ALIYUN::EDAS::Application is used to create an application in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster in Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS).
"Type": "ALIYUN::EDAS::Application",
"Properties": {
"ApplicationName": String,
"HealthCheckURL": String,
"Description": String,
"ClusterId": String,
"PackageType": String,
"BuildPackId": Integer,
"EcuInfo": String,
"ComponentIds": String,
"LogicalRegionId": String,
"ResourceGroupId": String,
"Deployment": Map
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ApplicationName | String | Yes | Yes | The application name. | The name must be 1 to 36 characters in length, and can contain digits, letters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The name must start with a letter. |
HealthCheckURL | String | No | No | The health check URL. | None. |
Description | String | No | Yes | The description of the application. | None. |
ClusterId | String | Yes | No | The ID of the ECS cluster in which you want to create the application. If you leave this property empty, the application is created in the default ECS cluster. | None. |
PackageType | String | No | No | The type of the deployment package of the application. | Valid values:
ResourceGroupId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the resource group. | None. |
BuildPackId | Integer | No | No | The build package number of EDAS Container. To obtain the build package number of EDAS Container, you can call the ListBuildPack operation or see the "Build package number" column of the Release notes for EDAS Container topic. | This property must be specified when you create a High-Speed Service Framework (HSF) application. |
EcuInfo | String | No | No | The IDs of the Elastic Compute Units (ECUs) that you want to scale out. The ID of an ECU indicates the unique identifier of an ECS instance that is imported to EDAS. | Separate multiple ECU IDs with commas (,). You can call the ListScaleOutEcu operation to query the ECU IDs. |
ComponentIds | String | No | No | The IDs of the application components. Note If you use EDAS SDK for Java or EDAS SDK for Python, make sure that the SDK version is V2.57.3 or later when you specify this property. If you do not use EDAS SDK, you can directly specify this property. For example, you can directly specify this property if you use other types of SDKs, such as aliyun-python-sdk-core, aliyun-java-sdk-core, and aliyun cli. | This property must be specified when you create a Dubbo application in the Apache Tomcat runtime by using a WAR package or create a Spring Boot or Spring Cloud application in the standard Java runtime by using a JAR package. Valid values:
LogicalRegionId | String | No | No | The ID of the microservices namespace to which the application belongs. Example: |
The value of this property must be the same as the ID of the microservices namespace to which the cluster belongs. To obtain a microservices namespace ID, perform the following operations: Log on to the EDAS console. Choose Resource Management > Microservice Namespaces. On the page that appears, obtain the namespace ID. |
Deployment | Map | No | No | The deployment information about the application. | For more information, see Deployment properties. |
Deployment syntax
"Deployment": {
"ReleaseType": Integer,
"Batch": Integer,
"TrafficControlStrategy": String,
"BatchWaitTime": Integer,
"PackageVersion": String,
"Desc": String,
"Gray": Boolean,
"WarUrl": String,
"GroupId": String,
"AppEnv": String
Deployment properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ReleaseType | Integer | No | No | The mode in which the deployment phases of the application are triggered. | Valid values:
Batch | Integer | No | No | The number of phases per instance group. |
TrafficControlStrategy | String | No | No | The content of the canary release policy. | None. |
BatchWaitTime | Integer | No | No | The wait time between phases. | Unit: minutes.
If a large number of phases exist, we recommend that you specify a small value for this property. Otherwise, the system takes a long period of time to deploy the application. |
PackageVersion | String | Yes | No | The version of the deployment package of the application. | The value can be up to 64 characters in length. We recommend that you use a timestamp. |
Desc | String | No | No | The description of the application deployment. | None. |
Gray | Boolean | No | No | Specifies whether to implement a canary release for the application. | Valid values:
WarUrl | String | Yes | No | The URL of the deployment package of the application. The package can be a WAR or JAR package. | This property must be specified when DeployType is set to |
GroupId | String | No | No | The ID of the instance group to which you want to deploy the application. | None. |
AppEnv | String | No | No | The environment variables of the application. | Specify the value of this property in the following format: |
Return values
Port: the port number of the application. Default value: 8080.
AppId: the application ID. An application ID uniquely identifies an EDAS application.