DATASOURCE::PAI::Datasets is used to query the basic information about datasets.
"Type": "DATASOURCE::PAI::Datasets",
"Properties": {
"SourceId": String,
"WorkspaceId": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
SourceId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the data source. | Valid values:
WorkspaceId | String | Yes | Yes | The ID of the workspace to which the dataset belongs. | None. |
Return values
Datasets: details of the datasets.
DatasetIds: the IDs of the datasets.
Property | Type | Description | Constraint |
DatasetIds | List | The IDs of the datasets. | None. |
Datasets | List | Details of the datasets. | None. |
Accessibility | String | The accessibility of the workspace. | None. |
CreateTime | String | The time when the dataset was created. | None. |
Options | String | The extended fields. | None. |
DataType | String | The data type. | None. |
SourceType | String | The type of the data source. | None. |
Property | String | The property of the dataset. | None. |
Uri | String | The URI configuration. | None. |
OwnerId | String | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. | None. |
DatasetName | String | The name of the dataset. | None. |
GmtModifiedTime | String | The time when the dataset was updated. | None. |
UserId | String | The user ID. | None. |
DataSourceType | String | The type of the data source. | None. |
SourceId | String | The ID of the data source. | None. |
Description | String | The description of the dataset. | None. |
DatasetId | String | The ID of the dataset. | None. |
WorkspaceId | String | The ID of the workspace to which the dataset belongs. | None. |