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Resource Management:Public error codes

Last Updated:Jun 25, 2024

Error code

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescriptionActions
409AccountTypeOrStatusMismatchYou cannot perform the action on the member account.You cannot perform the operation on the member.diagnosis
409DeleteConflict.Folder.AccountThis folder has accounts.One or more members exist in the folder. Remove the members first.diagnosis
409DeleteConflict.Folder.SubFolderThis folder has sub folders.The folder contains subfolders. Delete the subfolders first.diagnosis
409DeleteConflict.Policy.GroupThe policy cannot be attached to any group when you delete it.The policy cannot be attached to any group when you delete it.diagnosis
409DeleteConflict.ResourceDir.AccountThis resource directory has accounts.One or more members exist in the resource directory. Remove or delete the members first.diagnosis
404EnterpriseInvoiceAuthenticationErrorYour account has not set the enterprise invoice yet.No invoice title information is specified for the account. Specify invoice title information.diagnosis
409EnterpriseNameMismatchYour account does not have the same enterpriseName as the master account.The enterprise name of the current account is inconsistent with that of your Alibaba Cloud account.diagnosis
404EnterpriseCertifyAuthenticationErrorYour account has not passed the enterprise real-name authentication yet.The account does not pass enterprise real-name verification. Complete the verification for the account first.diagnosis
409EntityAlreadyExists.HandshakeHandshakes with the same target entity already exist.-diagnosis
409EntityAlreadyExists.ResourceDirectoryThe resource directory for the account is already enabled. We recommend that you do not enable the resource directory again.The account has been used to enable a resource directory. Do not use the account to enable a resource directory again.diagnosis
409EntityAlreadyExists.ResourceDirectory.AccountThe email address that the system generates when you create a member account already exists. Try again later.The email address that is generated by the system when the member is created already exists. Try again later.diagnosis
404EntityNotExists.AccountThis resource directory account does not exist.The member does not exist. Create such a member first.diagnosis
404EntityNotExists.AccountRecordThis resource directory account recordId does not exist.The record ID does not exist.diagnosis
404EntityNotExists.FolderThe resource directory folder does not exist.The specified folder does not exist. Create such a folder first.diagnosis
404EntityNotExists.HandshakeThe specified handshake does not exist.-diagnosis
404EntityNotExists.QuotaThe quota does not exist.-diagnosis
404EntityNotExists.ResourceDirectoryThe resource directory for the account is not enabled. We recommend that you first enable the resource directory for the account.The account is not used to enable a resource directory. Use the account to enable a resource directory first.diagnosis
409HandshakeStatusMismatchThe invitation is invalid.The invitation is invalid.diagnosis
409Invalid.AccountTypeThe specified profile type of account is invalid.The account type is invalid. Use an enterprise account.diagnosis
409Invalid.EnterpriseNameYou must specify the enterprise name.No enterprise name is specified for the account. Specify an enterprise name for the account.diagnosis
409Invalid.PayRelationFailed to create a member. The specified billing account is unavailable. Please change to another billing account and try again.Failed to create the member. The specified billing account is unavailable. Specify a valid billing account and try again.diagnosis
400InvalidParameterThe specified parameter is invalid.The value of a parameter is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Account.DisplayNameThe DisplayName of account is invalid.The value of the DisplayName parameter is invalid. The value can contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-).diagnosis
409InvalidParameter.Account.DisplayName.AlreadyUsedThe display name of account has been used. You must specify a valid display name.The display name already exists. Specify a valid display name.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Account.DisplayName.LengthThe DisplayName of the account exceeds the length limit.The length of the value for the DisplayName parameter exceeds the upper limit. The value must be 2 to 50 characters in length.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.AccountIdThe AccountId is invalid.The value of the AccountId parameter is invalid. Specify a 16-digit ID.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.AssumeRolePolicyDocument.LengthThe maximum length of the trust policy document of the role is exceeded.The maximum length of the trust policy document of the role is exceeded.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.ChildIdThe ChildId is invalid.The value of the ChildId parameter is invalid. The value must start with r- followed by 6 characters or start with fd- followed by 10 characters. Valid characters are letters and digits.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Comments.LengthThe maximum length of Note is exceeded.The maximum length of Note is exceeded.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Description.LengthThe maximum length of the description is exceeded. It must not exceed 1024 characters.The maximum length of the description is exceeded. It must not exceed 1024 characters.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.DestinationFolderIdThe DestinationFolderId is invalid.The value of the DestinationFolderId parameter is invalid. The value must start with r- followed by 6 characters or start with fd- followed by 10 characters. Valid characters are letters and digits.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.DisplayName.LengthThe maximum length of DisplayName is exceeded.The length of the value for the DisplayName parameter exceeds the upper limit.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.EmailThe Email is invalid.The format of the value for the Email parameter is invalid.diagnosis
