DATASOURCE::ENS::Instances is used to query the information about Edge Node Service (ENS) instances.
"Type": "DATASOURCE::ENS::Instances",
"Properties": {
"InstanceId": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
RefreshOptions | String | No | Yes | The refresh policy for data source resources when the stack is updated. | Valid values:
InstanceId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the instance. | None. |
Return values (Fn::GetAtt)
Instances: details of the instances.
InstanceIds: the IDs of the instances.
Property | Type | Description | Constraint |
InstanceIds | List | The IDs of the instances. | None. |
Instances | List | Details of the instances. | None. |
InstanceId | String | The ID of the instance. | None. |
Status | String | The status of the instance. | Valid values:
Memory | Integer | The memory size. | Unit: MB. |
Cpu | String | The number of vCPUs. | None. |
SpecName | String | The instance type. | None. |
OSName | String | The name of the image. | None. |
InstanceName | String | The name of the instance. | None. |
SystemDisk | Map | The returned information about the system disk. | Example:
Disk | Integer | The total disk size. | None. |
NetworkAttributes | Map | The network information. | Example:
InternetMaxBandwidthOut | Integer | The minimum upstream bandwidth. | Unit: Mbit/s. |
InternetMaxBandwidthIn | Integer | The maximum downstream bandwidth. | Unit: Mbit/s. |
ExpiredTime | String | The expiration time of the instance. | The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
CreationTime | String | The creation time of the instance. | The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. |
ImageId | String | The ID of the image. | None. |
EnsRegionId | String | The region ID of the instance. | None. |
HostName | String | The hostname of the instance. | None. |
InstanceResourceType | String | The category of the instance. | Valid values:
SecurityGroupIds | List | The IDs of the security groups. | None. |
PrivateIpAddresses | Map | The returned information about the private IP address. | Example:
PublicIpAddresses | Map | The returned information about the public IP address. | Example:
InnerIpAddresses | List | The private IP addresses of the instance. | None. |
DataDisks | Map | The returned information about the data disk. | Example:
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Parameters": {
"Status": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The status of instance.",
"Default": "Running"
"Resources": {
"Instances": {
"Type": "DATASOURCE::ENS::Instances",
"Properties": {
"Status": {
"Ref": "Status"
"Outputs": {
"Instances": {
"Description": "The list of instances.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"InstanceIds": {
"Description": "The list of instance IDs.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Type: String
Description: The status of instance.
Default: Running
Type: DATASOURCE::ENS::Instances
Ref: Status
Description: The list of instances.
- Instances
- Instances
Description: The list of instance IDs.
- Instances
- InstanceIds