ALIYUN::ApiGateway::Api is used to create an API.
"Type": "ALIYUN::ApiGateway::Api",
"Properties": {
"ErrorCodeSamples": List,
"Description": String,
"ServiceConfig": Map,
"SystemParameters": List,
"ServiceParameters": List,
"OpenIdConnectConfig": Map,
"RequestConfig": Map,
"AuthType": String,
"Visibility": String,
"Tags": List,
"ResultSample": String,
"ResultType": String,
"ApiName": String,
"FailResultSample": String,
"DisableInternet": Boolean,
"ForceNonceCheck": Boolean,
"ConstParameters": List,
"GroupId": String,
"ServiceParametersMap": List,
"RequestParameters": List,
"AppCodeAuthType": String,
"ResultBodyModel": String,
"AllowSignatureMethod": String,
"WebSocketApiType": String,
"ResultDescriptions": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ApiName | String | Yes | Yes | The API name. | The name must be 4 to 50 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, and underscores (_). The name must start with a letter. Note The name must be unique in an API group. |
GroupId | String | Yes | No | The ID of the API group. | None. |
RequestConfig | Map | Yes | Yes | The configurations of API requests that are sent from the consumer to API Gateway. | For more information, see RequestConfig properties. |
ResultSample | String | Yes | Yes | The sample response from the backend service. | None. |
ResultType | String | Yes | Yes | The format of the response from the backend service. | Valid values:
ServiceConfig | Map | Yes | Yes | The configurations of API requests that are sent from API Gateway to the backend service. | For more information, see ServiceConfig properties. |
Visibility | String | Yes | Yes | Specifies whether the API is public. | Valid values:
AllowSignatureMethod | String | No | Yes | The signature algorithm used when AuthType is set to APP. | Valid values:
AppCodeAuthType | String | No | Yes | The AppCode authentication method. | This property takes effect only if you set AuthType to APP. Valid values:
AuthType | String | No | Yes | The security authentication method of the API. | Valid values:
ConstParameters | List | No | Yes | The constant parameters of the API. | For more information, see ConstParameters properties. |
Description | String | No | Yes | The description of the API. | The description can be up to 180 characters in length. |
DisableInternet | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to block Internet-based calls on the API. | Valid values:
ErrorCodeSamples | List | No | Yes | The sample error codes that are returned from the backend service. | For more information, see ErrorCodeSamples properties. |
FailResultSample | String | No | Yes | The sample error response from the backend service. | None. |
ForceNonceCheck | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to forcefully check X-Ca-Nonce when the request is sent. | Valid values:
OpenIdConnectConfig | Map | No | Yes | The configurations of the third-party OpenID Connect authentication method. | For more information, see OpenIdConnectConfig properties. |
RequestParameters | List | No | Yes | The parameters of API requests that are sent from the consumer to API Gateway. | For more information, see RequestParameters properties. |
ResultBodyModel | String | No | Yes | The response of the API. | None. |
ResultDescriptions | String | No | Yes | The description of the response. | None. |
ServiceParameters | List | No | Yes | The parameters of API requests that are sent from API Gateway to the backend service. | For more information, see ServiceParameters properties. |
ServiceParametersMap | List | No | Yes | The mappings between the parameters of requests sent from the consumer to API Gateway and the parameters of requests sent from API Gateway to the backend service. | For more information, see ServiceParametersMap properties. |
SystemParameters | List | No | Yes | The system parameters of the API. | For more information, see SystemParameters properties. |
Tags | List | No | Yes | The tags of the API. | You can add up to 20 tags to the API. For more information, see Tags properties. |
WebSocketApiType | String | No | Yes | The type of the bidirectional communication API. | Valid values:
Tags syntax
"Tags": [
"Key": String,
"Value": String
Tags properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Key | String | Yes | No | The tag key. | The tag key must be 1 to 128 characters in length and cannot contain |
Value | String | No | No | The tag value. | The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot contain |
ErrorCodeSamples syntax
"ErrorCodeSamples": [
"Message": String,
"Code": String,
"Description": String
ErrorCodeSamples properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Code | String | Yes | Yes | The error code. | None. |
Message | String | Yes | Yes | The error message. | None. |
Description | String | No | Yes | The error description. | None. |
ServiceConfig syntax
"ServiceConfig": {
"ServiceTimeOut": Integer,
"FunctionComputeConfig": Map,
"VpcConfig": Map,
"MockResult": String,
"MockStatusCode": Integer,
"ServiceHttpMethod": String,
"ServiceProtocol": String,
"ServiceVpcEnable": String,
"ServiceAddress": String,
"ContentTypeValue": String,
"MockHeaders": List,
"ContentTypeCatagory": String,
"ServicePath": String,
"Mock": String
