ALIYUN::CMS::GroupMetricRule is used to create an alert rule for an application group.
"Type": "ALIYUN::CMS::GroupMetricRule",
"Properties": {
"NoEffectiveInterval": String,
"SilenceTime": Integer,
"Category": String,
"RuleId": String,
"Dimensions": String,
"Period": Integer,
"EffectiveInterval": String,
"Namespace": String,
"GroupId": String,
"MetricName": String,
"Escalations": Map,
"EmailSubject": String,
"Webhook": String,
"RuleName": String,
"Interval": Integer
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Category | String | Yes | No | The abbreviation of the service name. | Valid values:
Note More Alibaba Cloud services are to be supported in the future. |
Escalations | Map | Yes | Yes | The alert settings. | For more information, see Escalations properties. |
GroupId | String | Yes | Yes | The ID of the application group. | None |
MetricName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the metric. For more information, see DescribeMetricMetaList or Major metrics of Alibaba Cloud services. | None |
Namespace | String | Yes | No | The namespace of the cloud service. For more information, see DescribeMetricMetaList or Major metrics of Alibaba Cloud services. | None |
RuleId | String | Yes | No | The ID of the alert rule. | The rule ID is generated by the caller to ensure that it is unique. |
RuleName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the alert rule. | None |
Dimensions | String | No | Yes | The extended resource dimensions. | This parameter associates all instances in the application group with the alert rule. You can specify this parameter to associate lower-level resources with the alert rule. For example, if you need to associate the disk usage of root partitions of all instances in the application group with the alert rule, set the value to |
EffectiveInterval | String | No | Yes | The period of time during which the alert rule takes effect. | None |
EmailSubject | String | No | Yes | The subject of the alert notification email. | None |
Interval | Integer | No | Yes | The interval at which CloudMonitor checks whether the alert rule is triggered. The default value is the lowest frequency at which the metric is polled. | Unit: seconds. We recommend that you set the interval to the data aggregation period. If the interval is shorter than the data aggregation period, alerts cannot be triggered due to insufficient data. |
NoEffectiveInterval | String | No | Yes | The period of time during which the alert rule does not take effect. | None |
Period | Integer | No | Yes | The aggregation period of the metric data. | The value is an integral multiple of 60. Unit: seconds. Default value: 300. Note For example, raw metric data is reported at an interval of 1 minute. If you set this parameter to 300, the average of the 5-minute metric data is used to determine whether to trigger an alert. |
SilenceTime | Integer | No | Yes | The period of time during which you do not receive notifications but the triggered alert remains effective. | Unit: seconds. Minimum value: 3600. This value is equivalent to 1 hour. Default value: 86400. This value is equivalent to one day. |
Webhook | String | No | Yes | The webhook address to which a request is sent when an alert is triggered. | None |
Escalations syntax
"Escalations": {
"Critical": Map,
"Info": Map,
"Warn": Map
Escalations properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Critical | Map | No | Yes | The settings for critical-level alerts. | For more information, see Critical properties. |
Info | Map | No | Yes | The settings for info-level alerts. | For more information, see Info properties. |
Warn | Map | No | Yes | The settings for warn-level alerts. | For more information, see Warn properties. |
Critical syntax
"Critical": {
"ComparisonOperator": String,
"Times": Integer,
"Statistics": String,
"Threshold": Integer
Critical properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ComparisonOperator | String | Yes | Yes | The comparison operator of the threshold. | Valid values:
Statistics | String | Yes | Yes | The method used to calculate the metric value based on which alerts are triggered. | You can call the DescribeSystemEventMetaList operation to query the valid values of this parameter. |
Times | Integer | Yes | Yes | The consecutive number of times for which the metric value meets the alert condition before an alert is triggered. | None |
Threshold | Integer | Yes | Yes | The alert threshold. | None |
Info syntax
"Info": {
"ComparisonOperator": String,
"Times": Integer,
"Statistics": String,
"Threshold": Integer
Info properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ComparisonOperator | String | Yes | Yes | The comparison operator of the threshold. | Valid values:
Statistics | String | Yes | Yes | The method used to calculate the metric value based on which alerts are triggered. | You can call the DescribeSystemEventMetaList operation to query the valid values of this parameter. |
Threshold | Integer | Yes | Yes | The alert threshold. | None |
Times | Integer | Yes | Yes | The consecutive number of times for which the metric value meets the alert condition before an alert is triggered. | None |
Warn syntax
"Warn": {
"ComparisonOperator": String,
"Times": Integer,
"Statistics": String,
"Threshold": Integer
Warn properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ComparisonOperator | String | Yes | Yes | The comparison operator of the threshold. | Valid values:
Statistics | String | Yes | Yes | The method used to calculate the metric value based on which alerts are triggered. | You can call the DescribeSystemEventMetaList operation to query the valid values of this parameter. |
Threshold | Integer | Yes | Yes | The alert threshold. | None |
Times | Integer | Yes | Yes | The consecutive number of times for which the metric value meets the alert condition before an alert is triggered. | None |
Return values
RuleId: the ID of the alert rule.
