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Search analyzers

Updated at: 2025-01-14 02:09

Analyzers are used to resolve and split a document into words that can be saved to indexes. In most cases, you can use the built-in analyzers of TairSearch or custom analyzers that suit your needs. This topic describes how to use TairSearch analyzers.


Workflow of a TairSearch analyzer

A TairSearch analyzer consists of character filters, a tokenizer, and token filters, which are applied sequentially. Character filters and token filters can be left empty. 分词器工作流程Description:

  • Character filter: preprocesses documents. You can configure zero or more character filters that run in the specified sequence for a TairSearch analyzer. For example, a character filter can replace "(:" with "happy".

  • Tokenizer: splits a document into multiple tokens. You can specify only a single tokenizer for each TairSearch analyzer. For example, you can use the whitespace tokenizer to split "I am very happy" into ["I", "am", "very", "happy"].

  • Token filter: processes the tokens that are generated by the specified tokenizer. You can configure zero or more token filters that run in the specified sequence for a TairSearch analyzer. For example, you can use the stop token filter to filter stop words.

Built-in analyzers


The standard analyzer splits a document based on the Unicode Text Segmentation algorithm, as specified in Unicode Standard Annex #29, converts tokens to lowercase letters, and filters out stop words. The analyzer works well for most languages.



The absence of character filters indicates that no character filters are available.

Optional parameters:

  • stopwords: the stop words to be filtered out. Data type: ARRAY. Each stop word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the default stop words are overwritten. Default stop words:

    ["a", "an", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "no", "not", "of", "on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", "with"]
  • max_token_length: the maximum number of characters that are allowed for a token. Default value: 255. Tokens that exceed the maximum length are split based on the specified maximum length.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Use of custom stop words:


The stop analyzer splits a document into tokens at any non-letter character, converts tokens to lowercase letters, and filters out stop words.


Optional parameters:

  • stopwords: the stop words to be filtered out. Data type: ARRAY. Each stop word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the default stop words are overwritten. Default stop words:

    ["a", "an", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "no", "not", "of", "on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", "with"]

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Use of custom stop words:


The jieba analyzer is recommended for documents in Chinese. It splits a document based on a trained or specified dictionary, converts English tokens to lowercase letters, and filters out stop words.


Optional parameters:

  • userwords: a dictionary of user-defined words. Data type: ARRAY. Each word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the user-defined words are added to the default dictionary. For more information, see the default dictionary of jieba.

    • The jieba analyzer has a large built-in dictionary that is 20 MB in size. Only a single copy of this dictionary is retained in the memory of jieba. This dictionary is loaded only when jieba is used for the first time. This may cause a slight jitter in the latency while using jieba.

    • Words in the custom dictionary cannot contain spaces or the following special characters: \t, \n, , and .

  • use_hmm: specifies whether to use a hidden Markov model (HMM) to handle words that are not included in the dictionary. Valid values: true and false. Default value: true.

  • stopwords: the stop words to be filtered out. Data type: ARRAY. Each stop word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the default stop words are overwritten. For more information, see the default stop words of jieba.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Use of custom stop words:


The IK analyzer is used for documents in Chinese and is compatible with the IK analyzer plug-in of Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch. IK supports the ik_max_word and ik_smart modes. In ik_max_word mode, IK identifies all possible tokens. In ik_smart mode, IK filters the results of the ik_max_word mode to identify the most possible tokens.




  • Tokenizer: IK

Optional parameters:

  • stopwords: the stop words to be filtered out. Data type: ARRAY. Each stop word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the default stop words are overwritten. Default stop words:

    ["a", "an", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "no", "not", "of", "on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", "with"]
  • userwords: a dictionary of user-defined words. Data type: ARRAY. Each word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the user-defined words are added to the default dictionary. For more information, see the default dictionary of IK.

  • quantifiers: a dictionary of user-defined quantifiers. Data type: ARRAY. After you specify this parameter, the user-defined quantifiers are added to the default dictionary. For more information, see the default quantifier dictionary of IK.

  • enable_lowercase: specifies whether to convert uppercase letters to lowercase letters. Valid values: true and false. Default value: true.