ServiceConfig properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ContentTypeCatagory | String | No | Yes | The ContentType header type that is used when you call the backend service over HTTP. | Valid values:
ContentTypeValue | String | No | Yes | The value of the ContentType header when ServiceProtocol is set to HTTP and ContentTypeCatagory is set to DEFAULT or CUSTOM. | None. |
FunctionComputeConfig | Map | No | Yes | The configurations of Function Compute that is used as the backend service. | None. For more information, see FunctionComputeConfig properties. |
Mock | String | No | Yes | Specifies whether to use the mock mode. | Valid values:
MockHeaders | List | No | Yes | The mock response headers defined when the mock mode is enabled. | None. For more information, see MockHeaders properties. |
MockResult | String | No | Yes | The result that is returned when the mock mode is used. | None. |
MockStatusCode | Integer | No | Yes | The status code. | The status code is returned in a format that is compatible with HTTP/1.1. |
ServiceAddress | String | No | Yes | The URL of the backend service. | If the complete URL of the backend service is |
ServiceHttpMethod | String | No | Yes | The HTTP method used to call the backend service. | Valid values:
ServicePath | String | No | Yes | The path of the backend service. | If the complete URL of the backend service is |
ServiceProtocol | String | No | Yes | The protocol of the backend service. | Valid values:
ServiceTimeOut | Integer | No | Yes | The timeout period of the backend service. | Unit: milliseconds. |
ServiceVpcEnable | String | No | Yes | Specifies whether to enable the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service. | Valid values:
VpcConfig | Map | No | Yes | The configurations when the VPC channel is enabled. | For more information, see VpcConfig properties. |
VpcConfig syntax
"VpcConfig": {
"InstanceId": String,
"VpcId": String,
"Port": Integer
VpcConfig properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
InstanceId | String | Yes | Yes | The ID of the instance in the VPC. | Only Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances and Server Load Balancer(SLB) instances are supported. |
Port | Integer | Yes | Yes | The port number of the instance. | None. |
VpcId | String | Yes | Yes | The VPC ID. | None. |
SystemParameters syntax
"SystemParameters": [
"DemoValue": String,
"ParameterName": String,
"ServiceParameterName": String,
"Location": String,
"Description": String
SystemParameters properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Location | String | Yes | Yes | The location of the system parameter. | None. |
ParameterName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the system parameter. | Valid values:
ServiceParameterName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the backend parameter. | None. |
DemoValue | String | No | Yes | The sample value of the system parameter. | None. |
Description | String | No | Yes | The description of the system parameter. | None. |
ServiceParameters syntax
"ServiceParameters": [
"ParameterType": String,
"Location": String,
"ServiceParameterName": String
ServiceParameters properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
Location | String | Yes | Yes | The location of the backend parameter. | Valid values:
ParameterType | String | Yes | Yes | The data type of the backend parameter. | Valid values:
ServiceParameterName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the backend parameter. | None. |
OpenIdConnectConfig syntax
"OpenIdConnectConfig": {
"OpenIdApiType": String,
"PublicKey": String,
"PublicKeyId": String,
"IdTokenParamName": String
OpenIdConnectConfig properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
OpenIdApiType | String | Yes | Yes | The authorization type of the OpenID Connect API. | Valid values:
IdTokenParamName | String | No | Yes | The name of the parameter that corresponds to the token. | None. |
PublicKey | String | No | Yes | The public key. | None. |
PublicKeyId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the public key. | None. |
RequestConfig syntax
"RequestConfig": {
"RequestMode": String,
"RequestPath": String,
"PostBodyDescription": String,
"RequestProtocol": String,
"RequestHttpMethod": String,
"BodyFormat": String
RequestConfig properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
RequestHttpMethod | String | Yes | Yes | The API request method. | Valid values:
RequestMode | String | Yes | Yes | The request mode. | Valid values:
RequestPath | String | Yes | Yes | The request path. | If the complete URL of the API is |
RequestProtocol | String | Yes | Yes | The protocol type that is supported by the API. | Valid values:
Separate multiple protocol types with commas (,). Example: |
BodyFormat | String | No | Yes | The format in which data is transmitted to the server for a POST, PUT, or PATCH request. | Valid values:
This property takes effect only if the RequestMode parameter is set to MAPPING. |
PostBodyDescription | String | No | Yes | The description of the request body. | None. |
ServiceParametersMap syntax
"ServiceParametersMap": [
"RequestParameterName": String,
"ServiceParameterName": String
ServiceParametersMap properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
