points, /shm$|/merged$|/mqueue$
umount: /logtail_host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3fd0043af174cb0273c3c7869500fbe2bdb95d13b1e110172ef57fe840c82155/merged: must be superuser to unmount
umount: /logtail_host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d5b10aa19399992755de1f85d25009528daa749c1bf8c16edff44beab6e69718/merged: must be superuser to unmount
umount: /logtail_host/var/lib/docker/overlay2/5c3125daddacedec29df72ad0c52fac800cd56c6e880dc4e8a640b1e16c22dbe/merged: must be superuser to unmount
xargs: umount: exited with status 255; aborting
umount done
start logtail
ilogtail is running
logtail status:
ilogtail is running
How do I view the status of Simple Log Service components in Kubernetes clusters?
Run the following commands:
kubectl get deploy alibaba-log-controller -n kube-system
kubectl get ds logtail-ds -n kube-system
What do I do if alibaba-log-controller fails to start?
Check whether alibaba-log-controller is installed by using the following method:
If alibaba-log-controller fails to be installed by using the preceding method, run the kubectl delete -f deploy
command to delete the installation template that is generated. Then, rerun the installation command.
How do I view the status of the logtail-ds DaemonSet in a Kubernetes cluster?
Run the kubectl get ds -n kube-system
command to view the status of the Logtail-ds DaemonSet.
The default namespace to which a Logtail container belongs is kube-system.
How do I view the operational logs of Logtail?
The operational logs of Logtail are stored in the ilogtail.LOG file in the /usr/local/ilogtail/ directory. If the log file is rotated, the generated files are compressed and stored as ilogtail.LOG.x.gz. Run the following command to view the logs:
kubectl exec logtail-ds-gb92k -n kube-system tail /usr/local/ilogtail/ilogtail.LOG
The following output is returned:
[2018-02-05 06:09:02.168693] [INFO] [9] [build/release64/sls/ilogtail/LogtailPlugin.cpp:104] logtail plugin Resume:start
[2018-02-05 06:09:02.168807] [INFO] [9] [build/release64/sls/ilogtail/LogtailPlugin.cpp:106] logtail plugin Resume:success
[2018-02-05 06:09:02.168822] [INFO] [9] [build/release64/sls/ilogtail/EventDispatcher.cpp:369] start add existed check point events, size:0
[2018-02-05 06:09:02.168827] [INFO] [9] [build/release64/sls/ilogtail/EventDispatcher.cpp:511] add existed check point events, size:0 cache size:0 event size:0 success count:0
How do I restart Logtail for a pod?
Stop Logtail.
In the following command, logtail-ds-gb92k -n
specifies the container, and kube-system
specifies the namespace. Configure the parameters based on your business scenario.
kubectl exec logtail-ds-gb92k -n kube-system /etc/init.d/ilogtaild stop
If the following output is returned, Logtail is stopped:
kill process Name: ilogtail pid: 7
kill process Name: ilogtail pid: 9
stop success
Start Logtail.
In the following command, logtail-ds-gb92k -n
specifies the container, and kube-system
specifies the namespace. Configure the parameters based on your business scenario.
kubectl exec logtail-ds-gb92k -n kube-system /etc/init.d/ilogtaild start
If the following output is returned, Logtail is started: