This topic describes how to deploy Apache Kafka on a single instance by creating a stack in the Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) console.
Background information
Apache Kafka is an open source stream processing platform that is written in the Scala and Java programming languages. Apache Kafka is a high-throughput distributed publish-subscribe messaging system for processing streaming data of customer behaviors on websites.
You can use the Installs Kafka on an ECS instance (existing VPC) sample template to create an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance based on existing resources and associate an elastic IP address (EIP) with the instance. The existing resources include a virtual private cloud (VPC), vSwitch, and security group.
The following software versions are used in the sample template:
JDK 1.8.0: Java Development Kit (JDK)
Scala 2.12: the programming language
Apache Kafka the compute engine
The default storage directory of Apache Kafka data in the data disk is
. The default storage directory of Apache Kafka binaries is/home/software/kafka/bin
.After you create a stack, you can obtain the value of KafkaManagerUrl and log on to the Apache Kafka management console.
If you want to access the URL specified by KafkaManagerUrl over the Internet, you must configure an inbound rule for the security group to allow traffic on port 9000. For more information, see Add a security group rule.
Step 1: Create a stack
Log on to the ROS console.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose
.Search for the Installs Kafka on an ECS instance (existing VPC) sample template.
Click Create Stack.
In the Configure Parameters step, configure Stack Name and the following parameters.
VSwitch Zone ID
The zone ID of the vSwitch in the VPC.
Qingdao Zone C
Existing VPC Instance ID
The VPC ID of the instance.
For more information about how to create and query a VPC, see Create and manage a VPC.
VSwitch ID
The ID of the vSwitch that resides in the VPC.
For more information about how to create and query a vSwitch, see Create and manage a vSwitch.
Business Security Group ID
The security group ID of the ECS instance.
For more information about how to query the ID of a security group, see Search for security groups.
Instance Type
The instance type of the ECS instance.
Select a valid instance type. For more information, see Overview of instance families.
Image ID
The image ID of the ECS instance.
For more information, see Find an image
Instance Password
The password of the ECS instance.
Public IP Bandwidth
The bandwidth of the public IP address.
Unit: Mbit/s.
Valid values: 1 to 100.
Disk Type
The disk category. Valid values:
cloud_efficiency: ultra disk
cloud_ssd: standard SSD
cloud_essd: Enterprise SSD (ESSD)
cloud: basic disk
ephemeral_ssd: local SSD
For more information, see Disks.
Data Disk Space
The data disk size of the ECS instance.
Valid values: 20 to 32786.
Unit: GB.
Kafka Listeners Port
The listener port. The port number must be greater than 1000.
Default value: 9092.
Message Retention Time
The maximum retention period of a message.
Default value: 24.
Unit: hour.
Topic Specifications
The number of topics.
Default value: 50.
Click Create.
On the Stack Information tab, view the stack status. Wait until the stack is created. Then, click the Outputs tab to obtain the value of
.Access the URL specified by
and log on to the Kafka management console.
Step 2: View resources
In the left-side navigation pane, click Deployment > Stacks.
On the Stacks page, click the ID of the desired stack.
Click the Resources tab to view the information about resources in the stack.
The following table describes the resource in this example.
Resource description
Specification description
Creates an ECS instance to deploy Apache Kafka on the instance.
An ECS instance that has the following specifications is created:
Instance type: ecs.c5.large.
Disk category: ultra disk.
System disk size: 40 GB.
Public IP address: A public IP address is allocated.
NoteFor more information about the pricing details of resources, go to the relevant console or refer to the pricing documentation of each resource.