ALIYUN::SLS::Audit is used to configure Log Audit Service.
For more information about Log Audit Service, see Overview of Log Audit Service.
"Type": "ALIYUN::SLS::Audit",
"Properties": {
"VariableMap": Map,
"DisplayName": String,
"MultiAccount": List
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
DisplayName | String | Yes | No | The display name of Log Audit Service. | The display name can be up to 128 characters in length. |
VariableMap | Map | Yes | Yes | The configurations of Log Audit Service. | For more information, see VariableMap properties. |
MultiAccount | List | No | Yes | The IDs of the Alibaba Cloud accounts for which you want to configure Log Audit Service. | Separate multiple Alibaba Cloud account IDs with commas (,). You can specify up to 100 Alibaba Cloud account IDs. |
VariableMap syntax
"VariableMap": {
"ApigatewayTtl": Number,
"SasCrackEnabled": Boolean,
"CpsEnabled": Boolean,
"ApigatewayEnabled": Boolean,
"WafEnabled": Boolean,
"OssSyncTtl": Number,
"SasTtl": Number,
"ActiontrailTtl": Number,
"OssAccessEnabled": Boolean,
"OssSyncEnabled": Boolean,
"SasSnapshotAccountEnabled": Boolean,
"SlbSyncEnabled": Boolean,
"SlbAccessTtl": Number,
"BastionEnabled": Boolean,
"RdsEnabled": Boolean,
"SasSessionEnabled": Boolean,
"SasLocalDnsEnabled": Boolean,
"OssAccessTtl": Number,
"SasHttpEnabled": Boolean,
"BastionTtl": Number,
"OssMeteringEnabled": Boolean,
"SasProcessEnabled": Boolean,
"NasEnabled": Boolean,
"SasDnsEnabled": Boolean,
"SasSnapshotPortEnabled": Boolean,
"SasSecurityAlertEnabled": Boolean,
"SlbAccessEnabled": Boolean,
"NasTtl": Number,
"SasNetworkEnabled": Boolean,
"SasLoginEnabled": Boolean,
"WafTtl": Number,
"OssMeteringTtl": Number,
"SasSnapshotProcessEnabled": Boolean,
"SasSecurityHcEnabled": Boolean,
"RdsTtl": Number,
"CpsTtl": Number,
"SlbSyncTtl": Number,
"CloudfirewallTtl": Number,
"ActiontrailEnabled": Boolean,
"SasSecurityVulEnabled": Boolean,
"ApigatewayTiEnabled": Boolean,
"RdsSlowCollectionPolicy": String,
"PolardbSlowCollectionPolicy": String,
"BastionAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
"DdosCooAccessPolicySetting": List,
"RdsAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
"ActiontrailOpenapiPolicySetting": List,
"BastionTiEnabled": Boolean,
"K8sIngressTiEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbEnabled": Boolean,
"WafTiEnabled": Boolean,
"RedisSyncTtl": Number,
"OssAccessPolicySetting": List,
"AppconnectTiEnabled": Boolean,
"ApigatewayAccessPolicySetting": List,
"NasTiEnabled": Boolean,
"RdsPerfTiEnabled": Boolean,
"ActiontrailOpenapiCollectionPolicy": String,
"DrdsSyncTtl": Number,
"K8sEventEnabled": Boolean,
"RedisSyncEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbPerfTiEnabled": Boolean,
"CpsTiEnabled": Boolean,
"CloudfirewallTiEnabled": Boolean,
"OssAccessTiEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbSlowTiEnabled": Boolean,
"RedisAuditTtl": Number,
"RdsAuditPolicySetting": List,
"OssMeteringCollectionPolicy": String,
"ActiontrailTiEnabled": Boolean,
"SasTiEnabled": Boolean,
"DdosCooAccessTiEnabled": Boolean,
"WafAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
"CloudfirewallAccessPolicySetting": List,
"RedisAuditEnabled": Boolean,
"CpsCallbackPolicySetting": List,
"BastionAuditPolicySetting": List,
"PolardbSlowEnabled": Boolean,
"DrdsAuditEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbTtl": Number,
"RdsPerfPolicySetting": List,
"K8sIngressTtl": Number,
"OssMeteringPolicySetting": List,
"K8sEventCollectionPolicy": String,
"DrdsAuditPolicySetting": List,
"WafAccessPolicySetting": List,
"CloudfirewallEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbAuditPolicySetting": List,
"RedisAuditTiEnabled": Boolean,
"RedisAuditPolicySetting": List,
"SlbAccessPolicySetting": List,
"PolardbTiEnabled": Boolean,
"ApigatewayAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
"DrdsAuditTtl": Number,
"AppconnectEnabled": Boolean,
"DrdsSyncEnabled": Boolean,
"OssMeteringTiEnabled": Boolean,
"K8sAuditTiEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbSlowTtl": Number,
"DrdsAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
"K8sAuditPolicySetting": List,
"K8sEventPolicySetting": List,
"RdsSlowTiEnabled": Boolean,
"K8sIngressPolicySetting": List,
"RedisAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
"PolardbPerfTtl": Number,
"AppconnectTtl": Number,
"DrdsAuditTiEnabled": Boolean,
"K8sAuditEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbPerfPolicySetting": List,
"NasAuditPolicySetting": List,
"K8sEventTtl": Number,
"CpsCallbackCollectionPolicy": String,
"PolardbAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
"RdsPerfEnabled": Boolean,
"RdsSlowEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbSlowPolicySetting": List,
"DdosCooAccessTtl": Number,
"PolardbPerfCollectionPolicy": String,
"SlbAccessTiEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbPerfEnabled": Boolean,
"AppconnectOpPolicySetting": List,
"K8sEventTiEnabled": Boolean,
"AppconnectOpCollectionPolicy": String,
"NasAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
"K8sAuditTtl": Number,
"SlbAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
"K8sIngressEnabled": Boolean,
"K8sAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
"RdsPerfTtl": Number,
"OssAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
"RdsSlowPolicySetting": List,
"RdsSlowTtl": Number,
"RdsPerfCollectionPolicy": String,
"DdosCooAccessEnabled": Boolean,
"DdosCooAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
"CloudfirewallAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
"RdsTiEnabled": Boolean,
"K8sIngressCollectionPolicy": String,
"CloudfirewallVpcEnabled": Boolean,
"CloudfirewallVpcTtl": Number,
"DdosBgpAccessEnabled": Boolean,
"DdosBgpAccessTtl": Number,
"DdosDipAccessEnabled": Boolean,
"DdosDipAccessTtl": Number,
"DnsIntranetCollectionPolicy": String,
"DnsIntranetEnabled": Boolean,
"DnsIntranetTtl": Number,
"DnsSyncEnabled": Boolean,
"DnsSyncTtl": Number,
"IdaasMngCollectionPolicy": String,
"IdaasMngEnabled": Boolean,
"IdaasMngTtl": Number,
"IdaasUserCollectionPolicy": String,
"IdaasUserEnabled": Boolean,
"IdaasUserTtl": Number,
