This topic describes how to use the roaringbitmap extension provided by ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL to improve query performance.
The RDS instance runs PostgreSQL 12 or later.
If your RDS instance runs PostgreSQL 17, the minor engine version of the instance must be 20241030 or later.
Background information
In a roaring bitmap, 32-bit integers are divided into 216 chunks. The integers in each chunk share the same 16 most significant bits. The 16 least significant bits of integers are stored in a container. A roaring bitmap stores containers in a dynamic array as primary indexes. Two types of containers are available: array containers for sparse chunks and bitmap containers for dense chunks. An array container can store up to 4,096 integers. A bitmap container can store more than 4,096 integers.
Roaring bitmaps can use this storage structure to rapidly retrieve specific values. Additionally, roaring bitmaps provide bitwise operations such as AND, OR, and XOR between the two types of containers. Therefore, roaring bitmaps can deliver excellent storage and computing performance.
Usage notes
To ensure extension stability, we recommend that you update your RDS instance to the latest minor engine version.
For more information about how to update the minor engine version of an RDS instance, see Update the minor engine version.
Create the extension. Example:
CREATE EXTENSION roaringbitmap;
Create a table that is used to store roaringbitmap data. Example:
CREATE TABLE t1 (id integer, bitmap roaringbitmap);
Call the rb_build function to insert roaringbitmap data. Example:
-- Set the bit value of an array to 1. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT 1,RB_BUILD(ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,200]); -- Set the bit values of multiple elements to 1 and aggregate the bit values into a roaring bitmap. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT 2,RB_BUILD_AGG(e) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,100) e;
Perform bitmap operations such as OR, AND, XOR, and ANDNOT. Example:
SELECT RB_OR(a.bitmap,b.bitmap) FROM (SELECT bitmap FROM t1 WHERE id = 1) AS a,(SELECT bitmap FROM t1 WHERE id = 2) AS b;
Perform bitmap aggregate operations such as OR, AND, XOR, and BUILD to generate a new roaring bitmap. Example:
Calculate the cardinality of the roaring bitmap. The cardinality is the number of bits that are set to 1 in the roaring bitmap. Example:
Obtain the subscripts of the bits that are set to 1. Example:
Bitmap calculation functions
Function | Input | Output | Description | Example |
rb_build | integer[] | roaringbitmap | Creates a roaring bitmap from an integer array. |
rb_and | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | roaringbitmap | Performs an AND operation. |
rb_or | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | roaringbitmap | Performs an OR operation. |
rb_xor | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | roaringbitmap | Performs an XOR operation. |
rb_andnot | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | roaringbitmap | Performs an ANDNOT operation. |
rb_cardinality | roaringbitmap | integer | Calculates the cardinality. |
rb_and_cardinality | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | integer | Calculates the cardinality from an AND operation on two roaring bitmaps. |
rb_or_cardinality | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | integer | Calculates the cardinality from an OR operation on two roaring bitmaps. |
rb_xor_cardinality | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | integer | Calculates the cardinality from an XOR operation on two roaring bitmaps. |
rb_andnot_cardinality | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | integer | Calculates the cardinality from an ANDNOT operation on two roaring bitmaps. |
rb_is_empty | roaringbitmap | boolean | Checks whether a roaring bitmap is empty. |
rb_equals | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | boolean | Checks whether two roaring bitmaps are the same. |
rb_intersect | roaringbitmap,roaringbitmap | boolean | Checks whether two roaring bitmaps intersect. |
rb_remove | roaringbitmap,integer | roaringbitmap | Removes a specific offset from a roaring bitmap. |
rb_flip | roaringbitmap,integer,integer | roaringbitmap | Flips specific offsets in a roaring bitmap. |
rb_minimum | roaringbitmap | integer | Returns the smallest offset in a roaring bitmap. If the roaring bitmap is empty, -1 is returned. |
rb_maximum | roaringbitmap | integer | Returns the largest offset in a roaring bitmap. If the roaring bitmap is empty, 0 is returned. |
rb_rank | roaringbitmap,integer | integer | Returns the number of elements that are smaller than or equal to a specified offset in a roaring bitmap. |
rb_iterate | roaringbitmap | setof integer | Returns a list of offsets from a roaring bitmap. |
Bitmap aggregate functions
Function | Input | Output | Description | Example |
rb_build_agg | integer | roaringbitmap | Creates a roaring bitmap from a group of offsets. |
rb_or_agg | roaringbitmap | roaringbitmap | Performs an OR aggregate operation. |
rb_and_agg | roaringbitmap | roaringbitmap | Performs an AND aggregate operation. |
rb_xor_agg | roaringbitmap | roaringbitmap | Performs an XOR aggregate operation. |
rb_or_cardinality_agg | roaringbitmap | integer | Calculates the cardinality from an OR aggregate operation on two roaring bitmaps. |
rb_and_cardinality_agg | roaringbitmap | integer | Calculates the cardinality from an AND aggregate operation on two roaring bitmaps. |
rb_xor_cardinality_agg | roaringbitmap | integer | Calculates the cardinality from an XOR aggregate operation on two roaring bitmaps. |