409 | AccountTypeOrStatusMismatch | You cannot perform the action on the member account. | You cannot perform the operation on the member. | diagnosis |
409 | DeleteConflict.Folder.Account | This folder has accounts. | One or more members exist in the folder. Remove the members first. | diagnosis |
409 | DeleteConflict.Folder.SubFolder | This folder has sub folders. | The folder contains subfolders. Delete the subfolders first. | diagnosis |
409 | DeleteConflict.Policy.Group | The policy cannot be attached to any group when you delete it. | The policy cannot be attached to any group when you delete it. | diagnosis |
409 | DeleteConflict.ResourceDir.Account | This resource directory has accounts. | One or more members exist in the resource directory. Remove or delete the members first. | diagnosis |
404 | EnterpriseInvoiceAuthenticationError | Your account has not set the enterprise invoice yet. | No invoice title information is specified for the account. Specify invoice title information. | diagnosis |
409 | EnterpriseNameMismatch | Your account does not have the same enterpriseName as the master account. | The enterprise name of the current account is inconsistent with that of your Alibaba Cloud account. | diagnosis |
404 | EnterpriseCertifyAuthenticationError | Your account has not passed the enterprise real-name authentication yet. | The account does not pass enterprise real-name verification. Complete the verification for the account first. | diagnosis |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.Handshake | Handshakes with the same target entity already exist. | - | diagnosis |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.ResourceDirectory | The resource directory for the account is already enabled. We recommend that you do not enable the resource directory again. | The account has been used to enable a resource directory. Do not use the account to enable a resource directory again. | diagnosis |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.ResourceDirectory.Account | The email address that the system generates when you create a member account already exists. Try again later. | The email address that is generated by the system when the member is created already exists. Try again later. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExists.Account | This resource directory account does not exist. | The member does not exist. Create such a member first. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExists.AccountRecord | This resource directory account recordId does not exist. | The record ID does not exist. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExists.Folder | The resource directory folder does not exist. | The specified folder does not exist. Create such a folder first. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExists.Handshake | The specified handshake does not exist. | - | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExists.Quota | The quota does not exist. | - | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExists.ResourceDirectory | The resource directory for the account is not enabled. We recommend that you first enable the resource directory for the account. | The account is not used to enable a resource directory. Use the account to enable a resource directory first. | diagnosis |
409 | HandshakeStatusMismatch | The invitation is invalid. | The invitation is invalid. | diagnosis |
409 | Invalid.AccountType | The specified profile type of account is invalid. | The account type is invalid. Use an enterprise account. | diagnosis |
409 | Invalid.EnterpriseName | You must specify the enterprise name. | No enterprise name is specified for the account. Specify an enterprise name for the account. | diagnosis |
409 | Invalid.PayRelation | Failed to create a member. The specified billing account is unavailable. Please change to another billing account and try again. | Failed to create the member. The specified billing account is unavailable. Specify a valid billing account and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter is invalid. | The value of a parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Account.DisplayName | The DisplayName of account is invalid. | The value of the DisplayName parameter is invalid. The value can contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-). | diagnosis |
409 | InvalidParameter.Account.DisplayName.AlreadyUsed | The display name of account has been used. You must specify a valid display name. | The display name already exists. Specify a valid display name. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Account.DisplayName.Length | The DisplayName of the account exceeds the length limit. | The length of the value for the DisplayName parameter exceeds the upper limit. The value must be 2 to 50 characters in length. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.AccountId | The AccountId is invalid. | The value of the AccountId parameter is invalid. Specify a 16-digit ID. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Length | The maximum length of the trust policy document of the role is exceeded. | The maximum length of the trust policy document of the role is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.ChildId | The ChildId is invalid. | The value of the ChildId parameter is invalid. The value must start with r- followed by 6 characters or start with fd- followed by 10 characters. Valid characters are letters and digits. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Comments.Length | The maximum length of Note is exceeded. | The maximum length of Note is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Description.Length | The maximum length of the description is exceeded. It must not exceed 1024 characters. | The maximum length of the description is exceeded. It must not exceed 1024 characters. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.DestinationFolderId | The DestinationFolderId is invalid. | The value of the DestinationFolderId parameter is invalid. The value must start with r- followed by 6 characters or start with fd- followed by 10 characters. Valid characters are letters and digits. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.DisplayName.Length | The maximum length of DisplayName is exceeded. | The length of the value for the DisplayName parameter exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Email | The Email is invalid. | The format of the value for the Email parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