409InvalidParameter.Email.AlreadyUsedThe email has been used.The specified email address is in use. Specify another email address.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Folder.NameThe Name of folder is invalid.The folder name is invalid. The name can contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-).diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Folder.Name.AlreadyUsedThe name already exists under the same parent. Please change to another name.The folder name already exists in the same parent folder. Change the name.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Folder.Name.LengthThe Name of folder exceeds the length limit.The length of the folder name exceeds the upper limit. The name must be 1 to 24 characters in length.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.FolderIdThe FolderId is invalid.The value of the FolderId parameter is invalid. The value must start with r- followed by 6 characters or start with fd- followed by 10 characters. Valid characters are letters and digits.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.HandshakeIdThe HandshakeId is invalid.-diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.MaxResultsThe MaxResults is invalid.The MaxResults is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Name.InvalidCharsThe Name is invalid.The Name is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Name.LengthThe maximum length of Name is exceeded.The length of the value for the Name parameter exceeds the upper limit.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NewAssumeRolePolicyDocument.LengthThe maximum length of the new trust policy document of the role is exceeded.The maximum length of the new trust policy document of the role is exceeded.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NewComments.LengthThe maximum length of Note is exceeded.The maximum length of Note is exceeded.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NewDisplayName.LengthThe maximum length of NewDisplayName is exceeded.The length of the value for the NewDisplayName parameter exceeds the upper limit.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NextTokenThe NextToken is invalid.The NextToken is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NextToken.LengthThe maximum length of NextToken (256 characters) is exceeded.The maximum length of NextToken (256 characters) is exceeded.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NoteThe Note is invalid.-diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Note.LengthThe maximum length of Note (256 characters) is exceeded.-diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.ParentFolderIdThe ParentFolderId is invalid.The value of the ParentFolderId parameter is invalid. The value must start with r- followed by 6 characters or start with fd- followed by 10 characters. Valid characters include letters and digits.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.PayerThe specified Payer is invalid.The specified billing account is invalid. Specify a valid billing account.diagnosis
409InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.LengthUnable to save your policy. A policy contains a maximum of 4096 characters.Failed to save the policy. The policy document can be up to 4,096 characters in length.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.PolicyName.InvalidCharsThe policy name contains invalid characters. It must only contain upper or lower case letters, numbers, and dash (-).The policy name contains invalid characters. It must only contain upper or lower case letters, numbers, and dash (-).diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.PolicyName.LengthThe length of the policy name is invalid. It must be 1 to 128 characters in length.The maximum length of the policy name is exceeded. It must be 1 to 128 characters in length.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.PolicyTypeThe specified policy type is invalid.The value of the PolicyType parameter is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.PrincipalName.EmptyYou must specify PrincipalName.The PrincipalName parameter is not configured.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.QuotaNameThe QuotaName is invalid.-diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.QuotaValueThe QuotaValue is invalid.-diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.ResourceIdThe ResourceId is invalid.The ResourceId is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.RoleName.InvalidCharsThe specified role name contains invalid characters.The specified role name contains invalid characters.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.RoleName.LengthThe maximum length of the role name is exceeded.The maximum length of the role name is exceeded.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.RoleName.PrefixRole name prefix AliyunServiceRoleFor can only be used for Service Linked Roles.The role name prefix AliyunServiceRoleFor can be used only for service-linked roles.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.StatusThe specified Status is invalid.The specified Status is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.TargetThe Target is invalid.The Target is invalid. diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.TargetEntityThe TargetEntity is invalid.-diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.TargetsThe Targets is invalid. The Targets is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Targets.DuplicateThe Targets contains duplicate values.The Targets contains duplicate values.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Targets.LengthThe maximum number of Targets (5) is exceeded.The maximum number of Targets (5) is exceeded.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.TargetTypeThe TargetType is invalid.-diagnosis
409LegalEntityMismatchYour account does not have the same legal entity as the one of the management account.-diagnosis
