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Serverless App Engine:Overview of Spring Cloud application development

Last Updated:Sep 03, 2024

Serverless App Engine (SAE) supports the native Spring Cloud microservice framework. You can migrate applications that are developed by using this framework to SAE by only adding dependencies to and modifying the configurations of service registries. You do not need to modify any code. SAE provides the following enterprise-level capabilities: application hosting, application governance, monitoring, alerting, and application diagnosis.

Benefits of Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud provides a series of standards and specifications to simplify application development. These standards and specifications include service discovery, load balancing, circuit breakers, configuration management, message event triggering, and message bus. Spring Cloud also helps you implement gateways, distributed tracing, security, distributed job scheduling, and distributed job coordination based on the standards and specifications.

The following Spring Cloud components are commonly used: Spring Cloud Netflix, Spring Cloud Consul, and Spring Cloud Alibaba.

If you have developed an application by using Spring Cloud components such as Spring Cloud Netflix and Spring Cloud Consul, you can deploy the application on SAE to use application hosting capabilities. You can use the advanced monitoring features of SAE, such as end-to-end tracing, monitoring, alerting, and application diagnosis, without the need to modify any code.

To use more service governance-related features in SAE to manage your Spring Cloud applications, you must replace your Spring Cloud components with the components in Spring Cloud Alibaba or add Spring Cloud Alibaba components.


SAE supports Spring Cloud Greenwich, Spring Cloud Finchley, and Spring Cloud Edgware. For information about version mappings among Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud Alibaba, see Version mappings.

The following table describes the features of Spring Cloud, open source components, and compatibility with SAE.
Spring Cloud featureOpen source componentCompatibility with SAE
General featuresService registration and discovery
  • Netflix Eureka
  • Consul Discovery
Compatible and substitute components available
Load balancingNetflix RibbonCompatible
Service calls
  • Feign
  • RestTemplate
Configuration management
  • Config Server
  • Consul Config
Compatible and substitute components available
Service gateway
  • Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Netflix Zuul
TracingSpring Cloud SleuthCompatible and substitute components available
Spring Cloud Stream
  • RabbitMQ binder
  • Kafka binder
Compatible and substitute components available
Spring Cloud Bus
  • RabbitMQ
  • Kafka
Compatible and substitute components available
SecuritySpring Cloud SecurityCompatible
Distributed job schedulingSpring Cloud TaskYes
Distributed coordinationSpring Cloud ClusterCompatible

Version mappings

The following table describes the mappings among Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Alibaba, and the commercialized components of SAE.

Spring CloudSpring BootSpring Cloud Alibaba
Note Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Discovery is an open source component of ANS, and Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Config is an open source component of ACM.