    If the custom dictionary contains uppercase letters, set this parameter to false because the conversion is performed before a document is split.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Use of custom stop words:


The pattern analyzer splits a document based on the specified regular expression. The words that are matched by the regular expression are used as delimiters. For example, if the "aaa" regular expression is used to split "bbbaaaccc", the splitting results are "bbb" and "ccc". At the same time, you can specify the lowercase parameter to convert tokens to lowercase letters and filter out stop words.


Optional parameters:

  • pattern: the regular expression. The words that are matched by the regular expression are used as delimiters. Default value: \W+. For more information about the syntax of regular expressions, visit GitHub.

  • stopwords: the stop words to be filtered out. The dictionary of stop words must be an array, and each stop word must be a string. After you specify stop words, the default stop words are overwritten. Default stop words:

    ["a", "an", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "no", "not", "of", "on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", "with"]
  • lowercase: specifies whether to convert tokens to lowercase letters. Valid values: true and false. Default value: true.

  • flags: specifies whether the regular expression is case-sensitive. By default, this parameter is left empty, which indicates that the regular expression is case-sensitive. A value of CASE_INSENSITIVE indicates that the regular expression is case-insensitive.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Use of custom stop words:


The whitespace analyzer splits a document into tokens whenever it encounters a whitespace character.


Optional parameters: none

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:


The simple analyzer splits a document into tokens at any non-letter character and converts tokens to lowercase letters.


Optional parameters: none

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:


The keyword analyzer converts a document to a token without splitting the document.


Optional parameters: none

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:


The language analyzer is available for the following languages: chinese, arabic, cjk, brazilian, czech, german, greek, persian, french, dutch, and russian.

Optional parameters:

  • stopwords: the stop words to be filtered out. The dictionary of stop words must be an array, and each stop word must be a string. After you specify stop words, the default stop words are overwritten. For more information about the default stop words for different languages, see the Appendix 4: Default stop words of the built-in language analyzer for different languages section of this topic.


    You cannot modify the stop words of the chinese analyzer.

  • stem_exclusion: the words whose stems are not extracted. For example, if you extract the stem of "apples", the result is "apple". By default, this parameter is left empty. The value of the stem_exclusion parameter must be an array, and each word must be a string.


    This parameter is supported only for the brazilian, german, french, and dutch analyzers.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Use of custom stop words:

Custom analyzers

A custom TairSearch analyzer is defined as a combination of character filters, a tokenizer, and token filters, which are applied sequentially. You can specify the corresponding char_filter, tokenizer, and filter parameters based on your needs.

Method: Set the analyzer parameter to a custom analyzer such as my_custom_analyzer in properties. Configure the my_custom_analyzer custom analyzer in settings.

The following table describes the parameters.






A custom analyzer. This parameter is required and is set to custom.


Filters characters to preprocess documents. By default, this parameter is left empty, which indicates that TairSearch does not preprocess documents. This parameter is optional and can be set only to mapping.



The tokenizer. This parameter is required. You can specify only a single tokenizer. Valid values: whitespace, lowercase, standard, classic, letter, keyword, jieba, pattern, ik_max_word, and ik_smart. For more information, see the Appendix 2: Supported tokenizers section of this topic.


Converts tokens to lowercase letters, and filters out stop words. This parameter is optional. You can specify multiple values for this parameter. By default, this parameter is left empty, which indicates that Tairsearch does not process the tokens.

Valid values: classic, elision, lowercase, snowball, stop, asciifolding, length, arabic_normalization, and persian_normalization. For more information, see the Appendix 3: Supported token filters section of this topic.

Sample configuration:

# Configure the custom analyzer:
# In this example, emoticons and conjunctions are specified as the character filters. In addition, the whitespace tokenizer and the lowercase and stop token filters are specified. 
          "char_filter": [
            ":) => _happy_",
            ":( => _sad_"

Appendix 1: Supported character filters

Mapping Character Filter

You can configure key-value pairs in mappings. This way, when a key is identified, the key is replaced with the corresponding value. For example, ":) =>_happy_" indicates that ":)" is replaced with "_happy_". You can specify multiple character filters.


