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ApsaraDB RDS:Use the rds_embedding extension to generate vectors

Last Updated:Dec 04, 2024

The rds_embedding extension of ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL allows you to convert text in your ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance into vectors. The extension provides custom model configuration and model invocation capabilities to facilitate the conversion and meet specific data processing requirements.

Background information

Embedding is a technique that translates high-dimensional data into a low-dimensional space. In machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), embedding is a common method that is used to represent sparse symbols or objects as continuous vectors.

During embedding, the vectors are obtained based on the model that is referenced. ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL allows you to use the rds_embedding extension to convert text in your RDS instance into vectors based on an external model that is referenced. ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL also allows you to use a vector similarity operator to calculate the similarities between the text in the RDS instance and the specified text in the referenced model. This helps meet your business requirements in various scenarios.


  • Your RDS instance runs PostgreSQL 14.0 or a later version.

  • The minor engine version of the RDS instance is updated. If the major engine version of the RDS instance meets the requirements but the extension is still not supported, you can update the minor engine version. For more information, see Update the minor engine version.

  • The API key for the model that is used in this topic is obtained, and the region in which the RDS instance resides supports access to OpenAI. In this topic, the embedding model of OpenAI and the Singapore region are used. For more information, see Embeddings.

  • The RDS instance is connected over the Internet. By default, you cannot connect to the RDS instance over the Internet. You must create a NAT gateway for the virtual private cloud (VPC) in which the RDS instance resides. This way, you can connect to the RDS instance over the Internet and the RDS instance can access external models. For more information about NAT gateways, see Use the SNAT feature of an Internet NAT gateway to access the Internet.

    Create a NAT gateway

    1. Create a NAT gateway.

      1. Log on to the NAT Gateway console.

      2. On the Internet NAT Gateway page, click Create Internet NAT Gateway.

      3. Optional. In the Create Service-Linked Role section of the Internet NAT Gateway page, click Create Service-Linked Role to create a service-linked role. If this is the first time you create an Internet NAT gateway, this step is required. After the service-linked role is created, you can create Internet NAT gateways.

      4. On the buy page, configure the following parameters and click Buy Now.


        The following table describes only key parameters. For more information about all parameters, see Use the SNAT feature of an Internet NAT gateway to access the Internet.




        Select the region in which you want to create the Internet NAT gateway. The region must be the same as the region of your RDS instance.


        Select the VPC to which the Internet NAT gateway belongs. The VPC must be the same as the VPC of your RDS instance. You can go to the Database Connection page of the ApsaraDB RDS console to view the VPC of your RDS instance.

        Associate vSwitch

        Select the vSwitch to which the Internet NAT gateway belongs. The vSwitch must be the same as the vSwitch of your RDS instance. You can go to the Database Connection page of the ApsaraDB RDS console to view the vSwitch of your RDS instance.

        Access Mode

        In this example, Configure Later is selected.

      5. On the Confirm page, confirm the information, select the Terms of Service check box, and then click Confirm.

        You can find the Internet NAT gateway on the Internet NAT Gateway page.创建NAT网关

    2. Associate an EIP with the Internet NAT gateway.

      1. On the Internet NAT Gateway page, find the new Internet NAT gateway and click its ID to go to the Basic Information tab.

      2. On the Associated Elastic IP Address tab, click Bind Elastic IP Address.

      3. In the Associate EIP dialog box, select Purchase and Associate EIP.绑定弹性公网IP

      4. Click OK.

        After you associate an EIP with the Internet NAT gateway, the EIP is displayed on the Associated Elastic IP Address tab.已绑定的弹性公网IP

    3. Create SNAT Entry

      1. On the Internet NAT Gateway page, find the new Internet NAT gateway and click its ID to go to the Basic Information tab.

      2. On the SNAT Management tab, click Create SNAT Entry.

      3. On the Create SNAT Entry page, configure the following parameters and click OK.



        SNAT Entry

        Specify whether you want to create an SNAT entry for a VPC, a vSwitch, an ECS instance, or a custom CIDR block. In this example, Specify vSwitch is selected. This option specifies that only RDS instances that are attached to a specified vSwitch can access the Internet by using a specified public IP address.

        Select vSwitch

        Select the vSwitch of your RDS instance from the drop-down list.

        Select EIP

        Select one or more EIPs to access the Internet. In this example, a single EIP is selected from the drop-down list.

        After the SNAT entry is created, you can view the SNAT entry in the SNAT Entry List section.已配置的SNAT

Enable or disable the extension


You must use a privileged account to execute the statements in this section.

  • Enable the extension.

    Before you enable the rds_embedding extension, you must enable the vector extension. The vector extension supports the required vector data types and basic vector data operations, such as calculations of the distance and similarities between vectors. The rds_embedding extension only translates high-dimensional text into vectors.

    CREATE EXTENSION rds_embedding;
  • Disable the extension.

    DROP EXTENSION rds_embedding;
    DROP EXTENSION vector;


  1. Create a test table named test.

    CREATE TABLE test(info text, vec vector(1536) NOT NULL);
  2. Add a model.

