When you install the CI/CD plug-in of Security Center on Jenkins or GitHub, you must specify a token of the plug-in and the AccessKey pair of an Alibaba Cloud account or a RAM user. This topic describes how to obtain a token of the CI/CD plug-in, create a RAM user, and grant the RAM user the permissions to use container image scan of Security Center.

Obtain a token

  1. Log on to the Security Center console.In the left-side navigation pane, choose Protection Configuration > Container Protection > CI/CD Integration Settings.
  2. On the CI/CD Integration Settings page, click Integration Configuration to go to the Integration Configuration panel.
  3. In the Integration Configuration panel, click Add Token, enter a name for the token and click OK. The name can be up to 64 characters in length.
    The information about the token is displayed in the Plug-in list of the Integration Configuration panel. You can view and obtain the token in the Token column of the CI/CD Plug-in list.

Create a RAM user and grant permissions to the RAM user

  1. Create a RAM user and grant the RAM user the permissions to use container image scan of Security Center. For more information, see Create a RAM user.
    Note When you create the RAM user, you must select OpenAPI Access in the Access Mode section.
  2. Create a policy that defines the permissions to use container image scan of Security Center. For more information, see Create a custom policy on the JSON tab.
    Copy the following policy document to the code editor on the JSON tab:
      "Version": "1",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "*"
  3. Attach the policy to the RAM user that you created. For more information, see Grant permissions to a RAM user.