  • mappings: This parameter is required. Data type: ARRAY. Each element must include =>. Example: "&=>and".

Sample configuration:

          "char_filter": [
            ":) => _happy_",
            ":( => _sad_"

Appendix 2: Supported tokenizers


The whitespace tokenizer splits a document into tokens whenever it encounters a whitespace character.

Optional parameters:

  • max_token_length: the maximum number of characters that are allowed for a token. Default value: 255. Tokens that exceed the maximum length are split based on the specified maximum length.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Custom configuration:


The standard tokenizer splits a document based on the Unicode Text Segmentation algorithm, as specified in Unicode Standard Annex #29. The tokenizer works well for most languages.

Optional parameters:

  • max_token_length: the maximum number of characters that are allowed for a token. Default value: 255. Tokens that exceed the maximum length are split based on the specified maximum length.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:
# Custom configuration:


The classic tokenizer splits a document based on English grammar and handles acronyms, company names, email addresses, and IP addresses in a special way, as described in the following section:

  • Splits a document by punctuation and deletes punctuations. Periods (.) without whitespaces are not considered as punctuations. For example, red.apple is not split, and red.[space] apple is split into red and apple.

  • Splits a document by hyphen. If numbers are contained in a token, the token is interpreted as a product number and is not split.

  • Identifies email addresses and hostnames as tokens.

Optional parameters:

  • max_token_length: the maximum number of characters that are allowed for a token. Default value: 255. Tokens that exceed the maximum length are skipped.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:
# Custom configuration:


The letter tokenizer splits a document into tokens at any non-letter character and works well for European languages.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:


The lowercase tokenizer splits a document into tokens at any non-letter character and converts all tokens to lowercase letters. The splitting results of the lowercase tokenizer are the same as those of a combination of the letter tokenizer and the lowercase token filter. In contrast, the lowercase tokenizer traverses a document only once, which consumes less time.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:


The keyword tokenizer converts a document to a token without splitting the document. Typically, the keyword tokenizer is used together with a token filter such as the lowercase token filter to convert documents to lowercase letters.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:


The jieba tokenizer is recommended for the Chinese language. It splits a document based on a trained or specified dictionary.

Optional parameters:

  • userwords: a dictionary of user-defined words. Data type: ARRAY. Each word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the user-defined words are added to the default dictionary. For more information, see the default dictionary of jieba.


    Words in the custom dictionary cannot contain spaces or the following special characters: \t, \n, , and .

  • use_hmm: specifies whether to use a hidden Markov model (HMM) to handle words that are not included in the dictionary. Valid values: true and false. Default value: true.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Custom configuration:


The pattern tokenizer splits a document based on the specified regular expression. The words that are matched by the regular expression are used as delimiters or identified as tokens.

Optional parameters:

  • pattern: the regular expression. Default value: \W+. For more information, visit GitHub.

  • group: uses the specified regular expression as a delimiter or token. Default value: -1. Valid values:

    • -1: uses the matched words of the specified regular expression as delimiters. For example, if you use the "aaa" regular expression to split "bbbaaaccc", the splitting results are "bbb" and "ccc".

    • 0 or an integer greater than 0: identifies words that are matched by the regular expression as tokens. A value of 0 indicates that TairSearch matches words by the whole regular expression. A value of 1 or an integer greater than 1 indicates that TairSearch matches words by the corresponding capture group in the regular expression. For example, assume that the "a(b+)c" regular expression is used to split "abbbcdefabc". If group is set to 0, the splitting results are "abbbc" and "abc". If group is set to 1, the first capture group b+ in "a(b+)c" is used to match words. In this case, the splitting results are "bbb" and "b".

  • flags: specifies whether the specified regular expression is case-sensitive. By default, this parameter is left empty, which indicates that the regular expression is case-sensitive. A value of CASE_INSENSITIVE indicates that the specified regular expression is case-insensitive.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Custom configuration:


The IK tokenizer splits documents in Chinese. IK supports the ik_max_word and ik_smart modes. In ik_max_word mode, IK identifies all possible tokens. In ik_smart mode, IK filters the results of the ik_max_word mode to identify the most possible tokens.