409QuotaExceeded.Account.CountThe number of resource directory accounts exceeds the quota.The number of members in the resource directory exceeds the upper limit. A resource directory can contain a maximum of 20 members.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.Folder.DepthThe folder depth exceeds the limit of 5.The maximum number of folder levels is reached. A maximum of five levels of folders can be created in the Root folder.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.FrequencyThe frequency of request exceeds limit.The frequency of the request exceeds the upper limit. Try again later.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.InvitationRateThe number of invitations sent exceeds the limit.-diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.PageSizeThe pagesize exceeds limit of 10.The value of the PageSize parameter exceeds the upper limit. Each page can contain up to 10 entries.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.PolicyThe maximum number of policies is exceeded.The maximum number of policies attached to this user is exceeded.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.Policy.VersionThe maximum number of policy versions is exceeded.The maximum number of policy versions is exceeded.diagnosis
409MalformedPolicyDocumentThe policy format is invalid.The policy format is invalid.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.Account.DisplayNameYou must specify DisplayName.The DisplayName parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.Role.PolicyThe maximum number of policies attached to this role is exceeded.The maximum number of policies attached to this role is exceeded.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.User.PolicyThe maximum number of policies attached to this user is exceeded.The maximum number of policies attached to this user is exceeded.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.AccountIdYou must specify AccountId.The AccountId parameter is not configured.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.ChildIdYou must specify ChildId.The ChildId parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.DestinationFolderIdYou must specify DestinationFolderId.The DestinationFolderId parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.EmailYou must specify Email.The Email parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.Folder.NameYou must specify the resource folder name.No folder name is specified. Specify a folder name.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.FolderIdYou must specify FolderId.The FolderId parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.HandshakeIdYou must specify HandshakeId.-diagnosis
400MissingParameter.IdYou must specify Id.-diagnosis
400MissingParameter.NameYou must specify Name.You must specify Name.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.NoteYou must specify Note.-diagnosis
400MissingParameter.QuotaNameYou must specify QuotaName.-diagnosis
400MissingParameter.QuotaValueYou must specify QuotaValue.-diagnosis
400MissingParameter.RecordIdYou must specify RecordId.The RecordId parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.TargetEntityYou must specify TargetEntity.-diagnosis
400MissingParameter.TargetTypeYou must specify TargetType.-diagnosis
403NoPermissionYou are not authorized to perform the operation.You are not authorized to perform the operation.diagnosis
409NotSupport.AccountYou can only perform this operation for a sub-user.You can only perform this operation for a sub-user.diagnosis
409NotSupport.Account.SiteThe caller is not a China site account, which is not supported.The account is not registered at the current site. Use an account registered at the current site.diagnosis
409NotSupport.Account.RealNameTypeYour account is not a real-name of enterprise type, so you cannot accept the invitation.You cannot accept the invitation because your account does not pass enterprise real-name verification.diagnosis
409NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectoryYour account is a management account for another resource directory or a member of another resource directory.-diagnosis
409NotSupport.BidEnd users from the International site cannot visit the BID.The Bid parameter is not supported.diagnosis
409NotSupport.CallerTypeYour account type doe not support the operation.-diagnosis
409NotSupport.PayerAccountInAnotherResourceDirectoryThe specified payment account does not exist in the resource directory. You must specify a valid payment account.The billing account is not in the resource directory. Specify a valid billing account.diagnosis
400NotSupport.ServiceLinkedRoleCannot perform the operation on this service linked role.You cannot perform operations on the service-linked role.diagnosis
404QuotaExceeded.CreateAccount.CountThe number of accounts that a master account can create exceeds the quota.The number of members created within the Alibaba Cloud account exceeds the upper limit. You can create a maximum of 20 members.diagnosis
409QuotaExceeded.Folder.CountThe number of folders exceeds the quota.The maximum number of folders is reached.diagnosis
404ResourceDirectoryNotInUseThe specified account is not an Alibaba Cloud account or a member account of the resource directory.The account is not an Alibaba Cloud account or a member of a resource directory.diagnosis
404SpecifiedResourceDirectoryNotExistsThe specified resource directory does not exist. You must specify a valid resource directory.The specified resource directory does not exist. Specify a valid resource directory.diagnosis
404EntityNotExist.ServiceLinkedRole.DeletionTaskThe deletion task for the given ID does not exist.The deletion task for the given ID does not exist.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.DeletionTaskId.LengthThe length of DeletionTaskId must be between 26 and 255 characters.The length of DeletionTaskId must be between 26 and 255 characters.diagnosis
404EntityNotExist.ServiceLinkedRoleTemplateThe Service Linked Role template does not exist.The Service Linked Role template does not exist.diagnosis
404EntityNotExist.ServiceThe service does not exist.The service does not exist.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.DeletionTaskIdThe DeletionTaskId is invalid.The value of the DeletionTaskId parameter is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.CustomSuffix.InvalidCharsThe parameter CustomSuffix contains invalid characters.The value of the CustomSuffix parameter contains invalid characters.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.Description.NotAllowedCustom description is not allowed for this Service Linked Role.The service-linked role does not support custom descriptions.diagnosis
