You can configure an alert rule to monitor the synchronization latency between child instances of a distributed instance. When a metric reaches a specified threshold, CloudMonitor automatically sends an alert notification. This can help you locate and handle anomalies in a timely manner.
Background information
Global Distributed Cache for ApsaraDB for Redis has been connected to CloudMonitor. CloudMonitor is a service that monitors Alibaba Cloud resources and Internet applications to help you improve service availability and reduce IT O&M and monitoring costs.
Log on to the CloudMonitor console.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
On the Alert Rules page, click Create Alert Rule.
In the Create Alert Rule panel, configure the parameters. The following table describes the parameters.
Parameter | Description |
Product | Select Redis/Tair DRAM(Standard), Redis/Tair DRAM(Cluster), or Redis/Tair DRAM(Read/Write Splitting) based on the architecture of the distributed instance and your business requirements. Note You can enter Redis in the search box to quickly find the service. |
Resource Range | The range of the resources to which the alert rule is applied. Valid values: All Resources: The alert rule applies to all resources of the specified cloud service. Application Groups: The alert rule applies to all resources in the specified application group of the specified cloud service. Instances: The alert rule applies to the specified resources of the specified cloud service.
Rule Description | The description of the alert rule. If a metric meets a specific condition, an alert is triggered. To configure a rule, perform the following steps: Click Add Rule. In the Config Rule Description panel, specify the rule name, metric type, metric, threshold, and alert level. In this example, the metric of the alert rule is set to . If the average value within 5 minutes is greater than 60 seconds, an alert is triggered. Click OK.
Mute For | The interval at which CloudMonitor resends alert notifications before an alert is cleared. Valid values: 5 Minutes, 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 60 Minutes, 3 Hours, 6 Hours, 12 Hours, and 24 Hours. If a metric value reaches the threshold, CloudMonitor sends an alert notification. If the metric value reaches the threshold again within the mute period, CloudMonitor does not resend an alert notification. If the alert is not cleared after the mute period ends, CloudMonitor resends an alert notification. |
Effective Period | The period of time during which the alert rule is effective. CloudMonitor monitors the specified instances and generates alerts only within the specified period. |
Alert Contact Group | The alert contact group to which alert notifications are sent. The alert notifications of the application group are sent to the alert contacts that belong to the selected alert contact groups. An alert contact group can contain one or more alert contacts. For information about how to create an alert contact and an alert contact group, see Create an alert contact or alert contact group. |
You can use the default values for other parameters. For more information, see Create an alert rule.
Click Confirm.