The operation logs of Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB) record the operations that are performed on GWLB instances.
Background information
GWLB is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage GWLB resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Simple Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and identify the causes of issues. For more information, see What is ActionTrail?
View operation logs
You can use the basic event query method to query GWLB operations logs in the GWLB console.
Limit: For each query, you can specify one property as the condition for events generated within the last 90 days for your Alibaba Cloud account in the specified region.
Billing: ActionTrail is free of charge.
Basic event query
Log on to the GWLB console.
In the top navigation bar, select the region where the GWLB instance is deployed.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose
.On the Operation Log page, filter events as follows:
Select an event type.
Event type
Read/Write Type
Valid values: Write and Read.
Resource Type
Select one of the following resource types:
Server Group (ACS::GWLB::ServerGroup)
Server Load Balancer (ACS::GWLB::LoadBalancer)
Listener (ACS::GWLB::Listener)
Sensitive Operation
Only Yes (true) is available.
Event Name
Specify an event name.
Specify your username type. For example, user1 indicates a Resource Access Management (RAM) user.
Specify a time period. You can query events within the last 90 days.
to filter.
In the found event list, click View Event Details in the Actions column of the event that you want to check.
View detailed information about the event in the section that appears.
GWLB audit events
Event name | Description |
DescribeRegions | Queries regions. |
DescribeZones | Queries zones. |
CreateLoadBalancer | Creates a GWLB instance. |
DeleteLoadBalancer | Deletes a GWLB instance. |
UpdateLoadBalancerZones | Modifies the zones of a GWLB instance. |
UpdateLoadBalancerAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a GWLB instance. |
ListLoadBalancers | Queries GWLB instances. |
GetLoadBalancerAttribute | Queries the details of a GWLB instance. |
CreateListener | Creates a listener. |
DeleteListener | Deletes a listener. |
UpdateListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a listener. |
ListListeners | Queries listeners. |
GetListenerHealthStatus | Queries the health check status of a listener. |
GetListenerAttribute | Queries the attributes of a listener. |
CreateServerGroup | Creates a server group. |
DeleteServerGroup | Deletes a server group. |
UpdateServerGroupAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a server group. |
ListServerGroupServers | Queries backend servers in a server group. |
ListServerGroups | Queries server groups. |
AddServersToServerGroup | Adds backend servers to a server group. |
RemoveServersFromServerGroup | Removes backend servers from a server group. |
MoveResourceGroup | Migrates a resource group. |
ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to resources. |
TagResources | Adds tags to resources. |
UntagResources | Removes tags from resources. |