    SELECT rds_embedding.add_model('text-embedding-ada-002','','Authorization: Bearer sk-****P','{"input":{"texts":["%s"]},"model":"text-embedding-v1"}','->"data"->0->>"embedding"');
    • The model that is used in this topic is an OpenAI embedding model. The API key for the model that is used in this topic is obtained, and the region in which the RDS instance resides supports access to OpenAI. In this topic, the embedding model of OpenAI and the Singapore region are used. For more information, see Embeddings.

    • For more information about the function that is used in this step, see rds_embedding.add_model().

  3. Insert text and the required vector data.

    INSERT INTO test SELECT '风急天高猿啸哀', rds_embedding.get_embedding_by_model('text-embedding-ada-002', 'sk-****P', '风急天高猿啸哀')::real[];
    INSERT INTO test SELECT '渚清沙白鸟飞回', rds_embedding.get_embedding_by_model('text-embedding-ada-002', 'sk-****P', '渚清沙白鸟飞回')::real[];
    INSERT INTO test SELECT '无边落木萧萧下', rds_embedding.get_embedding_by_model('text-embedding-ada-002', 'sk-****P', '无边落木萧萧下')::real[];
    INSERT INTO test SELECT '不尽长江滚滚来', rds_embedding.get_embedding_by_model('text-embedding-ada-002', 'sk-****P', '不尽长江滚滚来')::real[];

    For more information about the function that is used in this step, see rds_embedding.get_embedding_by_model().

  4. Calculate the similarities between the text 不尽长江滚滚来 and the vectors of each piece of text in the test table.

    SELECT info, vec <=> rds_embedding.get_embedding_by_model('text-embedding-ada-002', 'sk-****P', '不尽长江滚滚来')::real[]::vector AS distance FROM test ORDER BY vec <=> rds_embedding.get_embedding_by_model('text-embedding-ada-002', 'sk-****P', '不尽长江滚滚来')::real[]::vector;

    Sample output:

          info      |      distance
     不尽长江滚滚来 |                  0
     无边落木萧萧下 | 0.6855717919553399
     风急天高猿啸哀 | 0.7423166439170339
     渚清沙白鸟飞回 | 0.7926204045363088
    (4 rows)


Obtain embedding vectors from text by using HTTP requests

Run the curl command to send a POST request to the URL of the embedding model to obtain the embedding vectors of the required text.

curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  -d '{
    "input": "Your text string goes here",
    "model": "text-embedding-ada-002"

The following table describes the parameters that are configured for the POST request.





The model URL. In this example, the value is the URL of the embedding model over HTTP and described in OpenAPI official documentation.


  • Authorization: Bearer sk-9****6

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • Authorization: the authorization content in the POST request.

    Format: Authorization: Bearer <OpenAI API key>.


    For more information about how to obtain the API key, visit the OpenAI official website.

  • Content-Type: the request type. The value is fixed as application/json.


  • "input": "Your text string goes here"
  • "model": "text-embedding-ada-002"

The body of the POST request.

  • input: the text content

  • model: the name of the model that is invoked

    For more information about the name of the embedding model, see OpenAI official documentation.

Functions supported by the rds_embedding extension

You can run the psql command \dx+ rds_embedding to query all functions that are supported by the extension.

             Objects in extension "rds_embedding"
                      Object description
 function rds_embedding.add_model(text,text,text,text,text)
 function rds_embedding.del_model(text)
 function rds_embedding.get_embedding_by_model(text,text,text)
 function rds_embedding.get_response_by_model(text,text,text)
 function rds_embedding.show_models()
 function rds_embedding.update_model(text,text,text,text,text)
 schema rds_embedding
 table rds_embedding.models
(8 rows)

Function description:

  • rds_embedding.add_model(): adds a model to the rds_embedding.models table.

    If you want to call this function, you must configure the following parameters.








    The model name.



    The model URL.

    In this example, the value is the URL of the embedding model that is obtained by using the HTTP request and described in the OpenAPI official documentation.



    Authorization: Bearer sk-9****6

    The authorization content of the POST request.

    Format: Authorization: Bearer <OpenAI API key>.


    For more information about how to obtain the API key, see the OpenAI official website.




    The body of the POST request.

    • input.texts: the text content. This content is represented by %s. You can replace %s with the actual text.

    • model: the name of the model that is invoked.

      For more information about the name of the embedding model, see OpenAI official documentation.




    The path to the embedding vectors in the response.

    The example expression is used to extract embedding vectors from the JSON-formatted response.

    • Before you use this expression, make sure that the JSON-formatted response contains the path structure that complies with the expression. Otherwise, the extraction may fail or an error may occur.

    • For more information about the JSON-formatted response, see OpenAI official documentation.

  • rds_embedding.del_model(): removes a model from the rds_embedding.models table.

    If you want to call this function, you must configure the following parameters.








    The model name.

  • rds_embedding.get_embedding_by_model(): obtains the vectors of specified text.

    If you want to call this function, you must configure the following parameters.








    The model name.




    The API key.

    For more information about how to obtain the API key, see the OpenAI official website.




    The text from which you want to obtain vectors.

  • rds_embedding.show_models: displays the model in the rds_embedding.models table.

  • rds_embedding.update_model: updates the model in the rds_embedding.models table.

    If you call this function, the parameter settings are the same as those of rds_embedding.add_model.


rds_embedding.get_response_by_model is unavailable now.