409 | InvalidParameter.Email.AlreadyUsed | The email has been used. | The specified email address is in use. Specify another email address. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Folder.Name | The Name of folder is invalid. | The folder name is invalid. The name can contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-). | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Folder.Name.AlreadyUsed | The name already exists under the same parent. Please change to another name. | The folder name already exists in the same parent folder. Change the name. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Folder.Name.Length | The Name of folder exceeds the length limit. | The length of the folder name exceeds the upper limit. The name must be 1 to 24 characters in length. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.FolderId | The FolderId is invalid. | The value of the FolderId parameter is invalid. The value must start with r- followed by 6 characters or start with fd- followed by 10 characters. Valid characters are letters and digits. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.HandshakeId | The HandshakeId is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.MaxResults | The MaxResults is invalid. | The MaxResults is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Name.InvalidChars | The Name is invalid. | The Name is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Name.Length | The maximum length of Name is exceeded. | The length of the value for the Name parameter exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewAssumeRolePolicyDocument.Length | The maximum length of the new trust policy document of the role is exceeded. | The maximum length of the new trust policy document of the role is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewComments.Length | The maximum length of Note is exceeded. | The maximum length of Note is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewDisplayName.Length | The maximum length of NewDisplayName is exceeded. | The length of the value for the NewDisplayName parameter exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.NextToken | The NextToken is invalid. | The NextToken is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.NextToken.Length | The maximum length of NextToken (256 characters) is exceeded. | The maximum length of NextToken (256 characters) is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Note | The Note is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Note.Length | The maximum length of Note (256 characters) is exceeded. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.ParentFolderId | The ParentFolderId is invalid. | The value of the ParentFolderId parameter is invalid. The value must start with r- followed by 6 characters or start with fd- followed by 10 characters. Valid characters include letters and digits. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Payer | The specified Payer is invalid. | The specified billing account is invalid. Specify a valid billing account. | diagnosis |
409 | InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.Length | Unable to save your policy. A policy contains a maximum of 4096 characters. | Failed to save the policy. The policy document can be up to 4,096 characters in length. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyName.InvalidChars | The policy name contains invalid characters. It must only contain upper or lower case letters, numbers, and dash (-). | The policy name contains invalid characters. It must only contain upper or lower case letters, numbers, and dash (-). | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyName.Length | The length of the policy name is invalid. It must be 1 to 128 characters in length. | The maximum length of the policy name is exceeded. It must be 1 to 128 characters in length. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyType | The specified policy type is invalid. | The value of the PolicyType parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.PrincipalName.Empty | You must specify PrincipalName. | The PrincipalName parameter is not configured. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.QuotaName | The QuotaName is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.QuotaValue | The QuotaValue is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.ResourceId | The ResourceId is invalid. | The ResourceId is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.RoleName.InvalidChars | The specified role name contains invalid characters. | The specified role name contains invalid characters. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.RoleName.Length | The maximum length of the role name is exceeded. | The maximum length of the role name is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.RoleName.Prefix | Role name prefix AliyunServiceRoleFor can only be used for Service Linked Roles. | The role name prefix AliyunServiceRoleFor can be used only for service-linked roles. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Status | The specified Status is invalid. | The specified Status is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Target | The Target is invalid. | The Target is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.TargetEntity | The TargetEntity is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Targets | The Targets is invalid. | The Targets is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Targets.Duplicate | The Targets contains duplicate values. | The Targets contains duplicate values. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Targets.Length | The maximum number of Targets (5) is exceeded. | The maximum number of Targets (5) is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.TargetType | The TargetType is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
409 | LegalEntityMismatch | Your account does not have the same legal entity as the one of the management account. | - | diagnosis |
409 | QuotaExceeded.Account.Count | The number of resource directory accounts exceeds the quota. | The number of members in the resource directory exceeds the upper limit. A resource directory can contain a maximum of 20 members. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.Folder.Depth | The folder depth exceeds the limit of 5. | The maximum number of folder levels is reached. A maximum of five levels of folders can be created in the Root folder. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.Frequency | The frequency of request exceeds limit. | The frequency of the request exceeds the upper limit. Try again later. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.InvitationRate | The number of invitations sent exceeds the limit. | - | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.PageSize | The pagesize exceeds limit of 10. | The value of the PageSize parameter exceeds the upper limit. Each page can contain up to 10 entries. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.Policy | The maximum number of policies is exceeded. | The maximum number of policies attached to this user is exceeded. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.Policy.Version | The maximum number of policy versions is exceeded. | The maximum number of policy versions is exceeded. | diagnosis |