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Type: String
Description: |-
The abbreviation of the service name. Valid values:
ecs (including Alibaba Cloud and non-Alibaba Cloud hosts)
rds (ApsaraDB for RDS)
ads (AnalyticDB)
slb (Server Load Balancer)
vpc (Virtual Private Cloud)
apigateway (API Gateway)
cs (Container Service for Swarm)
dcdm (Dynamic Route for CDN)
ddos (distributed denial of service)
eip (Elastic IP)
elasticsearch (Elasticsearch)
emr (E-MapReduce)
ess (Auto Scaling)
hbase (ApsaraDB for HBase)
iot_edge (IoT Edge)
k8s_pod (k8s pod)
kvstore_sharding (ApsaraDB for Redis cluster version)
kvstore_splitrw (ApsaraDB for Redis read/write splitting version)
kvstore_standard (ApsaraDB for Redis standard version)
memcache (ApsaraDB for Memcache)
mns (Message Service)
mongodb (ApsaraDB for MongoDB replica set instances)
mongodb_cluster (ApsaraDB for MongoDB cluster version)
mongodb_sharding (ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded clusters)
mq_topic (Message Service topic)
ocs (original version of ApsaraDB for Memcache)
opensearch (Open Search)
oss (Object Storage Service)
polardb (ApsaraDB for POLARDB)
petadata (HybridDB for MySQL)
scdn (Secure Content Delivery Network)
sharebandwidthpackages (shared bandwidth package)
sls (Log Service)
vpn (VPN Gateway)
Default: ecs
Type: String
Description: |-
The ID of the alert rule. The IDs of alert rules are generated by callers to ensure
Default: uuid_aad57415dswer23124sfsg9***
Type: String
Description: |-
The data namespace of the service. For more information, call DescribeMetricMetaList
or see Preset metrics reference.
Default: acs_ecs_dashboard
Type: String
Description: The ID of application group.
Default: 6102***
Type: String
Description: The name of the metric. For more information, call DescribeMetricMetaList or see Preset metrics reference.
Default: cpu_cores
Type: Json
Description: Alarm configuration.
ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold
Times: 3
Statistics: Value
Threshold: '100'
Type: String
Description: The name of the alert rule.
Default: mytest
Type: ALIYUN::CMS::GroupMetricRule
Ref: Category
Ref: RuleId
Ref: Namespace
Ref: GroupId
Ref: MetricName
Ref: Escalations
Ref: RuleName
Description: Rule ID.
- GroupMetricRule
- RuleId
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Parameters": {
"Category": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The abbreviation of the service name. Valid values:\necs (including Alibaba Cloud and non-Alibaba Cloud hosts)\nrds (ApsaraDB for RDS)\nads (AnalyticDB)\nslb (Server Load Balancer)\nvpc (Virtual Private Cloud)\napigateway (API Gateway)\ncdn\ncs (Container Service for Swarm)\ndcdm (Dynamic Route for CDN)\nddos (distributed denial of service)\neip (Elastic IP)\nelasticsearch (Elasticsearch)\nemr (E-MapReduce)\ness (Auto Scaling)\nhbase (ApsaraDB for HBase)\niot_edge (IoT Edge)\nk8s_pod (k8s pod)\nkvstore_sharding (ApsaraDB for Redis cluster version)\nkvstore_splitrw (ApsaraDB for Redis read/write splitting version)\nkvstore_standard (ApsaraDB for Redis standard version)\nmemcache (ApsaraDB for Memcache)\nmns (Message Service)\nmongodb (ApsaraDB for MongoDB replica set instances)\nmongodb_cluster (ApsaraDB for MongoDB cluster version)\nmongodb_sharding (ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded clusters)\nmq_topic (Message Service topic)\nocs (original version of ApsaraDB for Memcache)\nopensearch (Open Search)\noss (Object Storage Service)\npolardb (ApsaraDB for POLARDB)\npetadata (HybridDB for MySQL)\nscdn (Secure Content Delivery Network)\nsharebandwidthpackages (shared bandwidth package)\nsls (Log Service)\nvpn (VPN Gateway)",
"Default": "ecs"
"RuleId": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The ID of the alert rule. The IDs of alert rules are generated by callers to ensure\nuniqueness.",
"Default": "uuid_aad57415dswer23124sfsg9***"
"Namespace": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The data namespace of the service. For more information, call DescribeMetricMetaList\nor see Preset metrics reference.",
"Default": "acs_ecs_dashboard"
"GroupId": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The ID of application group.",
"Default": "6102***"
"MetricName": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The name of the metric. For more information, call DescribeMetricMetaList or see Preset metrics reference.",
"Default": "cpu_cores"
"Escalations": {
"Type": "Json",
"Description": "Alarm configuration.",
"Default": {
"Critical": {
"ComparisonOperator": "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold",
"Times": 3,
"Statistics": "Value",
"Threshold": "100"
"RuleName": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The name of the alert rule.",
"Default": "mytest"
"Resources": {
"GroupMetricRule": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::CMS::GroupMetricRule",
"Properties": {
"Category": {
"Ref": "Category"
"RuleId": {
"Ref": "RuleId"
"Namespace": {
"Ref": "Namespace"
"GroupId": {
"Ref": "GroupId"
"MetricName": {
"Ref": "MetricName"
"Escalations": {
"Ref": "Escalations"
"RuleName": {
"Ref": "RuleName"
"Outputs": {
"RuleId": {
"Description": "Rule ID.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [