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Resource Management:Delete a member of the resource account type

Last Updated:Nov 27, 2024

You can delete members of the resource account type. After a member is deleted, the resources and data within the member are deleted, and you can no longer use the member to log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console.


After a member of the resource account type is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. Therefore, proceed with caution.



Check items for member deletion

Check items at the resource directory level

Before you delete a member, the system checks whether the following requirements are met:

  • Member deletion feature

    You can delete a member only if the member deletion feature is enabled for the resource directory to which the member belongs. For more information, see Enable the member deletion feature.

  • Account used to delete a member

    For security purposes, you can use only a RAM user or RAM role to which the AliyunResourceDirectoryFullAccess policy is attached within the management account of your resource directory to delete a member. You cannot use the root user of the management account to delete a member.

  • Member that you want to delete

    • You cannot delete a member that is a delegated administrator account of a trusted service.

      If the member that you want to delete is a delegated administrator account of a trusted service, you must remove the delegated administrator account for the trusted service before you delete the member. For more information, see Remove a delegated administrator account.

    • You can delete only members of the resource account type.

      You can remove a member of the cloud account type from a resource directory but cannot delete it in the Resource Management console. After a member of the cloud account type is removed from a resource directory, the member becomes an independent Alibaba Cloud account. You can follow the related process to delete the account.

Check items at the member level

When you try to delete a member, the system checks whether the related requirements are met. If the member does not meet the requirements, you can perform operations based on the related solutions and delete the member again.


Item that does not meet requirements


Operation platform

Finance check

The member has one or more outstanding bills.

Settle the outstanding bills.

Outstanding bills

One or more invoices are being generated for the member.

Wait until the invoices are generated or cancel the invoicing application.


The member has shortfalls in invoices.

Cancel the invoices.


Resource check

The member has one or more domain names in use.

Wait until the domain names expire or transfer the ownership of the domain names to others.

Domain Names console

The member has one or more unexpired subscription resources.

Unsubscribe from the resources.

Unsubscribe from a resource

The member has pay-as-you-go resources that are purchased within the previous 30 days.

Submit a member deletion application. After you submit the application, the member enters a silence period. After the silence period ends, the system automatically starts to delete the member.



  1. Log on to the Resource Management console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resource Directory > Management.

  3. Click the Organization or Members tab.

  4. On the tab that appears, find the member that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.

  5. In the Delete Member dialog box, read the instructions, enter the account name of the member, and then click Next.

  6. Wait until the deletion check is complete and perform operations based on the check result.

    • The member passes the check.

      The member enters a silence period. During the silence period, the member is unavailable. After the silence period ends, the system automatically deletes the member, and you cannot terminate the deletion process. For more information about the end time of the silence period, see How do I view the end time of the silence period of a member?

    • The member fails the check.

      Perform the related operations based on the instructions in the Delete Member dialog box. Then, delete the member again.

What to do next

After you delete a member, you can view the record of the DeleteAccount event for the member in ActionTrail. For more information, see Query events in the ActionTrail console.