Queries the server time of the previous cursor based on a cursor.
Request syntax
aliyunlog log get_previous_cursor_time --project_name=<value> --logstore_name=<value> --shard_id=<value> --cursor=<value> [--normalize=<value>] [--access-id=<value>] [--access-key=<value>] [--sts-token=<value>] [--region-endpoint=<value>] [--client-name=<value>] [--jmes-filter=<value>] [--format-output=<value>] [--decode-output=<value>]
Request parameters
The following table describes the required and specific parameters of the get_previous_cursor_time command.
For information about the global parameters of the Log Service command-line interface (CLI), see Global parameters.
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
--project_name | String | Yes | aliyun-test-project | The name of the project. |
--logstore_name | String | Yes | logstroe-a | The name of the Logstore. |
--shard_id | String | Yes | 0 | The ID of the shard. |
--cursor | String | Yes | MTYxNDc1MDAyNzM3MzIwNTcxNA== | The cursor that is used to query a timestamp. |
--normalize | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether to replace the specified cursor with the nearest cursor if no data is collected at the specified cursor.
- Sample requestsQuery the server time of the previous cursor based on a specified cursor. Run the following command:
aliyunlog log get_previous_cursor_time --project_name="aliyun-test-project" --logstore_name="logstore-a" --shard_id=1 --cursor="MTYxNDc1MDAyNzM3MzI1ODg3MQ=="
- Sample responses
{"cursor_time": 1620037252}