Each type of resource that supports resource sharing has at least one resource sharing-related permission. The permission defines the operations that principals can perform on this type of resource in a resource share.
Permission library
The permissions supported by a type of resource are defined by the related Alibaba Cloud service. When resource owners create resource shares, they can select permissions for the related types of shared resources. The following table lists the default permissions supported by each type of resource.
Alibaba Cloud service | Resource type | Permission name |
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) | vSwitch | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionVSwitch |
Prefix list | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionPrefixList | |
IP address pool | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionPublicIpAddressPool | |
IP Address Manager (IPAM) pool | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionIpamPool | |
Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) | Template | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionROSTemplate |
Service Catalog | Product portfolio | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionServiceCatalogPortfolio |
Elastic Compute Service (ECS) | Image | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionImage |
Snapshot | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionSnapshot | |
Capacity reservation | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionCapacityReservation | |
Elasticity assurance | AliyunRSDefaultPermissionElasticityAssurance | |
Key Management Service (KMS) | Instance |
You can view the details of each permission on the Permission Library page of the Resource Management console.
View the details of a permission
Log on to the Resource Management console.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
On the Permission Library page, find the desired permission and click its name.
View the details of the permission.
Basic Information
In the Basic Information section, view the name, version, supported resource type, and creation time of the permission.
Permission Details
On the Permission Details tab, view the operations that can be performed on the related type of resource.
Version Management
On the Version Management tab, view the version of the permission. One permission has only one default version.
Associated Resource Shares
On the Associated Resource Shares tab, view the resource shares to which the permission is added.
Add permissions
When resource owners create or modify resource shares, they can add the permissions of the related types of resources to the resource shares. If a type of resource has multiple permissions, only one permission can be added to a resource share. For more information, see Create a resource share or Modify a resource share.