You can use Fn::And, Fn::Or, Fn::Not, or Fn::Equals to define a condition statement. In each condition, you can reference another condition, a parameter value, or a mapping. You can associate conditions with resources in the Resources and Outputs sections of a template. To associate conditions with resources, you can use the Fn::If function or the Condition property of the resources.
The declaration of a condition consists of a condition name and a condition statement. The condition name is of the String type. You can use the following functions to define condition statements. You can reference other conditions in a condition. Each condition name must be unique.
You can use the following functions to define conditions, but cannot use the functions as the outermost functions:
"Fn::Select", "Fn::Join", "Fn::Split", "Fn::Replace", "Fn::Base64Encode", "Fn::Base64Decode", "Fn::MemberListToMap", "Fn::If", "Fn::ListMerge", "Fn::GetJsonValue", "Fn::MergeMapToList", "Fn::SelectMapList", "Fn::Add", "Fn::Avg", "Fn::Str", "Fn::Calculate", "Ref"(only for parameter references), and "Fn::FindInMap".
The following example shows how to define conditions:
Conditions: DevEnv: Fn::Equals: - Dev - Ref: EnvType UTEnv: Fn::Equals: - UT - Ref: EnvType PREEnv: Fn::Not: Fn::Or: - DevEnv - UTEnv ProdEnv: Fn::And: - Fn::Equals: - Prod - Ref: EnvType - PREEnv
The following example shows how to associate conditions with resources.
In this example, the EnvType value is used as a condition to determine whether to create a data disk and an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket for an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01' Parameters: EnvType: Default: pre Type: String Conditions: CreateProdRes: Fn::Equals: - prod - Ref: EnvType Resources: WebServer: Type: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance Properties: DiskMappings: Fn::If: - CreateProdRes - - Category: cloud_efficiency DiskName: FirstDataDiskName Size: 40 - Category: cloud_ssd DiskName: SecondDataDiskName Size: 40 - Ref: ALIYUN::NoValue VpcId: vpc-2zew9pxh2yirtzqxd**** SystemDiskCategory: cloud_efficiency SecurityGroupId: sg-2zece6wcqriejf1v**** SystemDiskSize: 40 ImageId: centos_6_8_64_40G_base_2017****.vhd IoOptimized: optimized VSwitchId: vsw-2zed9txvy7h2srqo6**** InstanceType: ecs.n1.medium OssBucket: Type: ALIYUN::OSS::Bucket Condition: CreateProdRes Properties: AccessControl: private BucketName: myprodbucket Outputs: InstanceId: Value: Fn::GetAtt: - WebServer - InstanceId OssDomain: Condition: CreateProdRes Value: Fn::GetAtt: - OssBucket - DomainName