RequestParameterName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the frontend parameter. | The value of this property must be included in RequestParameters and must match the value of ApiParameterName in RequestParameters. |
ServiceParameterName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the backend parameter. | None. |
RequestParameters syntax
"RequestParameters": [
"ParameterType": String,
"Required": String,
"Description": String,
"DemoValue": String,
"MinLength": Integer,
"DefaultValue": String,
"RegularExpression": String,
"MaxValue": Integer,
"MinValue": Integer,
"JsonScheme": String,
"ApiParameterName": String,
"Location": String,
"DocShow": String,
"MaxLength": Integer,
"EnumValue": String,
"DocOrder": Integer
RequestParameters properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ApiParameterName | String | Yes | Yes | The parameter name. | None. |
Location | String | Yes | Yes | The parameter location. | Valid values:
ParameterType | String | Yes | No | The parameter type. | Valid values:
Required | String | Yes | Yes | Specifies whether the parameter is required. | Valid values:
DefaultValue | String | No | Yes | The default value of the parameter. | None. |
DemoValue | String | No | Yes | The sample value of the parameter. | None. |
Description | String | No | Yes | The description of the parameter. | None. |
DocOrder | Integer | No | Yes | The sequence of the parameter in the document. | None. |
DocShow | String | No | Yes | Specifies whether the parameters are public in the SDK or document of API Gateway. | Valid values:
EnumValue | String | No | Yes | The hash values that can be specified when ParameterType is set to Int, Long, Float, Double, or String. | Separate multiple values with commas (,). Examples: |
JsonScheme | String | No | Yes | The JSON schema that is used to validate the parameter when ParameterType is set to String. | None. |
MaxLength | Integer | No | Yes | The maximum length of the parameter when ParameterType is set to String. | None. |
MaxValue | Integer | No | Yes | The maximum value of the parameter when ParameterType is set to Int, Long, Float, or Double. | None. |
MinLength | Integer | No | Yes | The minimum length of the parameter when ParameterType is set to String. | None. |
MinValue | Integer | No | Yes | The minimum value of the parameter when ParameterType is set to Int, Long, Float, or Double. | None. |
RegularExpression | String | No | Yes | The regular expression that is used to validate the parameter when ParameterType is set to String. | None. |
ConstParameters syntax
"ConstParameters": [
"ConstValue": String,
"ServiceParameterName": String,
"Description": String,
"Location": String
ConstParameters properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ConstValue | String | Yes | Yes | The value of the constant parameter. | None. |
Location | String | Yes | Yes | The location of the constant parameter. | Valid values:
ServiceParameterName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the backend parameter that corresponds to the constant parameter. | None. |
Description | String | No | Yes | The description of the constant parameter. | None. |
FunctionComputeConfig syntax
"FunctionComputeConfig": {
"FcRegionId": String,
"RoleArn": String,
"ServiceName": String,
"FunctionName": String,
"Qualifier": String,
"ContentTypeValue": String,
"ContentTypeCatagory": String,
"FcBaseUrl": String,
"FcType": String,
"Method": String,
"OnlyBusinessPath": Boolean,
"Path": String
FunctionComputeConfig properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ContentTypeCatagory | String | No | Yes | The ContentType header type used when you call the backend service over HTTP. | Valid values:
ContentTypeValue | String | No | Yes | The value of the ContentType header when ServiceProtocol is set to HTTP and ContentTypeCatagory is set to DEFAULT or CUSTOM. | None. |
FcBaseUrl | String | No | Yes | The URL of the trigger. | The URL must start with |
FcRegionId | String | No | Yes | The ID of the region where Function Compute resides. | None. |
FcType | String | No | Yes | The function type. | Valid values:
FunctionName | String | No | Yes | The name of the function that is defined in Function Compute. | None. |
Method | String | No | Yes | The HTTP request method. | Valid values:
OnlyBusinessPath | Boolean | No | Yes | Specifies whether to pass only the custom backend request path to the backend. | Valid values:
Path | String | No | Yes | The backend request path. | Parameters must be enclosed in brackets [ ]. Example: |
Qualifier | String | No | Yes | The alias of the Function Compute function. | None. |
RoleArn | String | No | Yes | The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role that is assigned to API Gateway to access Function Compute. | None. |
ServiceName | String | No | Yes | The name of the service that is defined in Function Compute. | None. |
MockHeaders syntax
"MockHeaders": [
"HeaderValue": String,
"HeaderName": String
MockHeaders properties
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
HeaderName | String | Yes | Yes | The name of the response header. | None. |
HeaderValue | String | Yes | Yes | The value of the response header. | None. |
Return values
ApiId: the API ID.
