This function converts a geographic grid object into a geometric object in a tile coordinate system.
geometry ST_AsMVTGeom(geomgrid grid, geometry bounds, int4 extent, int4 buffer, boolean clip_geom);
geometry ST_AsMVTGeom(h3grid grid, geometry bounds, int4 extent, int4 buffer, boolean clip_geom);
Return values
This function returns a geometric object in a coordinate system.
Parameter | Description |
grid | The geomgrid or H3 geographic grid object that you want to output to MVT. |
bounds | The rectangular boundaries of the tile, excluding the buffer. |
extent | The size of the tile in the tile coordinate system. Default value: 4096. |
buffer | The size of the buffer in the tile coordinate system. Default value: 256. |
clip_geom | Specifies whether the geometry corresponding to the grid is clipped by the tile boundary. Default value: true. |
Usage notes
This function converts the geometry corresponding to a geographic grid object into a geometry in a tile coordinate system.
Unlike the ST_AsMVTGeom function whose input parameter is Geometry, the rectangular boundary type of the tile is Geometry instead of Box2D.
The output coordinate system is determined by the value of the bounds parameter. We recommend that you use the ST_TileEnvelope function to generate the value of the bounds parameter.
If you use a method other than the ST_TileEnvelope function to generate the value of the bounds parameter, specify the Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID).
select st_asmvtgeom('010200040000'::geomgrid, st_tileenvelope(0, 0, 0));
select st_asmvtgeom('010200040000'::geomgrid, st_transform(st_tileenvelope(0, 0, 0), 4326));
select st_asmvtgeom('010200040000'::geomgrid, st_transform(st_tileenvelope(0, 0, 0), 4326), 1024, 128, false);
select st_asmvtgeom(st_h3fromlatlng(20.5, 128.2, 5), st_tileenvelope(0, 0, 0));
select st_asmvtgeom(st_h3fromlatlng(20.5, 128.2, 5), 'SRID=4326;POLYGON((-180 -85,-180 85, 180 85, 180 -85, -180 -85))');