"VpcFlowCollectionPolicy": String,
"VpcFlowEnabled": Boolean,
"VpcFlowTtl": Number,
"VpcSyncEnabled": Boolean,
"VpcSyncTtl": Number,
"AlbAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
"AlbAccessEnabled": Boolean,
"AlbAccessTtl": Number,
"AlbSyncEnabled": Boolean,
"AlbSyncTtl": Number,
"CloudconfigChangeEnabled": Boolean,
"CloudconfigChangeTtl": Number,
"CloudconfigNoncomEnabled": Boolean,
"CloudconfigNoncomTtl": Number,
"PolardbErrorCollectionPolicy": String,
"PolardbErrorEnabled": Boolean,
"PolardbErrorTtl": Number,
"RdsErrorCollectionPolicy": String,
"RdsErrorEnabled": Boolean,
"RdsErrorTtl": Number,
"SasDnsQueryEnabled": Boolean,
VariableMap properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
PolardbErrorTtl | Number | Yes | Yes | The period of time during which error logs of PolarDB for MySQL are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
ActiontrailEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit operation logs of ActionTrail. | Valid values:
ActiontrailOpenapiCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for API logs of ActionTrail. | None. |
ActiontrailOpenapiPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the API policy for ActionTrail. | None. |
ActiontrailTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for ActionTrail. | Valid values:
ActiontrailTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which operation logs of ActionTrail are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
AlbAccessCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for access logs of Application Load Balancer (ALB). | None. |
AlbAccessEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect access logs of ALB. | Valid values:
AlbAccessTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which access logs of ALB are retained in the regional Logstore. | Unit: day. |
AlbSyncEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to synchronize access logs of ALB to the central project. | Valid values:
AlbSyncTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which access logs of ALB are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
ApigatewayAccessCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The audit policy for API Gateway. | None. |
ApigatewayAccessPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for API Gateway. | None. |
ApigatewayEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit access logs of API Gateway. | Valid values:
ApigatewayTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for API Gateway. | Valid values:
ApigatewayTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which access logs of API Gateway are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
AppconnectEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit operation logs of Cloud Service Bus (CSB) App Connect. | Valid values:
AppconnectOpCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for CSB App Connect logs. | None. |
AppconnectOpPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for CSB App Connect. | None. |
AppconnectTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for CSB App Connect. | Valid values:
AppconnectTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which operation logs of CSB App Connect are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
BastionAuditCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of Bastionhost (BH). | None. |
BastionAuditPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the collection policy for BH logs. | None. |
BastionEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit operation logs of BH. | Valid values:
BastionTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for BH. | Valid values:
BastionTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which operation logs of BH are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
CloudconfigChangeEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect change logs of Cloud Config. | Valid values:
CloudconfigChangeTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which change logs of Cloud Config are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
CloudconfigNoncomEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect non-compliance events of Cloud Config. | Valid values:
CloudconfigNoncomTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which non-compliance events of Cloud Config are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
CloudfirewallAccessCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of Web Application Firewall (WAF). | None. |
CloudfirewallAccessPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the collection policy for Cloud Firewall logs. | None. |
CloudfirewallEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit virtual private cloud (VPC) firewall traffic logs of Cloud Firewall. | Valid values:
CloudfirewallTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for Cloud Firewall. | Valid values:
CloudfirewallTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which Internet firewall traffic logs of Cloud Firewall are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
CloudfirewallVpcEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect VPC firewall traffic logs of Cloud Firewall. | Valid values:
CloudfirewallVpcTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which VPC firewall traffic logs of Cloud Firewall are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
CpsCallbackCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push logs. | None. |
CpsCallbackPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the collection policy for Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push logs. | None. |
CpsEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit push receipt events of Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push. | Valid values:
CpsTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push. | Valid values:
CpsTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which push receipt events of Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
DdosBgpAccessEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect Anti-DDoS Origin logs. | Valid values:
DdosBgpAccessTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which Anti-DDoS Origin logs are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
DdosCooAccessCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of Anti-DDoS. | None. |
DdosCooAccessEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit access logs of Anti-DDoS. | Valid values:
DdosCooAccessPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for Anti-DDoS. | None. |
DdosCooAccessTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for Anti-DDoS. | Valid values:
DdosCooAccessTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which Anti-DDoS logs are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
DdosDipAccessEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect Anti-DDoS Proxy (Outside Chinese Mainland) logs. | Valid values:
DdosDipAccessTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which Anti-DDoS Proxy (Outside Chinese Mainland) logs are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
DnsIntranetCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for intranet private logs of Alibaba Cloud DNS (DNS). | None. |
DnsIntranetEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect intranet private DNS logs. | Valid values:
DnsIntranetTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which intranet private DNS logs are retained in the regional Logstore. | Unit: day. |
DnsSyncEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to synchronize intranet private DNS logs to the central project. | Valid values:
DnsSyncTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which intranet private DNS logs are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
DrdsAuditCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of PolarDB-X 1.0. | None. |
DrdsAuditEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit the SQL audit logs of PolarDB-X 1.0. | Valid values:
DrdsAuditPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for PolarDB-X 1.0. | None. |
DrdsAuditTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for PolarDB-X 1.0. | Valid values:
DrdsAuditTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which SQL audit logs of PolarDB-X 1.0 are retained in the regional Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
DrdsSyncEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to synchronize SQL audit logs of PolarDB-X 1.0 to the central project. | Valid values:
DrdsSyncTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which audit logs of PolarDB-X 1.0 are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
IdaasMngCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for management logs of Identity as a Service (IDaaS). | None. |
IdaasMngEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect management logs of IDaaS. | Valid values:
IdaasMngTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which management logs of IDaaS are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
IdaasUserCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for behavioral logs of IDaaS. | None. |
IdaasUserEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect behavioral logs of IDaaS. | Valid values:
IdaasUserTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which behavioral logs of IDaaS are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
K8sAuditCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK). | None. |
K8sAuditEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect Kubernetes audit logs of ACK. | Valid values:
K8sAuditPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for ACK. | None. |
K8sAuditTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for ACK. | Valid values:
K8sAuditTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which Kubernetes audit logs of ACK are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
K8sEventCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for event logs of ACK. | None. |
K8sEventEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect Kubernetes event logs of ACK. | Valid values:
K8sEventPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the event policy for ACK. | None. |
K8sEventTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for ACK events. | Valid values:
K8sEventTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which event logs of ACK are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
K8sIngressCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for Ingress access logs of ACK. | None. |
K8sIngressEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit Ingress access logs of ACK. | Valid values:
K8sIngressPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the Ingress policy for ACK. | None. |
K8sIngressTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for Ingress access logs of ACK. | Valid values:
K8sIngressTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which Ingress access logs of ACK are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
NasAuditCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of File Storage NAS (NAS). | None. |
NasAuditPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for NAS. | None. |
NasEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit access logs of NAS. | Valid values:
NasTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for NAS. | Valid values:
NasTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which access logs of NAS are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
OssAccessCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for access logs of Object Storage Service (OSS). | None. |
OssAccessEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit access logs of OSS. | Valid values:
OssAccessPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the access policy for OSS. | None. |
OssAccessTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for OSS. | Valid values:
OssAccessTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which access logs of OSS are retained in the regional Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
OssMeteringCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for metering logs of OSS. | None. |
OssMeteringEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit metering logs of OSS. | Valid values:
OssMeteringPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the metering policy for OSS. | None. |
OssMeteringTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for metering logs of OSS. | Valid values:
OssMeteringTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which metering logs of OSS are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
OssSyncEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to synchronize access logs of OSS to the central project. | Valid values:
Note You can synchronize the collected logs to the central project. This way, you can query, analyze, and visualize the collected logs in a more efficient manner. You can also configure alerts for the logs and perform secondary development. |
OssSyncTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which OSS logs are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. For more information about centralized storage, see the "Benefits" section of the Overview of Log Audit Service topic. |
PolardbAuditCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | None. |
PolardbAuditPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for PolarDB for MySQL. | None. |
PolardbEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect audit logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | Valid values:
PolardbErrorCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for error logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | None. |
PolardbErrorEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect error logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | None. |
PolardbPerfCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for performance logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | None. |
PolardbPerfEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect performance logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | Valid values:
PolardbPerfPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the performance log policy for PolarDB for MySQL. | None. |
PolardbPerfTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for performance logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | Valid values:
PolardbPerfTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which performance logs of PolarDB for MySQL are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
PolardbSlowCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for slow query logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | None. |
PolardbSlowEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit slow query logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | Valid values:
PolardbSlowPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the slow query log policy for PolarDB for MySQL. | None. |
PolardbSlowTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for slow query logs of PolarDB for MySQL. | Valid values:
PolardbSlowTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which slow query logs of PolarDB for MySQL are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
PolardbTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for PolarDB for MySQL. | Valid values:
PolardbTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which audit logs of PolarDB for MySQL are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
RdsAuditCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | None. |
RdsAuditPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | None. |
RdsEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit the SQL audit logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | Valid values:
RdsErrorCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for error logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | None. |
RdsErrorEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect error logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | Valid values:
RdsErrorTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which error logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
RdsPerfCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for performance logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | None. |
RdsPerfEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit performance logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | Valid values:
RdsPerfPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the performance policy for ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | None. |
RdsPerfTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for performance logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | Valid values:
RdsPerfTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which performance logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
RdsSlowCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit the slow query log policy for ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | Valid values:
RdsSlowEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit slow query logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | Valid values:
RdsSlowPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the slow query log policy for ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | None. |
RdsSlowTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for slow query logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | Valid values:
RdsSlowTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which slow query logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
RdsTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. | Valid values:
RdsTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which SQL audit logs of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
RedisAuditCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of ApsaraDB for Redis. | None. |
RedisAuditEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit the audit logs of ApsaraDB for Redis. | Valid values:
RedisAuditPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for ApsaraDB for Redis. | None. |
RedisAuditTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for ApsaraDB for Redis. | Valid values:
RedisAuditTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which access logs of ApsaraDB for Redis are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 7. Unit: day. |
RedisSyncEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to synchronize audit logs of ApsaraDB for Redis to the central project. | Valid values:
RedisSyncTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which audit logs of ApsaraDB for Redis are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
SasCrackEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit brute-force attack logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasDnsEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit Domain Name System (DNS) logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasDnsQueryEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect DNS request logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasHttpEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit web access logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasLocalDnsEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit internal DNS logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasLoginEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit logon logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasNetworkEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit network connection logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasProcessEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit process startup logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasSecurityAlertEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit alert logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasSecurityHcEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit baseline logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasSecurityVulEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit vulnerability logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasSessionEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit network session logs of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasSnapshotAccountEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit account snapshots of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasSnapshotPortEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit port snapshots of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasSnapshotProcessEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit process snapshots of Security Center. | Valid values:
SasTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for Security Center. | Valid values:
SasTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which Security Center logs are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
SlbAccessCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for audit logs of Server Load Balancer (SLB). | None. |
SlbAccessEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit access logs of SLB. | Valid values:
SlbAccessPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for SLB. | None. |
SlbAccessTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for SLB. | Valid values:
SlbAccessTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which access logs of SLB are retained in the regional Logstore. | Unit: day. |
SlbSyncEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to synchronize access logs of SLB to the central project. | Valid values:
SlbSyncTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which access logs of SLB are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
VpcFlowCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for flow logs of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). | None. |
VpcFlowEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to collect flow logs of VPC. | Valid values:
VpcFlowTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which flow logs of VPC are retained in the regional Logstore. | Unit: day. |
VpcSyncEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to synchronize flow logs of VPC to the central project. | Valid values:
VpcSyncTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which flow logs of VPC are retained in the central Logstore. | Unit: day. |
WafAccessCollectionPolicy | String | No | Yes | The collection policy for WAF logs. | None. |
WafAccessPolicySetting | List | No | Yes | The settings of the audit policy for WAF. | None. |
WafEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to audit access logs of WAF. | Valid values:
WafTiEnabled | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable threat intelligence for WAF. | Valid values:
WafTtl | Number | No | Yes | The period of time during which access logs of WAF are retained in the central Logstore. | Valid values: 3 to 3000. Default value: 180. Unit: day. |
Return values
DisplayName: the display name of Log Audit Service.
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Description: Name of SLS log audit.
MaxLength: 128
Type: String
Description: Multi-account configuration, please fill in multiple aliuid.
MaxLength: 100
MinLength: 0
Type: Json
Description: Log audit detailed configuration.
Type: Json
Ref: DisplayName
Ref: MultiAccount
Ref: VariableMap
Type: ALIYUN::SLS::Audit
Description: Name of SLS log audit.
- Audit
- DisplayName
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Parameters": {
"VariableMap": {
"Type": "Json",
"Description": "Log audit detailed configuration."
"DisplayName": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Name of SLS log audit.",
"MaxLength": 128
"MultiAccount": {
"Type": "Json",
"Description": "Multi-account configuration, please fill in multiple aliuid.",
"MinLength": 0,
"MaxLength": 100
"Resources": {
"Audit": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::SLS::Audit",
"Properties": {
"VariableMap": {
"Ref": "VariableMap"
"DisplayName": {
"Ref": "DisplayName"
"MultiAccount": {
"Ref": "MultiAccount"
"Outputs": {
"DisplayName": {
"Description": "Name of SLS log audit.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [