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Tair (Redis® OSS-Compatible):New features and compatibility changes of major versions of Redis Open-Source Edition

Last Updated:Nov 05, 2024

In Tair (Redis OSS-compatible), you can create Redis Open-Source Edition instances of different versions. This topic describes the new features and compatibility changes in each version of Redis Open-Source Edition.


Each section in this topic includes the features and compatibility changes that are provided by the Redis community and Alibaba Cloud.

Redis Open-Source Edition 7.0

New features

  • For information about the new features of Redis 7.0, see Redis 7.0 release notes.

    • For example, for module commands that use background threads, the slow log feature records the period of time for which a command is in the pending state. For common block commands such as BLPOP, the slow log feature records only the actual execution time of a command.


  • For information about the breaking changes for new Redis 7.0 features, see Redis 7.0 release notes.

    • For example, the STRALGO command is replaced with the LCS command.

  • The CONFIG SET and CONFIG GET subcommands are no longer supported. You can query and modify the parameter settings of an instance by using the console or by calling API operations. For more information, see Configure instance parameters.

  • The allow-oom flag in Lua scripts is no longer supported. For more information, see #10699.

  • For information about the supported commands, see Commands supported by Redis Open-Source Edition.

Redis Open-Source Edition 6.0

New features

  • For information about the new features of Redis 6.0, see Redis 6.0 release notes.

  • Within a cluster instance in direct connection mode, PUBLISH commands are broadcast to all nodes.


  • For information about the breaking changes for new Redis 6.0 features, see Redis 6.0 release notes.

  • The account management mechanism of Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) is different from the access control list (ACL) feature of open source Redis. The following items describe the account management mechanism of Tair (Redis OSS-compatible):

    • Two accounts are available for an instance: the default account named default and the account that is named after the instance name such as r-bp1857n194kiuv****.

    • If you do not specify an account when you use the AUTH command to connect to a Redis instance, the default account is used for authentication.

    • If the account that you specify does not exist when you use the AUTH command to connect to a Redis instance, the -WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair error message is returned. In this case, the system does not switch to the default account for authentication.

    • If the account that you specify does not exist or the password that you specify is incorrect when you use the AUTH command to connect to a Redis instance that is deployed in a virtual private cloud (VPC) and for which password-free access is enabled, the -WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair error message is returned instead of OK.

  • Configuration options must be specified for the CONFIG GET command. Wildcard characters (*) are not supported.

  • For information about the supported commands, see Commands supported by Redis Open-Source Edition.

Redis Open-Source Edition 5.0

New features

  • For information about the new features of Redis 5.0, see Redis 5.0 release notes.

  • The latency insights feature is supported.

  • The real-time key statistics feature is supported.

  • TLS encryption is supported.

  • The precision of wake-up time for processing blocking connections is optimized.

  • Cluster instances in direct connection mode can be scaled without perceptible impacts on your business.


  • For information about the breaking changes for new Redis 5.0 features, see Redis 5.0 release notes.

    • For example, the results that are returned by commands in Lua scripts are no longer sorted.

  • The account names are case-sensitive.

  • After password-free access is enabled for an instance, the AUTH command can be used to switch between different accounts to connect to the instance without the need to use passwords.


    If you granted different permissions to different accounts, make sure that your application runs commands within the scope of the permissions. Otherwise, an error indicating insufficient permissions is returned.

  • The READONLY and READWRITE commands are available.

  • Differences exist between cloud-native instances and classic instances: After you enable password-free access for a cloud-native instance, all connections to the instance must be verified against a whitelist, and the #no_loose_check-whitelist-always parameter cannot be used.

  • For information about the supported commands, see Commands supported by Redis Open-Source Edition.

Redis Open-Source Edition 4.0

New features

  • For information about the new features of Redis 4.0, see Redis 4.0 release notes.

  • The audit log feature is supported.

  • The real-time hotkey statistics feature is supported.

  • After password-free access is enabled for an instance that is deployed in a VPC, the #no_loose_check-whitelist-always parameter can be used to specify whether to verify connections from within the same VPC against a whitelist. For more information, see Supported parameters.

  • The Sentinel-compatible mode is supported. You must enable password-free access to use this mode. Only the SENTINEL and get-master-addr-by-name subcommands are supported.

  • Multiple accounts can be created and read/write or read-only permissions can be granted to the accounts. The account names are not case-sensitive. You can use the AUTH user:password command to switch between accounts.

    • The name of the default account is the instance name, such as r-bp1857n194kiuv****.

    • If you do not specify an account or the account that you specify does not exist, the system switches to the default account for authentication.

    • If you enable password-free access for an instance, no authentication is required for all connections to the instance. The default account is used and cannot be switched to a different account.

  • The direct connection mode can be enabled for the cluster architecture.

  • The cluster architecture allows you to configure ptod_enabled to pass through client IP addresses to data nodes. For more information, see Supported parameters.


  • For information about the breaking changes for new Redis 4.0 features, see Redis 4.0 release notes.

    • For example, slot-to-key mappings must be recorded in the cluster architecture, which results in slightly higher memory usage for identical data compared to the standard architecture.

    • For example, the SORT command does not support the BY and GET parameters in cluster instances.

  • SSL encryption is no longer supported.

  • Cluster instances in direct connection mode do not support specific CLUSTER commands. For more information, see Commands supported by Redis Open-Source Edition.

  • Cluster instances in direct connection mode support the SELECT command.


    The SELECT command can no longer be used to determine whether the current connection is in cluster mode. If you use the SELECT command, a false positive may occur.

  • Within a cluster instance in direct connection mode, PUBLISH commands in a node are not broadcast to other nodes.

  • For information about the supported commands, see Commands supported by Redis Open-Source Edition.

Redis Open-Source Edition 2.8 (retired)

New features

  • For information about the new features of Redis 2.8, see Redis 2.8 release notes.

  • You can configure whitelists for instances. For more information, see Step 2: Configure whitelists.

  • Password-free access can be enabled for instances that are deployed in a VPC. After you enable the feature, the following rules apply:

    • IP address whitelist verification is not required for network connections from within the VPC.

    • When you use the AUTH command to authenticate network connections from within the VPC, OK is returned without the need for password verification.

  • SSL encryption is supported.

  • A parameter can be specified to disable specific commands. For more information, see Disable high-risk commands.

  • Cluster instances in proxy mode are supported.


  • For information about the breaking changes for new Redis 2.8 features, see Redis 2.8 release notes.

  • Specific debugging commands and management commands are not supported. For more information, see Commands supported by Redis Open-Source Edition.

  • The CONFIG SET and CONFIG GET commands return limited information:

    • CONFIG GET: returns only partial configuration options. Security-related configuration options are not returned.

    • CONFIG SET: returns OK without the need to modify parameters.

  • The INFO command returns limited information. For example, security-related information, such as Persistence and Replication, is not returned.

  • Cluster instances in proxy mode do not support specific commands. For more information, see Limits on commands supported by cluster instances and read/write splitting instances.