DATASOURCE::REDIS::Instances is used to query the information about Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) instances.
"Type": "DATASOURCE::REDIS::Instances",
"Properties": {
"ArchitectureType": String,
"EngineVersion": String,
"EditionType": String,
"ZoneId": String,
"ResourceGroupId": String,
"VSwitchId": String,
"InstanceClass": String,
"Expired": String,
"VpcId": String,
"PrivateIp": String,
"InstanceStatus": String,
"ChargeType": String,
"NetworkType": String,
"SearchKey": String,
"GlobalInstance": String,
"InstanceType": String,
"InstanceIds": String,
"RefreshOptions": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ArchitectureType | String | No | Yes | The architecture type. | Valid values:
EngineVersion | String | No | Yes | The database engine version of the instance. | Valid values:
EditionType | String | No | Yes | The edition of the instance. | Valid values:
ZoneId | String | No | Yes | The zone ID. | None. |
ResourceGroupId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the resource group. | None. |
VSwitchId | String | No | Yes | The vSwitch ID. | None. |
InstanceClass | String | No | Yes | The instance type. | None. |
Expired | String | No | Yes | Specifies whether the instance has expired. | Valid values:
VpcId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC). | None. |
PrivateIp | String | No | Yes | The IP address of the VPC. | None. |
InstanceStatus | String | No | Yes | The status of the instance. | Valid values:
ChargeType | String | No | Yes | The billing method. | Valid values:
NetworkType | String | No | Yes | The network type. | Valid values:
SearchKey | String | No | Yes | The keyword that you want to use for fuzzy searches. The keyword can be a part of an instance name or instance ID. | None. |
GlobalInstance | String | No | Yes | Specifies whether to return the child instance of a distributed instance. | Valid values:
InstanceType | String | No | Yes | The category of the instance. | Valid values:
InstanceIds | String | No | Yes | The IDs of the instances that you want to query. | Note If you specify multiple instance IDs, separate the instance IDs with commas (,). |
RefreshOptions | String | No | Yes | The refresh policy for data source resources when the stack is updated. | Valid values:
Return values (Fn::GetAtt)
InstanceIds: the IDs of the instances.
Instances: details of the instances.
Property | Type | Description | Constraint |
InstanceIds | List | The IDs of the instances. | None. |
Instances | List | Details of the instances. | None. |
VpcId | String | The VPC ID. | None. |
PrivateIp | String | The IP address of the VPC. | Note This property is not returned if the instance is deployed in the classic network. |
Capacity | Number | The capacity of the instance. | Unit: MB. |
ReplacateId | String | The logical ID of the distributed instance. | None. |
CreateTime | String | The time when the instance was created. | None. |
ConnectionDomain | String | The private endpoint of the instance. | None. |
IsRds | Boolean | Indicates whether the instance is managed by ApsaraDB RDS. | Valid values:
ChargeType | String | The billing method. | Valid values:
ArchitectureType | String | The architecture type. | Valid values:
NetworkType | String | The network type. | Valid values:
ConnectionMode | String | The connection mode of the instance. | Valid values:
Port | Number | The service port of the instance. | None. |
SecondaryZoneId | String | The ID of the secondary zone. | Note SecondaryZoneId is not returned if a value that indicates multiple zone IDs, such as "cn-hangzhou-MAZ10(h,i)", is returned for ZoneId. |
EngineVersion | String | The database engine version of the instance. | Valid values:
PackageType | String | The plan type. | Valid values:
Config | String | The parameter settings of the instance. | For more information, see Configure instance parameters. |
Bandwidth | Number | The bandwidth of the instance. | Unit: MB/s. |
InstanceName | String | The instance name. | None. |
ShardCount | Number | The number of data nodes in the cluster instance. | Note This property is returned only if the instance is a cluster instance that uses cloud disks. |
UserName | String | The username that is used to connect to the instance. | By default, a username that is named after the instance ID is returned. |
GlobalInstanceId | String | The ID of the distributed instance. | Note This property is returned only if the instance is a child instance of a distributed instance. |
QPS | Number | The queries per second (QPS). | None. |
InstanceClass | String | The instance type. | None. |
DestroyTime | String | The time when the instance was permanently deleted. | None. |
InstanceType | String | The category of the instance. | Valid values:
HasRenewChangeOrder | Boolean | Indicates whether a pending order for renewal and configuration change exists. | Valid values:
SearchKey | String | The keyword that is used for fuzzy searches. The keyword is a part of an instance ID or instance description. | None. |
EndTime | String | The expiration time of the subscription instance. | None. |
VSwitchId | String | The vSwitch ID. | None. |
NodeType | String | The node type. | Valid values:
Connections | Number | The maximum number of connections that are supported by the instance. | None. |
ResourceGroupId | String | The ID of the resource group to which the instance belongs. | None. |
ZoneId | String | The zone ID. | None. |
InstanceStatus | String | The status of the instance. | Valid values:
CloudType | String | This property is returned only if the instance is in a cloud box. | None. |
EditionType | String | The edition of the instance. | Valid values:
Tags | Map | The information about the tags. | Example:
InstanceId | String | The instance ID. | None. |
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Parameters": {
"InstanceIds": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The IDs of instances.\nIf you specify multiple instance IDs, separate the instance IDs with commas (,)."
"Resources": {
"ExtensionDataSource": {
"Type": "DATASOURCE::REDIS::Instances",
"Properties": {
"InstanceIds": {
"Ref": "InstanceIds"
"Outputs": {
"Instances": {
"Description": "The list of The Redis instances.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"InstanceIds": {
"Description": "The list of The Redis instance Ids.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Type: String
Description: |-
The IDs of instances.
If you specify multiple instance IDs, separate the instance IDs with commas (,).
Type: DATASOURCE::REDIS::Instances
Ref: InstanceIds
Description: The list of The Redis instances.
- ExtensionDataSource
- Instances
Description: The list of The Redis instance Ids.
- ExtensionDataSource
- InstanceIds