409 | MalformedPolicyDocument | The policy format is invalid. | The policy format is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.Account.DisplayName | You must specify DisplayName. | The DisplayName parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.Role.Policy | The maximum number of policies attached to this role is exceeded. | The maximum number of policies attached to this role is exceeded. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.User.Policy | The maximum number of policies attached to this user is exceeded. | The maximum number of policies attached to this user is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.AccountId | You must specify AccountId. | The AccountId parameter is not configured. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.ChildId | You must specify ChildId. | The ChildId parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.DestinationFolderId | You must specify DestinationFolderId. | The DestinationFolderId parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.Email | You must specify Email. | The Email parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.Folder.Name | You must specify the resource folder name. | No folder name is specified. Specify a folder name. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.FolderId | You must specify FolderId. | The FolderId parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.HandshakeId | You must specify HandshakeId. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.Id | You must specify Id. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.Name | You must specify Name. | You must specify Name. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.Note | You must specify Note. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.QuotaName | You must specify QuotaName. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.QuotaValue | You must specify QuotaValue. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.RecordId | You must specify RecordId. | The RecordId parameter is not configured. Configure this parameter. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.TargetEntity | You must specify TargetEntity. | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.TargetType | You must specify TargetType. | - | diagnosis |
403 | NoPermission | You are not authorized to perform the operation. | You are not authorized to perform the operation. | diagnosis |
409 | NotSupport.Account | You can only perform this operation for a sub-user. | You can only perform this operation for a sub-user. | diagnosis |
409 | NotSupport.Account.Site | The caller is not a China site account, which is not supported. | The account is not registered at the current site. Use an account registered at the current site. | diagnosis |
409 | NotSupport.Account.RealNameType | Your account is not a real-name of enterprise type, so you cannot accept the invitation. | You cannot accept the invitation because your account does not pass enterprise real-name verification. | diagnosis |
409 | NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectory | Your account is a management account for another resource directory or a member of another resource directory. | - | diagnosis |
409 | NotSupport.Bid | End users from the International site cannot visit the BID. | The Bid parameter is not supported. | diagnosis |
409 | NotSupport.CallerType | Your account type doe not support the operation. | - | diagnosis |
409 | NotSupport.PayerAccountInAnotherResourceDirectory | The specified payment account does not exist in the resource directory. You must specify a valid payment account. | The billing account is not in the resource directory. Specify a valid billing account. | diagnosis |
400 | NotSupport.ServiceLinkedRole | Cannot perform the operation on this service linked role. | You cannot perform operations on the service-linked role. | diagnosis |
404 | QuotaExceeded.CreateAccount.Count | The number of accounts that a master account can create exceeds the quota. | The number of members created within the Alibaba Cloud account exceeds the upper limit. You can create a maximum of 20 members. | diagnosis |
409 | QuotaExceeded.Folder.Count | The number of folders exceeds the quota. | The maximum number of folders is reached. | diagnosis |
404 | ResourceDirectoryNotInUse | The specified account is not an Alibaba Cloud account or a member account of the resource directory. | The account is not an Alibaba Cloud account or a member of a resource directory. | diagnosis |
404 | SpecifiedResourceDirectoryNotExists | The specified resource directory does not exist. You must specify a valid resource directory. | The specified resource directory does not exist. Specify a valid resource directory. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExist.ServiceLinkedRole.DeletionTask | The deletion task for the given ID does not exist. | The deletion task for the given ID does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.DeletionTaskId.Length | The length of DeletionTaskId must be between 26 and 255 characters. | The length of DeletionTaskId must be between 26 and 255 characters. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExist.ServiceLinkedRoleTemplate | The Service Linked Role template does not exist. | The Service Linked Role template does not exist. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExist.Service | The service does not exist. | The service does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.DeletionTaskId | The DeletionTaskId is invalid. | The value of the DeletionTaskId parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.CustomSuffix.InvalidChars | The parameter CustomSuffix contains invalid characters. | The value of the CustomSuffix parameter contains invalid characters. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Description.NotAllowed | Custom description is not allowed for this Service Linked Role. | The service-linked role does not support custom descriptions. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExist.ServiceLinkedRole | This role exists but is not a Service Linked Role. | The role exists but is not a service-linked role. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.Language | The parameter Language is invalid. | The value of the Language parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.CustomSuffix.Length | The maximum length of the parameter CustomSuffix is exceeded. | The length of the value for the CustomSuffix parameter exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