Change the values of masked parameters, such as InstanceId, based on your business requirements.
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Description: Test ApiGateway Api
Parameters: {}
Type: ALIYUN::RAM::Role
RoleName: TestRole
- PolicyName: TestPolicy
Version: '1'
- Action:
- fc:InvokeFunction
- '*'
Effect: Allow
Version: '1'
- Action: sts:AssumeRole
Effect: Allow
Type: ALIYUN::FC::Service
ServiceName: TestService
InternetAccess: true
Type: ALIYUN::FC::Function
DependsOn: FCService
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: python3
SourceCode: "def handler(event, context):\n\treturn {'isBase64Encode': False, 'statusCode': 200, 'body': 'Hello World!', 'headers': {'Content-type': 'aplication/json'}}\n"
FunctionName: mytest
- FCService
- ServiceName
MemorySize: 128
Type: ALIYUN::ApiGateway::Group
InstanceId: api-shared-vpc-***
GroupName: TestGroup
- RamRole
- Group
Type: ALIYUN::ApiGateway::Api
AuthType: APP
Ref: ALIYUN::Region
qualifier: LATEST
- RamRole
- Arn
- FCService
- ServiceName
- Function
- FunctionName
ServiceProtocol: FunctionCompute
ContentTypeCatagory: CLIENT
RequestMode: MAPPING
RequestHttpMethod: POST
RequestProtocol: HTTP,HTTPS
RequestPath: /test
BodyFormat: FORM
ResultSample: ''
Visibility: PRIVATE
ResultType: JSON
ApiName: TestApi
- Group
- GroupId
Type: ALIYUN::ApiGateway::App
Description: Test Create App
AppName: TestApp
Outputs: {}
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Description": "Test ApiGateway Api",
"Parameters": {
"Resources": {
"RamRole": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::RAM::Role",
"Properties": {
"RoleName": "TestRole",
"Policies": [
"PolicyName": "TestPolicy",
"PolicyDocument": {
"Version": "1",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
"Version": "1",
"Statement": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"FCService": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::FC::Service",
"Properties": {
"ServiceName": "TestService",
"InternetAccess": true
"Function": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::FC::Function",
"DependsOn": "FCService",
"Properties": {
"Handler": "index.handler",
"Runtime": "python3",
"Code": {
"SourceCode": "def handler(event, context):\n\treturn {'isBase64Encode': False, 'statusCode': 200, 'body': 'Hello World!', 'headers': {'Content-type': 'aplication/json'}}\n"
"FunctionName": "mytest",
"ServiceName": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"MemorySize": 128
"Group": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::ApiGateway::Group",
"Properties": {
"InstanceId": "api-shared-vpc-***",
"GroupName": "TestGroup"
"Api": {
"DependsOn": [
"Type": "ALIYUN::ApiGateway::Api",
"Properties": {
"AppCodeAuthType": "HEADER_QUERY",
"AuthType": "APP",
"ServiceConfig": {
"FunctionComputeConfig": {
"fcRegionId": {
"Ref": "ALIYUN::Region"
"qualifier": "LATEST",
"roleArn": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"serviceName": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"functionName": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"ServiceProtocol": "FunctionCompute",
"ContentTypeCatagory": "CLIENT"
"RequestConfig": {
"RequestMode": "MAPPING",
"RequestHttpMethod": "POST",
"RequestProtocol": "HTTP,HTTPS",
"RequestPath": "/test",
"BodyFormat": "FORM"
"ResultSample": "",
"Visibility": "PRIVATE",
"ResultType": "JSON",
"ApiName": "TestApi",
"GroupId": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"App": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::ApiGateway::App",
"Properties": {
"Description": "Test Create App",
"AppName": "TestApp"
"Outputs": {