This topic describes the stored procedures supported by ApsaraDB RDS instances that run SQL Server 2012 and later.
Usage notes
The commands described in this topic contain the GO
batch separators and are suitable for running in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). To run the commands in Data Management (DMS), delete the GO
batch separators in the commands.
Replicate data between the databases of an RDS instance
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition
RDS instances that run RDS Basic Edition
This stored procedure is used to replicate the data of a source database to a specified destination database. The source database and the destination database are created on the same RDS instance.
The available storage of the RDS instance must be at least 1.3 times the size of the source database.
ApsaraDB MyBase for SQL Server clusters are not supported.
USE master
EXEC sp_rds_copy_database 'db','db_copy'
The first parameter specifies the name of the source database.
The second parameter specifies the name of the destination database.
Set a database to the online mode
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition
RDS instances that run RDS Basic Edition
After you set a database to the offline mode, you cannot execute the ALTER DATABASE statement to set the database to the online mode. In this case, you can use this stored procedure to set the database to the online mode.
USE master
EXEC sp_rds_set_db_online 'db'
The parameter specifies the name of the database that you want to set to the online mode.
Grant the permissions on some or all databases of an RDS instance to a user
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition
RDS instances that run RDS Basic Edition
This stored procedure is used to grant the permissions on some or all databases of an RDS instance to a user.
The permissions of the user on the specified databases must be higher than or equal to the permissions that you want to grant to the user.
sp_rds_set_all_db_privileges 'user','db_owner','db1,db2...'
The first parameter specifies the name of the user to whom you want to grant permissions.
The second parameter specifies the database role that you want to grant to the user.
The third parameter specifies the name of the database whose permissions you want to grant to the user. You can enter one or more database names. If you enter more than one database name, you must separate the database names with commas (,). If you do not configure this parameter, the permissions of all databases are granted.
Delete a database from an instance
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition
RDS Basic Edition does not support this stored procedure. If you want to delete a database from an RDS instance that runs RDS Basic Edition, you can execute the
statement.You must execute the statement by using a privileged account in the CLI of a database other than the required database. Make sure that the privileged account has the permissions to perform operations on the required database. For more information about the privileged account, see Account permissions in an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance. For more information, see Modify the permissions of an account.
This stored procedure is used to delete a database from an RDS instance. During the deletion process, the system deletes all objects that are associated with the database. If the RDS instance runs RDS High-availability Edition, the system also deletes the associated images and closes the connections to the database.
USE db
EXEC sp_rds_drop_database 'db'
The parameter specifies the name of the database that you want to delete.
Configure change tracking for a database
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition
This stored procedure is used to configure change tracking for a database.
USE db
EXEC sp_rds_change_tracking 'db',1
The first parameter specifies the name of the database for which you want to configure change tracking.
The second parameter specifies whether to enable change tracking. Valid values:
1: enables change tracking.
0: disables change tracking.
Enable change data capture
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition and RDS Cluster Edition
This stored procedure is used to enable change data capture (CDC) for a database.
USE db
-- Enable CDC for a database.
EXEC sp_rds_cdc_enable_db
-- Enable CDC for a table.
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
@source_schema = '<Schema name>',
@source_name = '<Table name>',
@role_name = '<Role name of CDC>'
Disable CDC
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition and RDS Cluster Edition
This stored procedure is used to disable CDC for a database.
USE db
-- Disable CDC for a database.
EXEC sp_rds_cdc_disable_db
-- Disable CDC for a table.
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_disable_table
@source_schema = '<Schema name>',
@source_name = '<Table name>',
@capture_instance = '<Name of the instance on which CDC is enabled>'
-- Obtain the name of the instance on which CDC is enabled for a table.
SELECT capture_instance
FROM cdc.change_tables
WHERE source_schema = '<Schema name>'
AND source_name = '<Table name>'
Configure a parameter for an RDS instance
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition
RDS instances that run RDS Basic Edition
This stored procedure is used to configure a parameter for an RDS instance. If the RDS instance is provided with a secondary RDS instance as a standby, the system synchronizes the new parameter setting to the secondary RDS instance. The following table describes the supported parameters. For more information, see Microsoft documentation.