400 | NotSupport.Policy | The policy can only be attached to a Service Linked Role. | The policy can be attached only to service-linked roles. | diagnosis |
400 | NotSupport.PolicyDocument.NotAction | The specified NotAction is not supported. | The NotAction parameter is not supported. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.CustomSuffix.NotAllowed | Custom suffix is not allowed for this Service Linked Role. | The service-linked role does not support custom suffixes. | diagnosis |
409 | NoRealNameAuthentication | The account invited has not passed real-name authentication. | The invited account does not pass real-name verification. | diagnosis |
409 | MissingAccountRealName | The name of the invited account is not specified. | The name of the invited account is not specified. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.SameTargetInvitationRate | The number of invitations sent to the same account exceeds the limit. | The number of invitations sent to the account exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
409 | InvalidControlPolicyEnablementStatus | The control policy enablement status is not valid to perform this operation. | You cannot perform the operation when the access control policy is enabled. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.PolicyId | You must specify PolicyId. | The PolicyId parameter is not configured. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyId | The parameter PolicyId is invalid. | The value of the PolicyId parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExists.ControlPolicy | The specified control policy does not exist. | The specified access control policy does not exist. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExists.ControlPolicyAttachment | The specified control policy on the specified target does not exist. | The specified access control policy for the specified object does not exist. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.ControlPolicy | The maximum number of policies is exceeded. | The number of access control policies exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
409 | LimitExceeded.ControlPolicyAttachment | The maximum number of control policies on the specified target is exceeded. | The number of access control policies attached to the specified object exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.PolicyName | You must specify PolicyName. | The PolicyName parameter is not configured. | diagnosis |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.ControlPolicy | The control policy already exists. | The access control policy already exists. | diagnosis |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.ControlPolicyAttachment | The specified control policy has already been attached to the specified target. | The access control policy is already attached to the specified object. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.EffectScope | You must specify EffectScope. | The EffectScope parameter is not configured. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.EffectScope | The parameter EffectScope is invalid. | The value of the parameter EffectScope is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.PolicyDocument | You must specify PolicyDocument. | The PolicyDocument parameter is not configured. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewPolicyName.Length | The maximum length of the parameter NewPolicyName is exceeded. | The length of the value for the NewPolicyName parameter exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewPolicyName.InvalidChars | The parameter NewPolicyName contains invalid characters. | The value of the NewPolicyName parameter contains invalid characters. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewDescription.Length | The maximum length of the parameter NewDescription is exceeded. | The length of the value for the NewDescription parameter exceeds the upper limit. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewPolicyDocument.Length | Unable to save your policy. A policy contains a maximum of 4096 characters. | Failed to save the policy. The policy document can be up to 4,096 characters in length. | diagnosis |
409 | ControlPolicyNotEnabled | The control policy has not been enabled. | The access control policy is disabled. | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter.TargetId | You must specify TargetId. | The TargetId parameter is not configured. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.TargetId | The parameter TargetId is invalid. | The value of the TargetId parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
404 | EntityNotExists.Target | The specified target does not exist in the resource directory. | The specified object does not exist in the resource directory. | diagnosis |
409 | DeleteConflict.AttachedPolicy | The control policy has been attached and cannot be deleted. | The access control policy is attached to an object and cannot be deleted. | diagnosis |
409 | DeleteConflict.SystemControlPolicy | The control policy is a system policy and cannot be deleted. | The access control policy is a system access control policy and cannot be deleted. | diagnosis |
409 | LastControlPolicyOnTarget | The last control policy on a target cannot be detached. | The access control policy is the only access control policy attached to the object and cannot be detached. | diagnosis |
409 | CanNotBeDetached.FullAliyunAccess | The system policy FullAliyunAccess cannot be detached. | The system policy FullAliyunAccess cannot be detached. | diagnosis |
409 | Throttling.EnableControlPolicy | The enable operation is too frequent. Please try again in %s minute(s). | The operation is frequently performed. Wait %s minutes and try again. | diagnosis |
429 | ConcurrentCallNotSupported | The operation conflicts with other operations. Please try again later. | The operation conflicts with other operations. Try again later. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.Effect | The specified Effect is invalid. | The value of the Effect parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.Action | The specified Action is invalid. | The value of the Action parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.PrincipalARNValue | The condition value of PrincipalARN is invalid. | The value of the PrincipalARN parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |