Queries the information about an OSS-HDFS data shipping job.
Authorization information
There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.
Request syntax
GET /osshdfsexports/{ossExportName} HTTP/1.1
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
project | string | Yes | The name of the project. | ali-test-project |
ossExportName | string | Yes | The unique name of the job. Make sure that the job exists. | job-123456789-123456 |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"name": "myossexportjob",
"description": "This is a oss export",
"displayName": "This is a oss export",
"configuration": {
"logstore": "logstore-demo",
"roleArn": "acs:ram::123456789:role/aliyunlogdefaultrole",
"sink": {
"endpoint": "http://xxxxxxxx",
"bucket": "test-bucket",
"prefix": "prefixxxx/",
"suffix": ".json",
"roleArn": "acs:ram::xxxxxxx",
"pathFormat": "%Y_%m_%d/good/bad",
"pathFormatType": "only support time",
"timeZone": "+0800",
"contentType": "json/parquet/csv/orc",
"contentDetail": {
"key": "{\n \"columns\": [\n \"your log key1\",\n \"your log key2\",\n \"your log key3\",\n ],\n \"delimiter\": \" \",\n \"header\": True,\n \"lineFeed\": \"\\n\",\n \"null\": \"-\",\n \"quote\": \"\\\"\"\n},"
"compressionType": "snappy/gizp/zstd/none",
"bufferInterval": 300,
"bufferSize": 256,
"delaySec": 123,
"delaySeconds": 900
"fromTime": 123456789,
"toTime": 123456789
"createTime": 123456789,
"lastModifiedTime": 123456789,
"status": "RUNNING",
"scheduleId": "c7f01719d9feb105fc9d8df92af62010"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.