Parameter | Description | Example |
fill factor (%) | The percentage of the fill factor for the index page. |
max worker threads | The maximum number of worker threads that execute queries and process requests in parallel. |
cost threshold for parallelism | The overhead threshold for parallel execution. |
max degree of parallelism | The maximum degree of parallelism for a query. |
min server memory (MB) | The minimum amount of memory for the RDS instance. |
max server memory (MB) | The maximum amount of memory for the RDS instance. |
blocked process threshold (s) | The threshold for blocked processes. |
nested triggers | Specifies whether to enable nested triggers. Valid values:
Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
Ad Hoc Distributed Queries | Specifies whether to enable ad hoc distributed queries. Valid values:
Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
clr enabled | Specifies whether to enable Common Language Runtime (CLR). Valid values:
Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
default full-text language | The default full-text search language. Valid values:
Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
default language | The default language. Valid values:
Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
max text repl size (B) | The maximum size of the text during replication. Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. | You can execute the following statement to set the maximum size to 100 MB:
optimize for ad hoc workloads | Specifies whether to enable dynamic management views that are optimized for ad hoc workloads. Valid values:
Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
query governor cost limit | The maximum execution time of the query. Unit: seconds. The value 0 indicates no limits are imposed. Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
recovery interval (min) | The recovery interval. Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
remote login timeout (s) | The timeout period for the remote logon. Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
remote query timeout (s) | The timeout period for the remote query. Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
query wait (s) | The period of time a query waits for resources before it times out. Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
min memory per query (KB) | The minimum amount of memory consumed by each query. Note This parameter is not supported for RDS instances that are created before May 2023. |
in-doubt xact resolution | The way that the system processes uncertain distributed transactions. Valid values:
EXEC sp_rds_configure '<Parameter>',<Parameter value>
The first parameter specifies the name of the parameter that you want to configure.
The second parameter specifies the value of the parameter.
Add a linked server to an RDS instance
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that belong to the general-purpose or dedicated instance family. The shared instance family is not supported. For more information about the instance families, see Instance families.
Subscription and pay-as-you-go RDS instances. Serverless RDS instances are not supported. For more information, see Overview.
This stored procedure is used to add a linked server to an RDS instance. This stored procedure supports distributed transactions. After you add a linked server to the RDS instance, the system replicates the configuration of the linked server to the associated secondary RDS instance. This way, you do not need to add the linked server after a primary/secondary switchover. For more information, see Switch workloads over between primary and secondary ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instances.
@linked_server_name sysname = N'yangzhao_slb', --The name of the linked server.
@data_source sysname = N'****,3888', --The IP address and port of the destination RDS instance. Format: IP address,Port.
@user_name sysname = N'ay15' , --The logon username of the destination RDS instance.
@password nvarchar(128) = N'******', --The logon password of the destination RDS instance.
@source_user_name sysname = N'test', --The logon username for creating a linked server on the current RDS instance.
@source_password nvarchar(128) = N'******', --The logon password for creating a linked server on the current RDS instance.
--The configuration items that are required to connect the RDS instance to the server. The configuration items are specified in the XML format. In this example, the configuration items include data access, rpc, and rpc out.
@link_server_options xml
= N'
<config option="data access">true</config>
<config option="rpc">true</config>
<config option="rpc out">true</config>
EXEC sp_rds_add_linked_server
Configure a trace flag for an RDS instance
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition
RDS instances that run RDS Basic Edition
This stored procedure is used to configure a trace flag for an RDS instance. This stored procedure supports only some trace flags. The trace flag that you have configured on the RDS instance is automatically replicated to the associated secondary RDS instance.
EXEC sp_rds_dbcc_trace '1222',1/0
The first parameter specifies the trace flag that you want to configure for the RDS instance.
The second parameter specifies whether to enable the trace flag. Valid values:
1: enables the trace flag.
0: disables the trace flag.
Rename a database
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS High-availability Edition
RDS instances that run RDS Cluster Edition
RDS instances that run RDS Basic Edition
This stored procedure is used to rename a database. After you rename a database on an RDS instance that runs RDS High-availability Edition or RDS Cluster Edition, the system automatically rebuilds the replication configuration between the RDS instance and its secondary instance. During the rebuild process, the data of the RDS instance is backed up and restored. If the database occupies a large amount of storage, make sure that the available storage of the RDS instance is sufficient.
USE db
EXEC sp_rds_modify_db_name 'db','new_db'
The first parameter specifies the original name of the database.
The second parameter specifies the new name of the database.
Assign server roles
T-SQL commands
Supported RDS instances
RDS instances that run RDS Basic Edition
This stored procedure is used to assign server roles to logon users. The roles include setupadmin and processadmin. For more information about account permissions and how to create an account, see Create a system admin account for an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance and Account permissions in an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
EXEC sp_rds_set_server_role @login_name='test_login',@server_role='setupadmin'
The first parameter specifies the account name.
The second parameter specifies the role name. The available roles are setupadmin and processadmin.
Why is the Cannot use KILL to kill your own process.
error reported when I execute the EXEC sp_rds_drop_database 'dbtest';
statement by using a standard account?
You must use a privileged account to execute the statement in the CLI of a database other than the required database. Make sure that the privileged account has the permissions to perform operations on the required database. For more information account the privileged account, see Account permissions in an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance. For more information, see Modify the permissions of an account.