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:View change records

Last Updated:Sep 03, 2024

You can manage the lifecycle of an application in the SAE console. For example, you can deploy and start an application. You can also scale in or scale out instances for the application. After you perform lifecycle management operations on an application, you can go to the Change Records page of the application to view change details.


  1. Log on to the SAE console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Applications. In the top navigation bar, select a region. Then, click the name of an application.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Change Records. On the Change Records page, view all types of changes in the application and the change status of each operation.


    Each time you make a change to an application, the An application change is in progress. The change is in the Executing state. message appears on the Basic Information page. You can click Change Details to view the information and real-time status of the change.

  4. Click View in the Actions column to view the details of a change.

    The Change Details page displays the overview and execution process of the change.

    • Change overview: displays the information about the change, such as the change process ID, execution status, and change type.

    • Change process details: displays the entire process and all change steps.

  5. In the change process details section, you can click the > icon of a change step to view the operation log of the step.

    If a step fails to be completed during the process, the system automatically displays the log. You can identify the cause of the step failure based on the log. For more information, see FAQ.


If a change fails, you can check which step failed to be executed and the cause of the failure on the Change Details page.

How do I identify the cause of a change failure?

  1. In the left-side navigation pane of the Basic Information page of an application, click Change Records.

    If a change fails, Execute Failed is displayed in the Change Status column of the change.

  2. Click View in the Actions column of the failed change.

How do I handle a common exception that occurs during an application change process?

In this example, a change failed to be executed due to an exception that occurred during a port health check.

  • Cause

    • When the application is started, port 65000 that is required for the application is unavailable.

    • The Tomcat container failed to properly start.

  • Solution

    Check whether the application logs contain the corresponding exception log.