Optional parameters:

  • stopwords: the stop words to be filtered out. Data type: ARRAY. Each stop word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the default stop words are overwritten. Default stop words:

    ["a", "an", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "no", "not", "of", "on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", "with"]
  • userwords: a dictionary of user-defined words. Data type: ARRAY. Each word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the user-defined words are added to the default dictionary. For more information, see the default dictionary of IK.

  • quantifiers: a dictionary of user-defined quantifiers. Data type: ARRAY. After you specify this parameter, the user-defined quantifiers are added to the default dictionary. For more information, see the default quantifier dictionary of IK.

  • enable_lowercase: specifies whether to convert uppercase letters to lowercase letters. Valid values: true and false. Default value: true.


    If the custom dictionary contains uppercase letters, set this parameter to false because the conversion is performed before a document is split.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Custom configuration:


            "The tokenizer for the Chinese language",
            "The custom stop words"
            "The tokenizer for the Chinese language",
            "The custom stop words"

Appendix 3: Supported token filters


The classic token filter filters out 's at the end of tokens and periods (.) in acronyms. For example, Fig. is converted to Fig.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:


The elision token filter removes specified elisions from the beginning of tokens. This filter primarily applies to the French language.

Optional parameters:

  • articles: the specified elisions. This parameter is required if you want to specify custom elisions. Data type: ARRAY. Each element in the array must be a string. Default value: ["l", "m", "t", "qu", "n", "s", "j"]. After you specify this parameter, the default value is overwritten.

  • articles_case: specifies whether the elisions are case-sensitive. This parameter is optional. Valid values: true and false. Default value: false.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Custom configuration:
          "articles":["l", "m", "t", "qu", "n", "s", "j"],


The lowercase token filter converts tokens to lowercase letters.

Optional parameters:

  • language: the language that the token filter uses. Valid values: greek and russian. If you do not specify this parameter, the token filter uses English.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Custom configuration:


The snowball token filter extracts stems from all tokens. For example, the token filter extracts cat from cats.

Optional parameters:

  • language: the language that the token filter uses. Valid values: english, german, french, and dutch. Default value: english.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Custom configuration:


The stop token filter removes stop words from tokens based on the specified array of stop words.

Optional parameters:

  • stopwords: the array of stop words. Each stop word must be a string. After you specify this parameter, the default stop words are overwritten. Default stop words:

    ["a", "an", "and", "are", "as", "at", "be", "but", "by", "for", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "no", "not", "of", "on", "or", "such", "that", "the", "their", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "to", "was", "will", "with"]
  • ignoreCase: specifies whether the stop words are case-sensitive. Valid values: true and false. Default value: false.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Custom configuration:


The asciifolding token filter converts alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic characters that are not included in the Basic Latin Unicode block to their ASCII equivalents. For example, this token filter converts é to e.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:


The length token filter removes tokens shorter or longer than specified character lengths.

Optional parameters:

  • min: the minimum number of characters allowed for a token. Data type: INTEGER. Default value: 0.

  • max: the maximum number of characters allowed for a token. Data type: INTEGER. Default value: 2^31 - 1.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

# Custom configuration:


The nomalization token filter normalizes specific characters of a specific language. Valid values: arabic_normalization and persian_normalization. We recommend that you use this token filter together with the standard tokenizer.

Sample configuration:

# Default configuration:

Appendix 4: Default stop words of the built-in language analyzer for different languages

  • On this page (1, T)
  • Navigation
  • Workflow of a TairSearch analyzer
  • Built-in analyzers
  • Standard
  • Stop
  • Jieba
  • IK
  • Pattern
  • Whitespace
  • Simple
  • Keyword
  • Language
  • Custom analyzers
  • Appendix 1: Supported character filters
  • Mapping Character Filter
  • Appendix 2: Supported tokenizers
  • whitespace
  • standard
  • classic
  • letter
  • lowercase
  • keyword
  • jieba
  • pattern
  • IK
  • Appendix 3: Supported token filters
  • classic
  • elision
  • lowercase
  • snowball
  • stop
  • asciifolding
  • length
  • Normalization
  • Appendix 4: Default stop words of the built-in language analyzer for different languages
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