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Introduction to CCN

Updated at: 2024-12-20 03:31

Cloud Connect Network (CCN) is a matrix that consists of distributed access gateways of Alibaba Cloud. CCN is an important component of Smart Access Gateway (SAG). After you associate an SAG instance with a CCN instance, the SAG instance connects the associated on-premises networks to Alibaba Cloud through the CCN instance.

You must select an area when you create a CCN instance. For more information about the areas that support CCN, see Supported areas.


An SAG instance can be associated with a CCN instance that belongs to the same area as the SAG instance. You cannot associate an SAG instance with a CCN instance that belongs to a different area.

You can also attach a CCN instance to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance. This way, the CEN instance can connect the associated on-premises networks to Alibaba Cloud.

  • If the CCN instance and the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you want to connect belong to the same area, the on-premises networks associated with the CCN instance can communicate with cloud resources in the VPC by default.

    For example, if you want to connect the network of a branch in Hangzhou to a VPC in the China (Shanghai) region by using SAG, you only need to associate the network of the branch with a CCN instance in the Chinese mainland, and then connect the CCN instance to the CEN instance to which the VPC is attached.

  • If the CCN instance and the VPC that you want to connect belong to different areas, you must perform the following operations after you use CEN to connect the CCN instance to the VPC: Purchase a bandwidth plan for the CEN instance, and then allocate bandwidth for inter-region connections. This way, the on-premises networks associated with the CCN instance can communicate with the resources in the VPC.

For more information, see What is CEN?

CCN areas and CEN regions

A CCN instance is created in an area rather than a region. An area of CCN consists of one or more regions of CEN. A CCN instance can connect networks in different regions in the same area.

For example, if a CCN instance in the Chinese mainland, VPC1 in the China (Qingdao) region, VPC2 in the China (Beijing) region, and VPC3 in the China (Hong Kong) region are connected to the same CEN:

  • The on-premises networks associated with the CCN instance can directly communicate with VPC1 and VPC2. You do not need to configure bandwidth for inter-region connections.

  • To enable communication between the on-premises networks associated with the CCN instance and VPC3, or the communication between VPC1 and VPC2, you must configure bandwidth for inter-region connections.

CCN area

CEN region

CCN area

CEN region

Region in the Chinese mainland

China (Qingdao), China (Beijing), China (Zhangjiakou), China (Hohhot), China (Ulanqab), China (Shenzhen), China (Heyuan), China (Guangzhou), China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Nanjing - Local Region), and China (Chengdu)

China (Hong Kong)

China (Hong Kong)



Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

Indonesia (Jakarta)

Indonesia (Jakarta)

Japan (Tokyo)

Japan (Tokyo)

Germany (Frankfurt)

Germany (Frankfurt)

  • On this page (1, T)
  • CCN areas and CEN regions
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