404EntityNotExist.ServiceLinkedRoleThis role exists but is not a Service Linked Role.The role exists but is not a service-linked role.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.LanguageThe parameter Language is invalid.The value of the Language parameter is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.CustomSuffix.LengthThe maximum length of the parameter CustomSuffix is exceeded.The length of the value for the CustomSuffix parameter exceeds the upper limit.diagnosis
400NotSupport.PolicyThe policy can only be attached to a Service Linked Role.The policy can be attached only to service-linked roles.diagnosis
400NotSupport.PolicyDocument.NotActionThe specified NotAction is not supported.The NotAction parameter is not supported.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.CustomSuffix.NotAllowedCustom suffix is not allowed for this Service Linked Role.The service-linked role does not support custom suffixes.diagnosis
409NoRealNameAuthenticationThe account invited has not passed real-name authentication.The invited account does not pass real-name verification.diagnosis
409MissingAccountRealNameThe name of the invited account is not specified.The name of the invited account is not specified.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.SameTargetInvitationRateThe number of invitations sent to the same account exceeds the limit.The number of invitations sent to the account exceeds the upper limit.diagnosis
409InvalidControlPolicyEnablementStatusThe control policy enablement status is not valid to perform this operation.You cannot perform the operation when the access control policy is enabled.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.PolicyIdYou must specify PolicyId.The PolicyId parameter is not configured.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.PolicyIdThe parameter PolicyId is invalid.The value of the PolicyId parameter is invalid.diagnosis
404EntityNotExists.ControlPolicyThe specified control policy does not exist.The specified access control policy does not exist.diagnosis
404EntityNotExists.ControlPolicyAttachmentThe specified control policy on the specified target does not exist.The specified access control policy for the specified object does not exist.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.ControlPolicyThe maximum number of policies is exceeded.The number of access control policies exceeds the upper limit.diagnosis
409LimitExceeded.ControlPolicyAttachmentThe maximum number of control policies on the specified target is exceeded.The number of access control policies attached to the specified object exceeds the upper limit.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.PolicyNameYou must specify PolicyName.The PolicyName parameter is not configured.diagnosis
409EntityAlreadyExists.ControlPolicyThe control policy already exists.The access control policy already exists.diagnosis
409EntityAlreadyExists.ControlPolicyAttachmentThe specified control policy has already been attached to the specified target.The access control policy is already attached to the specified object.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.EffectScopeYou must specify EffectScope.The EffectScope parameter is not configured.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.EffectScopeThe parameter EffectScope is invalid.The value of the parameter EffectScope is invalid.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.PolicyDocumentYou must specify PolicyDocument.The PolicyDocument parameter is not configured.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NewPolicyName.LengthThe maximum length of the parameter NewPolicyName is exceeded.The length of the value for the NewPolicyName parameter exceeds the upper limit.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NewPolicyName.InvalidCharsThe parameter NewPolicyName contains invalid characters.The value of the NewPolicyName parameter contains invalid characters.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NewDescription.LengthThe maximum length of the parameter NewDescription is exceeded.The length of the value for the NewDescription parameter exceeds the upper limit.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.NewPolicyDocument.LengthUnable to save your policy. A policy contains a maximum of 4096 characters.Failed to save the policy. The policy document can be up to 4,096 characters in length.diagnosis
409ControlPolicyNotEnabledThe control policy has not been enabled.The access control policy is disabled.diagnosis
400MissingParameter.TargetIdYou must specify TargetId.The TargetId parameter is not configured.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.TargetIdThe parameter TargetId is invalid.The value of the TargetId parameter is invalid.diagnosis
404EntityNotExists.TargetThe specified target does not exist in the resource directory.The specified object does not exist in the resource directory.diagnosis
409DeleteConflict.AttachedPolicyThe control policy has been attached and cannot be deleted.The access control policy is attached to an object and cannot be deleted.diagnosis
409DeleteConflict.SystemControlPolicyThe control policy is a system policy and cannot be deleted.The access control policy is a system access control policy and cannot be deleted.diagnosis
409LastControlPolicyOnTargetThe last control policy on a target cannot be detached.The access control policy is the only access control policy attached to the object and cannot be detached.diagnosis
409CanNotBeDetached.FullAliyunAccessThe system policy FullAliyunAccess cannot be detached.The system policy FullAliyunAccess cannot be detached.diagnosis
409Throttling.EnableControlPolicyThe enable operation is too frequent. Please try again in %s minute(s).The operation is frequently performed. Wait %s minutes and try again.diagnosis
429ConcurrentCallNotSupportedThe operation conflicts with other operations. Please try again later.The operation conflicts with other operations. Try again later.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.EffectThe specified Effect is invalid.The value of the Effect parameter is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.ActionThe specified Action is invalid.The value of the Action parameter is invalid.diagnosis
400InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.PrincipalARNValueThe condition value of PrincipalARN is invalid.The value of the PrincipalARN parameter is invalid.diagnosis