This topic describes the ST_BuildPyramid function, which is used to create a pyramid for a raster object.
raster ST_BuildPyramid(raster source,
integer pyramidLevel default -1,
ResampleAlgorithm algorithm default 'Near',
cstring chunkTableName default '',
cstring storageOption default '{}',
cstring buildOption default '{}');
Parameter | Description |
source | The name of the raster object. |
chunkTableName | The name of the chunk table that is stored in the pyramid. This parameter takes effect only when the raster object is stored in an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. |
pyramidLevel | The number of levels in the pyramid. The value -1 specifies that the largest number of levels are created in the pyramid. |
algorithm | The resampling algorithm that is used to create the pyramid. Valid values:
storageOption | The JSON string that is used to specify the storage-related parameters. These parameters are used to describe the chunk storage information of the pyramid. This JSON string takes effect only when the raster object is stored in an OSS bucket. |
buildOption | The JSON string that is used to specify the pyramid building-related parameters. PolarDB supports the parallel parameter. This parameter specifies the degree of parallelism. The data type of this parameter is INTEGER. The value of this parameter ranges from 1 to 64. If you do not specify the parallel parameter, the value of the GUC parameter is used as the default degree of parallelism. For more information, see Note If you run threads in parallel to create the pyramid, transactions are not supported. If the pyramid cannot be created or you need to roll transactions back, you can invoke the ST_deletePyramid function to delete the pyramid. For more information, see ST_deletePyramid. |
The following table describes the parameters in storageOption.
Parameter | Type | Description |
chunkdim | string | The dimensions that are used to chunk the data of the raster object. The value of this parameter follows the |
interleaving | string | The method that is used to interleave the data of the raster object.
compression | string | The format into which you want to compress the data of the raster object. Valid values:
quality | integer | The quality of compression. This parameter takes effect only when you use the JPEG or JPEG 2000 compression format. Value range: 1 to 99. Default value: 75.
This function supports GPU-accelerated computing. By default, in an active environment with GPUs, GanosBase automatically enables GPU-accelerated computing.
Update raster_table set raster_obj = ST_BuildPyramid(raster_obj) where id = 1;
Update raster_table set raster_obj = ST_BuildPyramid(raster_obj, 'chunk_table') where id = 2;
-- Use JPEG 2000 to compress the data of the raster object.
-- Make sure that all bands are within one chunk.
Update raster_table set raster_obj = ST_BuildPyramid(
'{"compression":"jp2k", "quality": 75, "chunkdim":"(256,256,4)","interleaving":"auto"}')
where id = 3;
-- Create the pyramid by using parallel operations.
Update raster_table set raster_obj = ST_BuildPyramid(
'{"compression":"jp2k", "quality": 75, "chunkdim":"(256,256,4)","interleaving":"auto"}',
where id = 3;