Manage resource groups

Updated at: 2024-03-18 10:01

You can create resource groups and transfer resources between resource groups on the Resource Search page of the Resource Management console. This topic describes how to manage resource groups within an Alibaba Cloud account.

Background information

Create a resource group

You can use resource groups to manage resources within your Alibaba Cloud account.

  1. Log on to the Resource Management console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resource Center > Resource Search.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the left-side navigation tree, click the + icon.

  4. In the Create Resource Group dialog box, configure the Resource Group Identifier and Resource Group Name parameters.

  5. Click OK.

Transfer resources between resource groups

You can transfer resources between resource groups to change the resource groups to which the resources belong.

  1. In the left-side navigation tree of the page, click the node to which the resources you want to transfer belong.


    Resources that belong to the Not Support Resource Group node cannot be managed by resource group and cannot be transferred.

  2. In the right-side section that appears, select the resources that you want to transfer.

  3. Click Transfer in the lower part of the section.

  4. In the Confirm Resources dialog box, click Continue and Ignore Unsupported Resources if resources that do not support transfer exist.

  5. In the Select Resource Group dialog box, select the resource group to which you want to transfer the resources and click OK.

  6. In the Transfer Result dialog box, click OK.

  • On this page (1, T)
  • Background information
  • Create a resource group
  • Transfer resources between resource groups
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