ALIYUN::PAI::Dataset is used to create a dataset.
"Type": "ALIYUN::PAI::Dataset",
"Properties": {
"Options": String,
"Description": String,
"Accessibility": String,
"DatasetName": String,
"SourceType": String,
"SourceId": String,
"DataSourceType": String,
"WorkspaceId": String,
"DataType": String,
"Uri": String,
"Property": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Options | String | No | Yes | The extended fields. | When you use the dataset in Deep Learning Containers (DLC), you can use the mountPath field to specify the default mount path of the dataset. Example:
Description | String | No | Yes | The description of the dataset. | The dataset is used for labeling scenarios. |
Accessibility | String | No | Yes | The accessibility of the workspace. | Valid values:
DatasetName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the dataset. | The name must meet the following requirements:
SourceType | String | No | No | The type of the data source. | Valid values:
SourceId | String | No | No | The ID of the data source. | Valid values:
DataSourceType | String | Yes | No | The storage service in which the data source is stored. | Valid values:
WorkspaceId | String | Yes | No | The ID of the workspace to which the dataset belongs. | None. |
DataType | String | No | No | The type of the dataset. | Valid values:
Uri | String | Yes | No | The URI configuration. | Value formats:
Property | String | Yes | No | The property of the dataset. | Valid values:
Return values
Options: the extended field.
Description: the description of the dataset.
Accessibility: the accessibility of the workspace.
SourceId: the ID of the data source.
CreateTime: the time when the dataset was created.
SourceType: the type of the data source.
WorkspaceId: the ID of the workspace to which the dataset belongs.
Uri: the URI configuration.
GmtModifiedTime: the time when the dataset was updated.
DatasetId: the ID of the dataset.
OwnerId: the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account.
DatasetName: the name of the dataset.
UserId: the user ID.
DataSourceType: the storage service in which the data source is stored.
DataType: the type of the dataset.
Property: the property of the dataset.