This topic describes how to configure a proxy in Alibaba Cloud SDK V2.0 for .NET
Proxy configuration methods
The proxy configurations take effect in the following descending order: the configuration by using the RuntimeOptions object and the configuration when you initialize an SDK client.
The following code provides an example on how to configure a proxy by using the RuntimeOptions object.
using AlibabaCloud.TeaUtil.Models; using Tea; namespace demo { public class Sample { static void Main(string[] args) { var ecsConfig = new AlibabaCloud.OpenApiClient.Models.Config { // Obtain the AccessKey ID from an environment variable. AccessKeyId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), // Obtain the AccessKey secret from an environment variable. AccessKeySecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET"), Endpoint = "" }; var escClient = new AlibabaCloud.SDK.Ecs20140526.Client(ecsConfig); var describeInstancesRequest = new AlibabaCloud.SDK.Ecs20140526.Models.DescribeRegionsRequest(); // Use RuntimeOptions to configure timeout periods. The setting takes effect only on the requests that use the RuntimeOptions object. var runtimeOptions = new RuntimeOptions(); runtimeOptions.HttpProxy = ""; runtimeOptions.HttpsProxy = "http://user:password@"; runtimeOptions.NoProxy = ",localhost"; var response = escClient.DescribeRegionsWithOptions(describeInstancesRequest, runtime); Console.WriteLine(response.Body.ToMap()); } } }
The following code provides an example on how to configure a proxy by using the Config object when you initialize an SDK client.
using AlibabaCloud.TeaUtil.Models; using Tea; namespace demo { public class Sample { static void Main(string[] args) { var ecsConfig = new AlibabaCloud.OpenApiClient.Models.Config { // Obtain the AccessKey ID from an environment variable. AccessKeyId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), // Obtain the AccessKey secret from an environment variable. AccessKeySecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET"), Endpoint = "", // Specify the proxy parameters. The proxy parameter settings take effect for SDK clients that are initialized by using the Config. NoProxy = ",localhost", HttpProxy = "", HttpsProxy = "http://user:password@" }; var escClient = new AlibabaCloud.SDK.Ecs20140526.Client(ecsConfig); var describeInstancesRequest = new AlibabaCloud.SDK.Ecs20140526.Models.DescribeRegionsRequest(); var runtime = new AlibabaCloud.TeaUtil.Models.RuntimeOptions(); var response = escClient.DescribeRegionsWithOptions(describeInstancesRequest, runtime); Console.WriteLine(response.Body.ToMap()); } } }