ALIYUN::PAI::Service is used to create an Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS) service in Machine Learning Platform for AI (PAI).
"Type": "ALIYUN::PAI::Service",
"Properties": {
"Develop": String,
"ServiceConfig": Map,
"Labels": Map
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Develop | String | No | No | Specifies whether to enter the development mode. | Valid values:
ServiceConfig | Map | Yes | Yes | The configurations of the service. | Example:
Labels | Map | No | Yes | The tags of the service. | Example:
Return values
ServiceGroup: the group to which the service belongs.
Message: the summary of the service.
Memory: the memory that you applied for each instance.
CurrentVersion: the current version of the model.
RunningInstance: the number of instances for the running service.
Cpu: the CPU that you applied for each instance.
Image: the data image of the service.
Gpu: the GPU that you applied for each instance.
CallerUid: the user ID of the account that is used to create the service.
Reason: the reason why the service is in the current state.
TotalInstance: the total number of instances of the service.
ServiceConfig: the configurations of the service.
AccessToken: the request token of the service.
InternetEndpoint: the public endpoint of the service.
ResourceAlias: the alias of the resource group to which the service belongs.
CreateTime: the time when the service was created.
Resource: the resource group to which the service belongs.
Labels: the tags of the service.
ExtraData: the additional information about the service.
Namespace: the namespace to which the service belongs.
Weight: the weight of the canary release for the service.
Role: the role of the service.
PendingInstance: the number of instances for the suspended service.
LatestVersion: the latest version of the service.
ServiceName: the name of the service.
SafetyLock: the security lock of the service.
UpdateTime: the time when the service was updated.
ServiceUid: the service ID. The value of this property is the same as the value of ServiceId.
RoleAttrs: the additional attributes of the service role.
ParentUid: the user ID of the Alibaba Cloud account that is used to create the service.
IntranetEndpoint: the private endpoint of the service.